over 1 year ago - Frost Giant Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
7s at frost giant one of the most important
9s things for us is connecting with the
11s community
12s and the korean community has played a
13s key role in rts for a long time this
16s past june
17s we invited korean pro gamers
19s commentators and journalists to a
21s special event to discuss our upcoming
23s title stormgate
25s we had some thought-provoking
27s discussions and we're sincerely grateful
29s for their input i mean the artwork was
31s really cool it kind of reminded me of
33s like diablo meets starcraft
36s but i definitely got a lot of starcraft
37s vibes when i saw the units that i was
39s looking at so i'm really excited dude i
42s really love the idea of lowering the
43s skilled floor but keeping the skill
46s ceiling really high and i think a lot of
48s their approach is great i love that
49s they're still going to go with the ender
51s and make it a very
53s valuable game something that someone can
55s just jump into and then kind of
71s foreign
85s come help us make the next great rts
88s register for the 2023 beta at
90s playstormgate.com