We have multiple smaller additions to the game this week, while we polish the larger upcoming work we've done on tutorials and additional LArRE mechanics.
Reinforced Walls
Joining the reinforced window, there is now a reinforced wall, and both now exist on the reinforced wall kit. To make them more practical in dangerous areas, such as rocket silos and furnace rooms, the pressure they can withstand has been increased significantly. The new reinforced wall can withstand a pressure of 10 MPa, and the reinforced window has been increased from 1 MPa to 8 MPa. The wall damage rate is not just a linear interpolation of the over pressure amount, but instead it is related to the percentage of over pressure. This means these walls should give you a fair amount of (literal) extra breathing room while your based explodes around it.

Window Shutter Wall
The new window shutters were designed in a way to act like a network, without using cables, so players could have clean looking windows. However, this came at the cost of not being able to effectively transmit the open/close data over long distances. We've added a new window shutter variant that now looks more like a wall, to allow shutter controllers to be located further away from the window shutters they control.

One Way Valve
The previous one way valve, while very useful, could not be turned off. This made the emptying or the maintenance of systems unnecessarily complex, with players often having to use regular valves before or after the one way valve. The old valve in existing saves will remain in place, until replaced by rebuilding.

LArRE Door
While new LArRE arms, and track pieces are still in development, we have created a sealable door that can be released now. He comfortably passes through it when open, allowing for the traversal of multiple environments via airlocks.

A New Name
Due to overwhelming feedback, coming in day and night, the device formerly known as "LARrE" will hence be written as "LArRE", short for (L)inear (Ar)ticulated (R)ail (E)ntity. This is still pronounced as "Larry".
Your support makes these updates possible
https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/2624/Stationeers_Complete_the_Set/ Change Log v0.2.5085.23101
Included in these changelogs are a large amount of changes related to a new helper hint system, Tutorials, and Larre improvements that are not yet finished or exposed in this build.
- Added missing closing bracket on good food quality description
- Removed unused material Depth.mat
- Fixed publish save button not working.
- Fixed a number of inconsistent render and shadow draw distances on structures and items.
- Added Extreme Shadows setting with increases the overall draw distance of shadows.
- Updated Shadows Quality setting to also effect shadow render distances. (previously shadows would pop in and out at low to medium distance). Now shadows will draw much further away for small items on the High and Extreme settings.
- Added RenderDistance Setting. This allows for much further render distances if player's Hardware allows. The current render distance value is equal to the new "Low" Setting with Medium, High and Extreme settings allowing for increasingly further rendering of structures.
- Added basic furnace (art asset)
- Added kit for basic furnace (art asset)
- Fixed bug where certain LARrE placements would cause it to not detect the object below it correctly
- Fixed incorrect tooltip text when hovering over an occupied planter with a tool or non-plant stackable in hand.
- Fixed Error when changing shadow settings and then exiting to main menu.
- Fixed RefreshRate and and Anti-aliasing settings were not being applied on application launch.
- Fixed LanderCapsule Door in main menu scene was being registered to the world in error causing the 4 grids at 0,0,0 to be blocked.
- Fixed a bug where tooltips for status icons would remain visible after the icon was no longer displayed
- Fixed CompositeWindowShutter glass blocks sun lense-flare effect.
- Added reinforced wall (art asset)
- Fixed Resolution dropdown was not updated when reverting to default settings on video settings page.
- Fixed clients not being able to pick up loose ore by using a mining drill
- Fixed mining belts not merging loose ore into matching stacks
- Fixed a bug where pressing ESC with an open code editor that was paused would unintentionally close the window.
- Fixed Chute Export bin throws errors when powered with no chute connected.
- Refactored how LArRE's movement works to handle vertical cornering.
- Added vertical corners to linear rail.
- Added thumbnails for linear rail vertical corner pieces.
- Renamed SlotId to SlotIndex
- Added Constructors for generating a ThingSpawnData from an existing Thing in the world.
- Added BuildStateAction and extended other actions to support structures.
- Added ExportWorld Command args: Id(string),isTutorial(boolean).
- Refactored behaviour from DynamicSpawnData into new abstract parent class ThingSpawnData and added StructureSpawnData to support spawning of structures on a new world creation.
- Added Interim Commit of ExportWorld Tool. Currently exports the world to a NEW world setting in the local streamingAssets/Data folder. It will save Structures and dynamic things as spawnDatas that will be spawned on starting the world. This uses the startconditions data framework to serialize the world and is much more lossy than the existing save-game system. It only saves Data that is captured by the existing ActionData types in ThingSpawnData (i.e setting values on logic chips are not saved but open/closed, on/off states will be). Pending: Serialization world atmospheres and network atmospheres.
- Fixed NRE's when loading old saves due to rev.23041
- Refactored ActionData Evaluate function to take in a Generic Type of IEvaluable.
- Added ExportWorld Tool now saves WorldAtmospheres, Network Atmospheres and InputSetting, OutputSetting and Setting values of devices.
- Added LogicValueAction for setting a logic value via SpawnData.
- Fixed a bug with Access Cards where certain access values weren't properly being sent over the network.
- Fixed a bug on the phase change diagram where "Infinity" was displayed in the system language; It now uses the language chosen from the game settings.
- Added new pieces for robot arm. (horizontal rail pieces and door) (art asset)
- Fixed the OGRE activate button highlight box display size
- Fixed missing slot hash on portables connector
- Added (WIP) first two tutorial levels and their start conditions and helper hints.
- Updated cable network condition to consider all connected devices rather than just devices connected by data.
- Added NoticeCondition for helper hints to display info text as a separate bullet.
- Added removed world objectives back to worldsettings.xml.
- Re-enabled helper hints window in base scene.
- Updated tutorial names in the tutorial menu.
- Made a few tweaks to tutorial 1's structures and atmospheres
- removed ItemKitSensor recipe from PipeBender.xml
- Changed ItemKitSensor recipe in electronics.xml to take 10 seconds and cost 500 energy
- Added reinforced wall to Kit (Reinforced Walls). This will have a max pressure delta of 10MPa.
- Renamed reinforced Kit (Reinforced Windows) to Kit (Reinforced Walls).
- Fixed Horizontal mining drill bouncing issue when at dock
- Fixed Volumetric light setting not showing properly in the settings panel
- Added window shutter connector. The shutter connector will allow the connecting of window shutters via a piece that functions more like a wall.
- Updated some incorrect thumbnails for regular valves.
- Replaced one way valves with new variant which has a lever.
- Added broken reinforced wall. (art asset)
- Added liquid one way valve (art asset)
- Deleted water one way valve (art asset)
- Added liquid one way valve (art asset)
- Changed reinforced windows max pressure delta from 1MPa to 8MPa.
- Updated one way liquid valve mesh and thumbnails.
- Updated basic valve names in stationpedia to be more consistent with other devices.
- Added broken build state for reinforced wall.
- Fixed smart rotate not working on window shutter controller.
- Added first pass on Linear Rail Door
- Made a few tweaks to linear rail door. Added animations and ability to open with crowbar.
- Updated reinforced wall kit to required astroloy instead of steel
- Changed reinforced wall to require astroloy sheets for its final build state
- Added broken state for Larre door (art asset)
- Tweaked blocking grids for linear rail straight and corner pieces. Will now block only its own grid square.
- Fixed Fridge button being the wrong colour when off
- Added ability for helper hints to ignore pre-spawned things.
- Added 'thing in room' condition check for helper hints.
- Fixed scanner lenses effects saying active when you die. Moved entity OnStateChange into Human as it was only applicable to humans.