over 3 years ago - El Oshcuro - Direct link

You asked for it
Down here in the south of New Zealand, we spend a lot of time in forums, hearing your ideas and feedback. This month, we wanted to say a big KIA ORA (‘thank you’) to everyone who’s supported Stationeers over the last three years – delivering the most frequently requested new devices, items and additions.

For the atmospherics crowd there’s turbo pumps, valves and pipe heaters. For builders, there’s a suite of shuttered and reinforced windows. For explorers, there’s expanded tool belts, mining belts, mining charges. And for the diggers out there, check out the all-new, dirt destroying OGRE. Time to carve up your local planetoid.

We’re massively excited to see what people do with all this new kit, so which sort of Stationeer are you?

New Tech Lead
It's a big month for the team, too, as we enter an exciting phase of development with a new Tech Lead.

Simon Brown returns to the team after two years away, bringing big energy, ideas and leadership, as well as deep knowledge and levelled-up abilities. He'll be focused on overcoming technical challenges and refining the focus of Stationeers, as we steer towards 1.0 - so watch closely, there are surprises in store!

If you’ve ever wanted to strip every ounce of ore from a Stationeer world, the OGRE (Orthogonal Ground Rotating Excavator) is your new best friend.

Place it down, press the button, and slice your way through dirt, rock and rubble. You’ll end up with ore galore – and a potential new base location. It’s balanced around being an affordable, resource-rewarding device, so tell us what you think in our Discord[discord.gg].

We've also added a new basic mining charge, for fast, messy extraction of ore. Drop a bomb, and see what happens.

It’s all about the views
This update, serious base builders get a whole new toolset: reinforced windows that can withstand up to 1MPa pressure differentials. So there’s no reason your high pressure environment can’t also provide glorious views.

Likewise, we’ve added shuttered windows that let you control the light levels in your base – or just shut out the world for some ‘me’ time.

This month sees a big drop of long-awaited atmos’ functionality, with everything from passive one-way valves to high pressure pumps that let you shift gas and liquid FAST. Try them out on your gas and liquid stores, rocket fueling or build a super-swift airlock – just don’t forget to turn them off...

Plus there’s electric pipe heaters, new insulated pipes, and nature that can make a real difference to your atmosphere – check out the genetically engineered Darga Fern, which turns CO2 into O2 super fast, and that’s just the start...

Version 0.2.2891.14453
  • Fixed Backup load menu. Worlds can now be selected and loaded from the backups list.
  • Fixed Portable Composter deconstructing into a debug item.
  • Changed Increased volume of mining-charge countdown beep sound.
  • Changed Allowed Horizontal Autominer to travel over small gaps in terrain.
  • Improved Audio on OGRE Horizontal Autominer.
  • Fixed Composters creating Bugged fertilisers that would prevent plants from growing.
  • Fixed a bug with rice, it can now be placed in a microwave.
  • Fixed devices (light sensor etc) receiving light if the structure that's supposed to be blocking the light is in the same grid. Now correctly occludes the light.
  • Added ability to open window shutters using a crowbar if not powered.
  • Updated Horizontal AutoMiner. Its lights now turn on when powered.
  • Fixed the Horizontal AutoMiner tracks texture offsetting incorrect given the direction it's moving in.
  • Fixed the Horizontal AutoMiner floating too far away from terrain before it figures out it's floating.
  • Fixed Build state 2 recipe on Horizontal Auto Miner, it now requires 2 Iron sheets.
  • Updated Advanced tablet, Further stability added to Advanced tablet, Turning it on and off again will fix it.

  • Updated Hydroponics tray data enabled to read the amount of remaining seeds, If no seeds are remaining the "IsSeeding" logic value is set to zero.
  • Updated logic data on Hydroponics tray device. Is seeding is now set to -1 when all seeds have been harvested.
  • Updated reinforced window health. It now has slightly higher health than standard windows along being able to withstand higher pressure deltas.
  • Updated Remote Explosive Slightly increased its area of effect.
  • Updated AdvancedTablet should be less prone to breaking or being unable to scroll.
  • Updated Item MkIIToolbelt. It is now has a tier two recipe.
  • Updated Recipe: Lowered resources cost of the Mining Charge.

  • Balanced insulated tank connector recipes.
  • Added New mesh for the reinforced window padded thin. Final build state should work correctly now.
  • Updated Large station battery recipe to be more of a late game item.
  • Updated Language files to latest versions.
  • Added recipes for newly added content.
  • Added Destroyed mesh variants to both liquid and gas insulated pipes.
  • Tweaked power usage for Turbo Volume Pump (and liquid variant). Now has a base draw of 800W, with a peak draw of 3200W at max setting.
  • Added Liquid Pipe heater recipe.
  • Updated Item MkIIToolbelt. It is now has a tier two recipe.
  • Added standard pipe heater recipe.
  • Added Smart rotate ability to window shutters.
  • Added Insulated pipes recipe.
  • Added Turbo volume pump recipe.
  • Added recipe for Insulated liquid Pipes.
  • Added Constructing and collision sounds to: ItemKitInsulatedLiquidPipe, ItemKitLiquidTurboVolumePump, ItemKitTurboVolumePump, ItemLiquidPipeValve, ItemPipeValve.
  • Community Stationpedia entries and tweaks (via BigfootMSR)
  • Added a basic Mining charge.
  • Added Sounds To Pipe Heaters.
  • Added Reinforced Windows.
  • Added Window Shutter window variant. This window has a shutter which works like the rolling door cover where a metal shutter can cover and uncover the window. This works with logic and requires power.
  • Stationpedia community edits and additions (BigfootMSR, Risu, Rainne, WiseMack, Mirro, Xlaits) - mainly chute network devices: stacker, sorter, chutes, unloader and typos.
  • Added One Way Valve (and liquid variant). Create them using the Kit (Pipe Valve). These are passive valves that only permit flow of fluids in one direction if and only if the input pressure is higher than output pressure.
  • Added New ToolBelt Variant, ToolBelt MKII.
  • Added Belt Scaling so belts will scale to the player when the suit is removed.
  • Adjusted Trader names to add clarity
  • Added Pipe Heaters for Gas and Liquid Pipes.
  • Added Insulated liquid pipe kit.
  • Added full set of Insulated liquid pipes.
  • Added tropical plant with heat resistance.
  • Added peace lily plant with cold resistance.
  • Added Filter fern for more natural conversion Carbarn dioxide to oxygen.

  • Updated AdvancedTablet should be less prone to breaking or being unable to scroll. Turning it on and off again will fix it.
  • Updated reinforced glass, planes of glass are now aligned correctly.
  • Fixed ReinforcedWallPaddedWindowThin final build state now correct.
  • Fixed Insulated liquid pipe quantity costs depending on pipe type placed.
  • Fixed Insulated Liquid pipe causing issues with placement and merging.
  • Fixed Blueprint cursors on Reinforced Windows.
  • Fixed interactables with turbo liquid volume pump.
  • Fixed Mining charge tooltip text layout.
  • Fixed Valve and Liquid Valve not dropping kits when deconstructed.
  • Fixed Trigger Boxes not being spawned, This was causing errors on tutorials where they were used.
  • Fixed an issue on planters were they became un-interactable after loading a save.
  • Fixed naming on Reinforced Windows.
  • Fixed Turbo Volume Pump moving too much air. Now moves the same amount as the Volume Pump if they have the same volume settings.
  • Fixed Turbo Volume Pump being unable to pump in the other direction correctly.
  • Removed duplicate key causing errors on load
  • Fixed Insulated liquid pipes being unplace-able.
  • Fixed Advanced mining belts disappearing when loading a save.