about 2 months ago - Rocket - Direct link
A discord bot posts every review to a channel in the discord.
This is so people coming into the discord and asking "I am thinking of buying the game, what do you think?" can instead see a live thread that is all the latest reviews of the game.

We do this for all our games, so that customers can easily see what other customers think. This also provides a way for us to aggregate reviews from other potential stores in one place, which is not possible on steam.
about 2 months ago - Rocket - Direct link
Just to note: from a legal perspective calling someone unethical is could be considered a statement of fact, compared to something like calling someone lazy, which would be considered an opinion

If you cannot prove that a statement of fact are true, you could have defamation exposure.

I would like to say, categorically - that referring to our company or our staff as unethical is totally inappropriate if you can't back that up.

I've given this thread a bit of leeway, to give you the benefit of the doubt. But regardless of you how you "feel" - making a statement of fact about conduct with no proof beyond you "feel" that way, is not acceptable in our forum. This is because that doesn't represent a genuine communication.

Think of the forums here as "front of house" in a restaurant. if you walked into a restaurant and shouted that you think the place is unethical, you would be asked to leave.

So if you want to continue to state that, you'll either need to back that up beyond what you feel - or take those kinds of statements to other locations. If you are unable to do that, the outcome may be forced.