9 months
ago -
Not Simon
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This hotfix includes fixes for a few issues related to data changes in the starting conditions.
Changlog v0.2.4945.22425
Changlog v0.2.4945.22425
- Fixed a bug where null reference exceptions would sometimes be thrown when a dynamic gas canister was destroyed
- Fixed a bug where splitting seed bags obtained from traders for the first time would throw an exception
- Fixed a bug where pipes mounted on walls were not damaged by freezing or phase change
- Changed CanEnter to return a result struct rather than just a bool. This allows us to show tooltips explaining why certain things can't enter slots e.g. a light suit may not accept a heavy jetpack.
- Fixed double tap F being able to move backpacks to the backpack slot while one of the new suits was being worn. This should not be possible as the new suits have their own dedicated back slot and block the use of the default backpack slot.
- Removed unused variable in tooltip.cs
- Fixed Newly spawned Robots would start with a SmallBatteryCell instead of a LargeBatteryCell.
- Fixed issue where old saves would load their saved satellite dishes with best contact filter initialized to 0 instead of -1.
- Fixed Robots and Zrillians Loading in with partial human characteristics. (Zrillians would load in with human lungs Robots would not initialise their slots correctly and would immediately die)
- Fixed a bug where deconstructing insulated inline gas tanks would return their non-insulated kits
- Fixed mkII dynamic gas canister incorrectly configured colliders
- Fixed a few tooltip issues. When dragging, the 'left click to pick up' tooltips will now be hidden. When the mouse is over the ui, in world tooltips should now be hidden.
- Fixed a few ingots having the incorrect blueprint
- Fixed concurrency was not working on equip sounds.
- Fixed incorrect insert behaviour for ResolutionRule "StopLowPriorityThenNew" & "StopLowPriorityThenNew".
- Optimised Concurrency code by removing some un-necessary sorting calls.
- Changed Audio concurrency system to run on the main thread, it was using uni-task worker threads for some work which was causing race conditions.
- Fixed Errors being thrown by audioManager caused by audio concurrency system.
- Removed deprecated discord lobby creation
- Fixed Research Manager breaking loading of some games.
- Fixed Vulcan nights in peak summer did not drop to night temperature.