3 months
ago -
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The maps arent going to be "small". The current rough plan is for 8x8km2, which is as big (for example) as the ICARUS map. That is the largest sized map you generally make in engines like Unreal under default settings.
Currently, it is not actually possible for your games to be limitless, as the terrain system is so non-performant and memory heavy - that you can't really effectively go that far from the origin anyway.
This will also allow us to give reasons for exploration, such as making deep miners work better in certain locations etc...
Currently, it is not actually possible for your games to be limitless, as the terrain system is so non-performant and memory heavy - that you can't really effectively go that far from the origin anyway.
This will also allow us to give reasons for exploration, such as making deep miners work better in certain locations etc...