almost 4 years
ago -
El Oshcuro
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Over the last month, the Stationeers team has been hard at work, extending the modular rocket system – and now we’re super excited to present the first installment of our new automated rocket modules (A.R.M).
Automated Rocket Modules (A.R.M.)

Like the name suggests, A.R.M.s let you reach out into space – building and launching pre-programmed, uncrewed rockets to retrieve all manner of resources from local planets and asteroids.
You want ore? Send up an ore mining rocket!
You want ice? Dispatch the ice miner!
You want… random stuff? Launch a salvage unit!

We’re leaning into the logic and IC systems on this one, so you’ll need to keep your Stationpedia on alert, check out the wiki, the workshop for IC hints, and if you’re not already part of the community, jump into our Discord[] where you’ll find a heap of knowledge and help.

This is a new system, and one we’ll be adding to over time (energy gathering modules, anyone?). So we’re conscious there’ll be some *unexpectedness*. But this functionality is important to late game experience, and key to our designs for v1.0.
Supporting our Development
It’s for the community, too – we’ll never gate content like this behind DLC. But if you want to support development through buying existing DLC - we'd seriously appreciate it. We made this DLC as a way for our most passionate community members to support development; check them out below!
As always, we love feedback, comments and bug reports[]!
Next up...
Last update, we introduced a division between liquids and gases to Stationeers. Under the hood, we still manage the two states in a similar way, but we’re looking to evolve state change further in the future.
In the meantime, we added some new toys to the system: look for liquid pipe meters, a digital valve, adjustments to the water bottle filler and a drain to get rid of any unwanted liquid.
The team also discussed introducing a liquid variant of the air conditioner, but have opted - at long last - for creating heat exchangers: coming to a Stationeers update soon…

This month saw us talking lots with the community about how to upgrade and improve the Stationpedia in #stationpedia-discussions[]. Thanks to everyone who’s made edits and suggestions so far. We’ve already incorporated a bunch of them, and will be doing another concerted push on Stationpedia functionality shortly…
Keep those ideas coming!
Tutorials + scenarios
Continuing with our focus on new player experience, this update we’re releasing a gas mixing tutorial, as well as improvements to our food and hydration tutorial. We’re aiming to provide players with a solid foundation in all the game’s basic systems – and we’re on track.
So tell us what you think – we’d love to hear!

Developing our tutorial design has also involved creating a range of easily moddable triggers and events - and we wanted to show them off. So we created a new scenario to showcase how simple it is for the community to create their own content using tutorial systems.
It’s called Borznac’s Kitchen. It’s a Stationeers hot take on a cooking game, so it’s hard, but really, it’s designed to inspire you to create your own scenarios.

The sonic experience of Stationeers continues with the - frankly - rather special audio design around the A.R.M. launch and landing. Our sound designer had fun on this one. Listen for the sonic boom on re-entry.
Until next time, Cadets. Up up and away!

Version 0.2.2802.13893
- Added Lost in Space state to the rocket for when it runs out of fuel.
- Added Scanning for CollectableGoods Logic variable on the Automated Rocket.
- Changed Automated Rocket now uses "Mode" Variable instead of "RocketMode" Variable for reading current Rocket State.
- Deprecated RocketMode as it has been moved to using Mode.
- Changed Venus's temperature to be constant throughout the day/night cycle. This will affect new worlds, but not old saves.
- Added Timer Panel to scene for tutorials and Scenarios.
- Added Event Action to start Timer Events.
- Updated Mission ending panel to support scenarios.
- Updated Scenarios to support custom respawn and starting Conditions.
- Updated Escape From Mars scenario to use new Liquid pipes,tank and valve.
- Skipped reloading of prefabs and blueprints when the workshop menu is re-ordered.
- Changed Increased work-rate of Electrolyser by 60x, increased power consumption 3x (to 3.6kW). Note: machine was updated to be thermodynamically accurate in the recent patch but on further testing we've found it to be too slow to be useful so we've made it a little bit magic for the sake of gameplay for now. Early game electrolysis will require a solid fuel generator and you can make a small farm of 5 per generator if you use heavy cables.
- Added Liquid Pipe Analyzer structure and kit.
- Added the Automated Rocket, this can be used alongside other modules and IC to explore the outer reaches of the universe and collect the resources it has to offer.
- Added Borznac to the scenarios menu.
- Updated IC information for the AutomatedRocket.
- Added Videos to GasMixing Tutorial.
- Updated Videos for Tutorial Hydroponics.
- Added new Structure the 'Liquid Drain' for liquid pipes. This new Structure will slowly drain liquid from the network. Allowing you to remove un-needed liquid. It will drain 1 mole per tick. This can be crafted in the Pipe Bender.
- Added Bottom variant of the Water Bottle Filler. This can be found in the same kit.
- Added Liquid Digital Valve. This can be found in the PipeBender.
- Added Liquid Wall Cooler. This can be found in the PipeBender.
- Added Liquid Pipe Meter. This can be found in the PipeBender.
- Added: Stationpedia entries as suggested by community
- Added New shadow distance culling feature: lights farther away than 'Light Shadow Distance' (in metres) will stop creating shadows. This distance is adjustable in the Advanced tab of the Settings menu.
- Changed Steel Frames to use newer model and destroyed variants.
- Fixed Liquid Drain unable to rotating correctly.
- Fixed mining issues with Rocket.
- Removed out of date Legacy Tutorial 06 - Basic Atmos Tutorial as It has been replaced with a combination of the Airlocks Tutorial and the Gas Mixing Tutorial.
- Removed Legacy GasMixing Tutorial as it has been replaced with the new Gas Mixing Tutorial.
- Fixed PipeMeter needle gauge now maxes out at at pipe failure point ~60mpa (was previously set to max pressure of dynamic canisters).
- Fixed Spawn issues on Tutorials and Scenarios.
- Updated language files to latest version.
- Fixed Cable Heavy 5way Junction had incorrect ignition & flashpoint temperature threshold.
- Fixed main menu/loading screen flicker on game start-up.
- Fixed Showing incorrect tooltip when using crowbar on rover.
- Fixed WindTurbines power generation efficiency effected by the atmosphere around the player and not the world atmosphere.
- Fixed WindTurbines not generating power when not in storm on certain world Seeds. Wind turbines now generate a small amount of power when no storm active.
- Fixed broken scroll bar on the Stationpedia.
- Fixed duplicate entries appearing in the categories for the Stationpedia.
- Fixed front wheels on the MKI rover being positioned incorrectly.
- Fixed crate mounting upside down on the MKI rover.
- Fixed Hunger Rate not applying when creating a custom world.
- Fixed reagents not appearing in the Stationpedia correctly.
- Removed unused categories from the Stationpedia.
- Fixed host being able to climb higher mountains than clients using the jetpack. Jetpack ceiling for clients now uses above ground altitude, rather than above zero-level altitude, in line with server.
- Fixed dedicated servers still allowing gases to enter liquid pipes and vice-versa.
- Fixed missing hydration events on tutorial 1 and 6.
- Fixed an issue with starting conditions giving players incorrect inventory items on game start.
- Fixed Overridden key causing incorrect text to appear in the tutorial menu.
- Fixed rocket silo being able to export while in space.
- Fixed Gasping breathing when spawning in as Client.
- Fixed Player animations not working correctly with shadows disabled. Fixes not being able to see the tablet when holding it.
- Fixed 'lb' instruction and LogicBatchReaders in Maximum mode returning 0 if all pertinent values were negative. Now correctly returns the largest number, even if all the numbers are negative.
- Fixed missing translation for Transformer Reversed (Medium)
- Removed legacy hydroponics and smelting tutorials.
- Fixed Pipe Mounted Devices (e.g. Pipe Analyzer, Pipe Meter) can no longer be mounted to liquid pipes (liquid variants still to come).
- Fixed Weather Station now has a ReadOnly Mode State to read current storm State. Mode = 0 NoStorm, Mode = 1 StormIncoming, Mode = 2 InStorm.
- Fixed liquid pipes not being labelable.
- Fixed Hydroponics Tray having rendering issues.
- Fixed Kit (Ice Crusher) no longer shows having two build options even though there is only one.
- Changed Pre-Filled Water Canister thumbnails to better reflect their new models.
- Fixed Electrolyser drawing power when input water pipe empty, now draws idle power of 10w when no water in input.
- Added Guides and Universe Lore buttons to the Stationpedia.
- Updated fill tank command now named /addgas.
- Updated /addgas command to support pipe networks.
- Added /help command to chat console that displays current commands and a short description of what they do.
- Changed Pre-filled Water Canisters now start with 100 Moles of water (was 10 Moles). This is almost enough to fill two water bottles.
- Updated the way low and critical filter warnings are displayed, filter warnings now depend on total quantity of filter remaining.
- Improved Rover handling at high speeds, rover will be less inclined to skid out when turning.
- Further tweaks to rover handling to improve usability.
- Crowbar can be used to flip the rover.
- Changed increased LogicDial Max setting to 1000. Added Alt interactions to change setting in larger increments.
- Reduced the rate at which chickens become hungry.
- Updated language files to latest version
- Added skipstage command for skipping stages in tutorials or scenarios.
- Added setstage command to set a tutorial or scenario to a certain stage.
- Added showstage command to list the stages of a tutorial or scenario.
- Added help command to show a list of the currently available commands.
- Updated chat panel it can now be scrolled to show previous written text and no longer fades text while typing.
- Added Rocket Landing sounds.
- Added Rocket Launch Sounds
- Fixed Player Items disappearing when respawning after a corpse has decayed.
- Adjusted the Liquid Drain to use 50 power instead of 10. This includes an additional 20 power used for every mole removed.
- Fixed AIMEe Drive sound not stopping when AIMEe turned off.
- Fuel logic variable on autonomous rockets now takes air-fuel ratio into account, and only returns the usable amount of fuel-oxidiser mix, not the sum of fuel and oxidiser.
- Added Liquid Pipe Analyzer structure and kit.
- Fixed ModularRocket not updating the types of things it could collect when mining modules were removed. This could cause the CollectableGoods variable to incorrectly read true even when there was nothing left to mine.
- Fixed Things not correctly updating if you weren't looking at it.
- Fixed Autonomous rocket able to be refuelled while in flight.
- Fixed RoverCargo MKII unable to turn.