8 months
ago -
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How are you hosting it? Is it at home or on a server provider?
If it is at home, ISPs will often make changes to how internet is provisioned that make it complex to run dedicated servers. This can include detecting ports being forwarded and used that look like torrents, and blocking them.
RocketNet (the multiplayer synchronization method we developed) is binary data packed using L4Z compression and sent regularly at 20MS. This could fall afoul of some ISPs torrent detection.
If it was working and now is not, it might be worth checking with your ISP that they haven’t made any changes that would require you to alter your port forwarding setup.
If it is at home, ISPs will often make changes to how internet is provisioned that make it complex to run dedicated servers. This can include detecting ports being forwarded and used that look like torrents, and blocking them.
RocketNet (the multiplayer synchronization method we developed) is binary data packed using L4Z compression and sent regularly at 20MS. This could fall afoul of some ISPs torrent detection.
If it was working and now is not, it might be worth checking with your ISP that they haven’t made any changes that would require you to alter your port forwarding setup.