almost 3 years ago - KaiFB - Direct link

The Early Access release of Starbase on June 17th is unfortunately going to be delayed. We have looked at the release-readiness of the game and listened to the feedback of our alpha testers, and decided to delay.

A video message from Joel and Kai:

Missing Features & Lack of Testing
There’s some key features that haven’t quite made it into the game yet. These include the easy-build-mode and more tutorials (which are important for new players and the early-game experience), factory stuff, company controls and a number of other features that we feel are essential to the launch. We don’t want to release without those features, or without having tested those features properly. So unfortunately we have to delay at the last moment.

For our many thousands of fans waiting for access and the chance to play, we apologize for having given a now-false releaase date earlier. We have made this decision with the game’s best interests in mind, and the game will benefit the most if we delay one more time.

Next Release Target
Our next release target is July 29th and we’ll confirm this after we’ve ran some bigger tests in the alpha, and are sure the needed features have made it to the game. We also want to test the servers and server scaling technology, especially for the starter stations.

Closed Alpha Invites
In good news, we are preparing new invite waves to the Closed Alpha, some of the biggest ones we’ve done to date. We are also preparing to arrange some massive events where we really test how the servers hold up and how the game handles big amounts of players simultaneously. So for those tests, we’ll need a lot more testers in the coming weeks. We’ll also need many fresh eyes to give feedback on the early-game experience and a number of other things, so you can expect more invites whenever new features get added.

We are in this for the long haul, and we are committed to releasing 2-3 updates every month once in Early Access. It’s a long journey and we hope this delay gives us a better start.

  • Team Frozenbyte