Original Post — Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey welcome to frost Drive Studios
6s [Music]
7s [Applause]
9s Gerald also known as fgs Gerald Gerald
12s of trivia I'm the comms guy when you're
14s engaging on Reddit going to our
16s communities you're talking to me and
18s this is where we make stormgate
21s [Music]
24s show you around give you a taste of what
25s it is that we're building
28s let's go
34s [Music]
37s hey Jesse how's it going good how are
38s you doing good good what are you doing
39s today uh today we're reviewing uh some
42s infernal assets that we have in the game
43s and working on materials and textures
45s right now we're really focused on the
47s infernal faction and constructing a lot
49s of the models materials and stuff from
51s the concept art that we've created
52s previously we've shown Concepts art
54s already but uh this is what internally
56s we call this spriggan so we kind of do a
59s blend of the idol animation where he's
61s swaying back and forth and then the wing
62s flap animation that we kind of layer on
65s top and unreal and so this allows us to
66s kind of decouple the two animations and
69s control one differently from another and
71s so this unit flies around and is able to
73s attack pretty quickly and we're just
75s kind of still dialing in the balance and
76s everything for that one
79s we do what we call a visual development
81s time of about six weeks when we start a
83s faction the concept group works together
84s they have several weeks of just
86s exploring and having fun and during the
88s course of that six weeks we hone it down
89s more and more so that by the time we're
91s done everybody has an understanding of
93s what the Core Concepts of a faction
96s would be the Imp is a great example of
98s that was part of visual development and
100s the second we saw that everyone on the
102s team was like we're making that and
103s putting it into the game and that
105s happens quite a lot we have a pretty
106s amazing concept team and so we we're
108s just getting tons of ideas as we as we
110s jam through things
113s [Music]
116s thank you
117s [Music]
120s hey Paul have you interrupting Oh Hey
122s Joe how you doing good good what are you
124s doing these days right now just running
126s some quick tests to see what's happening
127s with some of the buttons but other than
129s that I've been working on score screen
130s trying to get you know number of units
132s killed the resources gathered things
134s like that thanks to the power of unreal
136s five we're using that mvvm pattern which
139s is a model view view model pattern
143s it disassociates the data in the
146s background from the UI so that we can
148s throw up multiple uis using the exact
150s same data we can just work on the views
153s and the view models to have it drive
155s multiple screens so we'll be able to
156s iterate and do some really cool things
158s with that
160s foreign
164s what you working on looking for cool
167s opportunities for cosmetics and various
169s customization we want the players to be
171s able to personalize their own experience
173s and have a lot of self-expression
175s we have talked about Army skins in the
177s past but one thing that I'm really
178s excited to share is that we are looking
180s at pets we all have pets here at the
182s office we have dogs that run around and
184s we all love pets and we think they're
185s really fun so we hope that you'll enjoy
187s what we're working on
188s thematic wise I think we want to stay
190s grounded within the lore and setting of
192s The Game initially but as we go on in
194s the future you know we're happy to
196s explore various things and does that
198s include maybe Easter eggs or anything
199s funny
200s yeah so if you've been following us
202s since the beginning uh there might be
203s some Easter eggs that you might notice
205s we like to keep it light-hearted and
207s throw in some fun things
208s we've been heavily inspired by lizard
211s RTS and expansions and epic stories that
213s they've told here at Frost giant we want
216s to be able to tell that story seasonally
218s and be able to deliver that content on a
220s much regular Cadence of players so they
222s can enjoy that content for many years to
224s come
229s can you tell us a little bit about what
230s you're working on mostly production
232s tasks but I would say the most exciting
233s thing is working on the next iteration
235s of our war chest similar to what
237s Starcraft has
239s so the idea is you'll have some cool
241s missions different quests ways for you
243s to earn really cool cosmetics in the
245s game totally optional but we hope
246s players find it be a lot of fun we just
248s got to show the game at Gamescom and had
250s a really great showing everyone who's
252s played the game really enjoyed the game
254s we're really hyped to get the gaming
255s players hands you know we want to get
257s the game in your hands so thanks for
258s supporting us we don't really have a
260s dedicated marketing team at Frost Giant
264s we decided to invest everything into
266s just making a great game so please bear
268s with us we're working as hard as we can
269s to get the game out to you guys so yeah
271s stay tuned and hope you love what we're
273s building thanks guys
280s oh
8 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by its_okthen

Seasonal story content, presumably single player and/or coop? That'd be sick.

That's the plan!