Greetings from the StarCraft II Community Balance Council!
After several weeks of balance testing on the PTR server, we are pleased to release the final set of balance changes, including only a couple of small adjustments from the latest PTR package. We are very thankful for the entire community, who have been highly active in organizing tournaments, playing, and providing feedback on the new balance changes. We hope that the new patch will improve the state of the game and make it even more enjoyable for both players and viewers.
Early Game in Protoss versus Terran
Read moreCommunity Council Comment: We believe that the Energy Recharge ability has found its place in Protoss builds and has been very helpful in scouting and defending in various scenarios. With a couple of small adjustments below, we feel that the current set of Protoss and Terran changes is an overall improvement for Protoss gameplay stability in the early g...