almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
AquilaSol has some really nicely organized collections, which are handy when searching for certain types of assets.

If you're looking for something specifically related to border crossings, then try searching that in the workshop and selecting a category. That helps narrow it down. You can also sort by most popular within a search to find the stuff used by more people.
almost 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Originally posted by snowflitzer: Hi @Avanya, thanks for posting these Collections. Can you let me know how to make a summary of the collections?

Do you mean how AquilaSol has a collection of collections? You just make a collection like normal (you will need to include some random item in it). Then on each collection, you have the option to add it to a collection (next to the up/down votes and the Favorites button), which is how you add them.
about 2 years ago - MrFreake_PDX - Direct link
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11 months ago - CO_Avanya
11 months ago - CO_Avanya