over 6 years ago - StarCraft - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s Incoming transmission.
6s Hey guys, Grant here from Classic Games.
9s We recently rolled out Patch 1.21 of StarCraft Remastered
13s and it seems that everyone in the community
15s is really liking it, so that's awesome to see.
18s Patch 1.21 had EUD support.
21s We finally rolled out our EUD emulator,
23s so that was really good to get that in your hands.
27s We rolled out CCMU changes, that's the unit limits.
30s This is something you guys have been asking for, for many years.
33s So again it was really exciting to be able to finally release that
36s and get your guys playing around with the raised unit limits.
41s We made some social changes, social improvements.
44s We also made some tweaks to the latency on the global ladder.
49s And I think that's had a good effect
51s on your ladder experience as well.
53s So we are really happy with how 1.21 has gone so far.
58s So since the last video, one of the things we've been doing
61s is reaching out directly to the StarCraft community.
64s And some of the ways we have been doing that
66s is to email people directly,
70s we've been engaging a lot more on forums, not just the Blizzard forums
74s but we've been reaching out further a field than that.
76s We've been watching a lot of Twitch streams,
79s various people from different countries,
81s to get an idea of what the experience is like.
83s And we've also attending live events,
85s so that we can speak to people in person
87s and get their experience directly.
91s And with all of that in mind, we were able to get a good idea
96s of what you guys are looking for and we can target a lot more
99s on the issues that matter most to you.
102s With all that in mind, some of the things we are looking to work on
106s and potentially roll out in 2018, are the new ramps.
110s This is something we are really close to rolling out in 1.21
112s but we felt that it wasn't quite ready,
114s so we wanted to make a few more touch ups on it,
118s and that's something which will be coming very soon.
120s The group matchmaking, this is something I know you guys
123s have been excited about for a very long time,
125s and we are certainly excited about it.
127s And this is something that you can look forward to in 2018.
132s The season roll, the new ladder system.
134s You guys have been talking a lot about a new ladder system.
138s A new way of ranking players.
139s So this is something again that we'll be working on
142s and we'll be rolling that out in 2018 as well.
146s We'll also investigating a new matchmaking system,
149s that will avoid the need for ports to be forwarded.
154s So when we rolled out 1.21, one of the things that we saw,
157s once we started showing,
159s where the people were routing through a proxy or not
162s and whether they had the ports forwarded,
163s was that a lot of people did not have
165s their ports forwarded correctly.
167s And we know that this is a technical difficult thing to do.
170s So, we try to investigate solutions,
173s so this will no longer be required,
175s so this is something we will be looking into next year.
179s We're also looking into BW-API, for AI research and design.
183s It will be cool to bring that back and get some AI playing
187s against us or against each other.
189s Some social improvements
191s such as a revamp to the default channels.
195s And this so we can try and get more people together
198s in a more relevant way.
199s So for example, if you are engaging in match making,
203s if you are playing ranked games
204s maybe you want to be on a channel that's specific
206s to people who are ranked or specific to the ranking you are at,
210s and so you can chat to the people that you're playing against
213s at the same time.
215s So, this is something we're investigating.
216s We're also investigating a broader support
218s of international characters on chat channels.
222s Also, possibly supporting more than one chat channel at once.
225s And, we're also investigating
227s collapsing all the gateways down,
230s so that we no longer have
231s this fractured experience,
233s this split of US East and US West, for example.
236s Everyone can be on the same gateway
238s and they can chat together, they can find games together.
241s And I think that will bring the community closer together.
245s So with all that in mind,
246s I'm very excited for what's coming in 2018,
249s and I hope that you guys are too.
251s I want to thank you all for the support that you've given us
254s this year.
255s It's been fantastic. It's been a great journey.
258s And we're all looking forward to
260s an even better year
262s in 2018.
265s Happy Holidays,
266s and I'll see you next year.