
Stationeers Dev Tracker

23 Jul

This hotfix adds the recipe for Astroloy sheets to the Autolathe, fixes some issues with plant interactions, and fixes the oxygen tank sometimes not spawning on Venus.

Changelog v0.2.4945.22690
  • Fixed Some plant interactions didn't complete on clients (harvest action would fail when a plant of the same type was already in hand)
  • Fixed Couldn't harvest switchgrass when a hay item was in hand.
  • Fixed one way pipe valves placement cursor was one grid too high
  • Fixed digital flip flop splitter from having quantity increment indefinitely when output is blocked
  • Added missing recipe for astroloy sheets to autolathe
  • Fixed new one way pipe valves having incorrect smart rotate setup.
  • Fixed OxygenTank would some-times not spawn on brutal start in Venus. This was due to spawnDatas positionRule defaulting to None when none was specified. Changed to default to Random.
  • ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Jul

We have multiple smaller additions to the game this week, while we polish the larger upcoming work we've done on tutorials and additional LArRE mechanics.

Reinforced Walls
Joining the reinforced window, there is now a reinforced wall, and both now exist on the reinforced wall kit. To make them more practical in dangerous areas, such as rocket silos and furnace rooms, the pressure they can withstand has been increased significantly. The new reinforced wall can withstand a pressure of 10 MPa, and the reinforced window has been increased from 1 MPa to 8 MPa. The wall damage rate is not just a linear interpolation of the over pressure amount, but instead it is related to the percentage of over pressure. This means these walls should give you a fair amount of (literal) extra breathing room while your based explodes around it.

W... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Jul

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As noted above, it is currently intention. We may tie it to difficulties (allowing modders to make difficulties that turn it of), or maybe introduce devices or something that the player has to do to enable it to happen.

This originally occurred way back when Stationeers was only in space. So it made sense once the player had made a "room" there would be gravity, as it got very annoying floating everywhere inside.

08 Jul

A New System
The Stationeers team often plans updates around polishing and iterating on features and systems that either need the most amount of work to be fun, or conversely, the most fun systems that can be expanded to have even more gameplay. Well, today is an example of us adding a cool new feature, that wasn't explicitly required, but fits the game well by allowing cool new structure system that can interact with other aspects of the game.

LARrE, the Linear Articulated Rail Entity is a track mounted robotic arm. The arm moves from its dock along placed tracks towards station track pieces, which are addressable by their index. When activated, it behaves just like a Harvie, picking up, or putting down an item, or for plants, harvesting fruit, or seeds, and clearing the crop if it's not harvest able. Other than planter trays, LARrE is currently onl... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

13 Jun

Starting Gear Selection
Continuing off the work of the last few patches that have updated the basic survival and starting aspects of Stationeers, we've created a new flow to world creation, where you get to select and see what starting conditions your new world will have. We see this as a distinctly different choice over the general difficulty, that largely influences the first dozen hours of your gameplay.

This new screen not only lets you choose, but also shows the gear in a straight forward and not overwhelming manner. Hovering over the lander crates will show you all nested information as a tool tip, but for more complex containers, you can expand them to better investigate their contents.

Mod-ability and steam workshop support was a focus from the start. Any workshop starting conditions subscribed to will automatically appear in the sele... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Jun

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
How are you hosting it? Is it at home or on a server provider?

If it is at home, ISPs will often make changes to how internet is provisioned that make it complex to run dedicated servers. This can include detecting ports being forwarded and used that look like torrents, and blocking them.

RocketNet (the multiplayer synchronization method we developed) is binary data packed using L4Z compression and sent regularly at 20MS. This could fall afoul of some ISPs torrent detection.

If it was working and now is not, it might be worth checking with your ISP that they haven’t made any changes that would require you to alter your port forwarding setup.

28 May

This hotfix includes Several fixes for starting gear, items exiting boxes correctly, plant and recipe configurations, and more.

Changlog v0.2.4945.22690
  • Fixed The final item removed from a disposable packaging object would not have its interactions enabled due to the script mono-behaviour being disabled.
  • Fixed bug with the plant life requirements for SeedBag_Cocoa and SeedBag_SugarCane not matching the life requirements of ItemSugarCane and ItemCocoaTree
  • Fixed cooking requirements for cooked rice and cooked soybeans so that the recipe requirements match for both the automated oven and the microwave
  • Fixed a bug where portable atmospherics would produce infinite free nitrogen when deconstructed
  • Fixed water bottle pack had the incorrect blueprint
  • Changed hydroponics supplies crates on vulcan and venus were to mkII crates
  • Removed s on water bottle box (art asset...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

27 May

New crate equipment
The team has spent the last two weeks playing the first few hours of the game over and over. To new players who had their hands held in the tutorials, the reality of Stationeer's scope really sets in when you finally spawn alone on a world with no instructions, and a full lander waiting in front of you.

The crates serve as a means of encouraging the player to focus on one task. Throughout the years of development, as we added new content, or found an issue players needed more help on, we used up all the free slots in the crates, and sometimes put items in the 'wrong' crate just because it could fit.

We've made sure to split out the crates into more tidy packages to inspire you to use all of them to build different solutions to the problems in your base. To aid in still keeping the options and content straightforward, we've added some single use cardboard boxes which contain multiple items for a task. For example, the portable gas fueled g... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 May

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Our multiplayer system is working fine? If you have issues, let us know what they are.

We currently play the game on a dedicated server ourselves very regularly and fix the bugs we find with it. However most of the time this is working just fine.

Note that is you play using Steam Peer2Peer, we have found their relay system (it is not true peer to peer) does not work very well with larger bases.

So Multiplayer currently works very well, though we do not recommend using Steam P2P, as their relay servers are not as reliable for larger bases.

18 May

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We used to review the currencies for different regions but with how often things change, it costs us more money to adjust the currencies that we will make in revenue. So we accept steams preset currencies.

As an example, in the last month we have made 724 USD (gross) from poland, which is about USD 400 cash to us. That is the total revenue for Poland for the entire month.

13 May

More Stuff, Faster
In the near future we'll revisit kitchens and cooking, but currently we are working on several other aspects of the larger survival updates including new suits, jetpacks, and starting equipment. Instead of hoarding all of the new content for one massive cooking update, we’ve decided to add some of it into the current system, so players can grow some new plants, and craft some new foods in the meantime.

New Plants: Sugarcane and Cocoa

Cocoa plants like a warm environment, and while a dedicated room isn't necessary, the ideal growth temperatures of some normal plants may conflict, leading to some plants growing slower depending on your grow room temperature. Cocoa plants harvest into cocoa pods, which can be used in the reagent processor to create cocoa powder.

Sugarcane plants grows much like wheat and harvests into sugarca... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 May

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Will only show if the recipe is preceeded by a "wait for recipe" instruction. In other words, the MissingReagentRecipe instructions will only be populated if the machine is waiting to complete a recipe.

By default, the machine will not wait - and will skip a recipe and try the next - if it does not have the reagents.

30 Apr

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are several ways that Ices can melt in the game:
1. They are in an atmosphere and they are above their freezing temperature
2. They are in direct sunlight

We doing a multi-threaded custom simulation and voxel raycast for sunlight, for performance reasons. This means that there is a chance* that if Ice is on the terrain, the voxel may be filled enough that if the ice is in the right place it might not be considered accessible to the sun.