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over 1 year ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by PaulThreeSixty

At least we have context now :)

Let me repeat my criticism here: Out of the only two (2) screenshots of the game in the article, one is severely outdated yet shows the games logo and the only other one, the good one, doesnt show it. So if any of these two screenshots happens to make its way around the internet people will know which game to avoid when looking at the outdated one and wont know which game it is the good one belongs to.

I dont understand their marketing strategy if they have any at all.

This one's on me. That screenshot came in just hours before the Washington Post story went live. The original reporting happened in April of last year, but I wanted to provide them with a look at the game today. We rushed to capture something and missed the watermark step.

It should have been clear from the story that the original greybox assets were from our prototype and the game looks very different today.