Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hi there I'm Alan Dyan I'm our director
3s on stormgate here at Frost giant Studios
6s and today we're going to show you a
6s little bit of a sneak peek about what
8s we're doing with some of the factions
9s and some of thematic uh tonal change to
12s the game and one reason for that is we
15s released the Early Access and we got a
16s lot of good feedback from the fans and
18s also allows us during that time before
20s we go to 1.0 to kind of step back
23s realize where we can improve on where we
25s can iterate on just like any game Studio
28s I think Early Access is tricky because
30s you're going to everyone sees behind the
31s curtain a little bit before things are
33s fully baked and every Studio has the
36s same thing where they kind of sit back
37s and iterate more and I think this is our
39s chance to do that and we're talking
41s about some more uh kind of edgy hardcore
43s themes for the game like they have space
46s demons let's Edge him up a little bit
47s make them a more uh evil and more uh
52s menacing intimidating and for Vanguard
54s trying to figure out like how to make it
56s more unique and the and the the you know
58s the RTS genre and make it feel more uh
60s like storm Gates you know human faction
63s and so today I'm going to show you a
65s little preview of how we're going to
67s dramatically change and kind of reinvent
70s some of the current characters that you
72s already play with so let's talk about
74s the infernals first so one thing I want
76s to do is I want to have more Magical
77s elements to them a lot more glyphs um we
80s almost have this pseudo I call it the
82s Space Magic Tron style where they have
84s like these lines on them which is like
86s magical ruines and symbols and a little
89s edgier darker more scary more
91s intimidating and this is the brute uh
93s the new version of him this is the
95s similar iterator process we have going
96s through him and so obviously with rtss
99s you want from top down you want that
101s that weapon to read really well and so
103s we're going major big with this stuff
105s and we end up doing is going toward this
108s for the final design big shapes of read
111s well uh more demonic symbols more of a
114s uh manufactured less archaic medieval
118s armor these guys have been in space for
120s you know eons right and they're not just
122s bunch of Barbarians like Hulk smash
124s they're they're much more U
126s sophisticated than that even though
127s they're incredibly violent and evil
130s inherently I think one thing we did a
132s minor thing is I took the eyes off the
134s uh the character here that just makes it
135s a little freakier overall you can't see
136s that in the game but whenever you see it
139s in the uh the portraits and everything
140s else you'll notice the uh intimidating
142s Factor so one cool thing about the
144s brutes is they actually turn into fiends
147s and so this is a new version of that if
149s you're familiar with the game this is
150s definitely departure but it feels more
152s thematically tied into the new brute of
155s course and you can see the similarities
157s with the horns and again no eyes on them
159s and it's kind of a raptor is vibe to
162s them and just making it feel like much
164s more scary much more intimidating like
166s if it if it had a a slight horror mie
168s vibe to it so here we have a current
171s unit the gaun that we readed from
173s scratch you may notice it and now is not
175s a body on the ground anymore it is a
178s quadruped or demonic centaur element and
181s we and we have the ruins on it just play
183s up the Magical elements we try to make
185s it more just intimidating more
186s beast-like and instead of throwing axes
188s now has a magical energy glave which
191s kind of shoots out like a boomerang and
193s it's it feels like it's got a much
194s better read in the game and it
196s definitely has much more uh darker tone
199s to it than a previous
201s version so here we go here is some new
205s Concepts for a Caster character to the
207s infernals and as you can see compared to
208s the current release of the game this is
210s again much more darker much more
212s Sinister uh just more intimidating a
215s little more grotesque and just overall
217s darker edgier so those Concepts led to
220s this final concept of our caster and
223s again it's very unique we're trying to
224s make it work creepy and feel like what's
226s special about our IP and what special
227s about our space demons and the fact that
230s he's got all these smle sets of arms
232s that fold in and make the body and he's
234s got magic just oozing through him and
236s just like lots of effects are going to
237s be going off in this guy lots of the
239s ruins and the glit of course we're
241s trying to play The Masks right now on
243s some of the characters to determine uh
246s if there's anything in the lore for the
247s infernals that'd be kind of cool like
248s you know they I can only show their face
250s they get to a certain level of uh
252s achievement or uh you know destruction
254s in their in their society or something
256s so there's uh some cool lore building
259s we're trying to do right now with this
260s stuff too which is really exciting and
262s you'll notice the ruin on top so we want
264s we want to kind of edge those into the
265s game in a way that makes sense for
269s spellcasting and uh buildings being
271s activated and play that up a lot more so
274s here's another character we're playing
275s with right now it's a caster and it's
278s kind of a take on the Hellraiser old
281s puzzle box type of thing where she stand
283s on like a bandora's box and she has this
285s key of sorts and she'll plug it in to to
287s unleash it and it would transform and
289s cast out various spells so going from
292s the initial sketch is just the idea of
294s it and then once we figure out the theme
296s and the basic uh gameplay and what we
298s want her to be like then we go into the
300s concept phas here which we detail out a
301s lot more with our amazing concept
303s artists and as you can see the key
305s turned into more of a magical staff and
307s we're trying to figure out how to make
308s it more Dynamic with it pigling around
310s and different key combinations and also
312s trying to figure out is the puzzle box
315s is that the best thing we could use for
317s a thematic uh vehicle for her to stand
320s on and so here's just some other ideas
323s all of them are super cool and there's
324s never a problem coming with cool ideas
327s the problem is trying to figure out
328s which one fit and which one you actually
329s didn't have time for because you know
331s there's all tying in with narrative and
334s gameplay and so it's it's it's trying to
336s TI the pieces together is a tricky part
338s but we have a lot of good ideas here and
340s so we took that and we came up with
343s another round of them dialing things in
345s a bit more and as we also worked on the
347s infernal New U structures and bases the
351s buildings we tried to tie some of those
352s architectural elements and some of the
354s themes and ruins and colors into this so
357s there's more of a cohesive feel for them
359s across the whole raid
360s this is the final version for the model
362s sheet although we're still playing with
363s the the shape of the Box on the bottom
366s and the point here is the key goes into
368s the puzzle box and some kind of basic
370s transformation cool magical effects
372s going off and she's going to be really
374s unique and again more intimidating more
376s uh elegant in a in certain way than a
379s typical you know brute would be but
381s still very vicious and intimidating and
385s trying to put a spin on it because right
386s now it's so hard to put this the spin on
387s demons right it's been done you know
390s Every Which Way in the universe and so
392s we're trying to figure out what makes
393s our ones unique what what makes ours
395s just more interesting and cool the fact
398s that the infernals have been around for
399s eons again and have had a civilization
402s that's although incredibly violent and
405s just Sinister they've actually evolved
407s over time they have this like magical
408s Tech to this degree and they're not just
410s monsters with chains and horns and you
412s know screaming and running to their
413s death right they they're much more
415s fisticated than that so we're trying to
417s use this character here to help kind of
418s convey some of those elements
421s so we talked about that last character
423s being influenced with it by the
424s architecture and so this is a very basic
427s example of something we might have for
429s the infernals which is a huge monolithic
432s magical generator of sorts once we get
434s the cornerstones and the keystones of
436s some of these themes and elements and
437s colors and feel good about that that
439s will tie in directly to the the units
441s and the other buildings and so it starts
443s off the a little Point like this and
445s then it branches off and everything
446s starts snowballing which is great and so
449s here's just a very quick preview of some
451s of the the new shap LS you're talking
453s about again this is just super ideation
455s of big monolithic elements look very
458s heavy intimidating and have some
459s animation thought to them again this is
462s just something we may or may not use but
464s it's just a starting point which you
465s have to have in order to kick everything
467s off and so that's just a sneak peek into
469s what we're doing for the infernals and
471s we're also trying to update some of the
473s other races as well so here's a little
475s preview of something we're playing with
476s on the new technology level we're trying
478s out for the Vanguard super excited about
480s it but you can tell here we're
482s showcasing the more rounded Advanced
485s underlying technology in the Vanguard
487s and less of the kind of rag tag Rusty
491s know duct taped uh Survivor kind of
493s stuff with the gray boxes and our
495s everything and we're trying to figure
496s out how to make our stuff unique like
497s what makes our Vanguard our humans at
499s stormgate different and not just a
502s ragtag group of soldiers using breast
504s the old equipment and so they still have
506s the the war torn elements to it they've
507s been through Austin fisers bullet holes
510s scratch marks you know magic burn marks
512s on them dirt but this is just a Showcase
514s of what we could go with the style and
516s has we propagate out to the rest of the
518s army now this unit has a lot of feedback
520s from the community and so we decided to
522s Target it for one of the redesigning
525s from scratch for the Vanguard it's the
527s same functionality same gameplay it's a
529s it's a it's a fast land vehicle shoots
532s out missiles there's gameplay specific
534s things like you need to see the missiles
535s so you can count them when they're
536s shooting and it transforms into this
540s missile Tower when it's deployed and you
541s can see the transformation on the side
543s here how it works out we had it figure
544s it all out and the next phase will be
546s blocking it out getting some basic
548s animations in and it's always tricky
550s when we do a unit like this because it's
552s super cool I love transforming things
554s group with rootch and all that and it's
556s super geeky and we we love it it just
558s takes a lot longer to figure everything
560s out and so it's definitely some
561s consideration by which ones we want to
563s redo at one point but we're super
565s excited about this one so that was just
568s a little peek into the new Direction
569s we're doing for the Vanguard and the
571s infernals and we have so much more cool
572s stuff to show you guys can't wait to get
574s into your hands and thanks for stopping
576s by
579s [Music]