12 months
ago -
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We’ve added a new update to Steam Beta that includes AMD’s FSR 3 options and a few other fixes. We encourage all of our Steam PC players to try it out and let us know your thoughts before this update goes live for all our players soon.Other fixes included in this update will be related to performance and stability, including adjustments done to address the FormID issue we’ve seen several commenting on.
As always, we appreciate all your feedback and support! See you in Starfield.
- Added support for AMD FidelityFXTM Super Resolution 3 (FSR 3). (PC)
- Added support for Intel Xe Super Sampling (XeSS). (PC)
- Fixed an issue that could make the clouds appear to vibrate when using DLSS performance mode. (PC)
- Fixed minor visual artifact that could occur when aiming with a weapon or task swapping.
- Changed how FormIDs are freed when loading saves. This should improve stability for saves that have visited many locations.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when making changes to the ship that required all items to be moved to the cargo bay in the Ship Builder menu.
- Reverted a change that caused the data menu to open when taking screenshots with F12 (PC)
- Fixed an issue causing the resolution scale to reset to 1.0 when switching from Fullscreen to Windowed mode when using DLSS. (PC)