Transcript (by Youtube)

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547s good morning RTS fans welcome to the
549s final day of dream hack and welcome to
552s The stormgate Showdown now we're calling
555s it a showdown because we've got three
556s incredible players from around the world
558s who have been practicing in stormgate
560s and who are ready to show you their
562s stuff but we've also got interviews from
563s the developers and a very special
566s interview to start things off we got Tim
567s Morton CEO co-founder production
570s director and a generally cool guy and
572s RTS fan so Tim tell us what you're
574s showing us here today yeah I'm so
576s excited to be here uh we are showing off
579s our first public show match of stormgate
582s and we've got some really amazing
584s players here today we're still in beta
587s so bear with us but just so excited well
590s tell me a little bit about what you're
592s planning to do with stormgate in the
593s upcoming summer you guys are going early
595s access yeah Early Access is a step along
600s the journey to build a game that is as
603s epic as the other games that we worked
605s on in the past and I think it's a very
609s conscious choice for us to try to build
611s stormgate with input from the community
614s instead of the way that games used to be
616s built in the past where a lot of
619s development happens without that input
621s and then the game goes out and gets
623s responded to in this case we've had
625s closed Alpha we're in closed beta now uh
629s and then ear access will be that next
630s step on the journey and would you say
633s your connection to the community of
634s frost Giant and with stormgate is is
636s pretty exceptional it's really shaping
637s the game you have so much experience
639s from RTS uh so much experience from
641s former blizzard employees so many uh old
644s Starcraft 2 fans players talent that are
647s chiming in tell me a little bit about
648s who's kind of shown up for you guys yeah
651s I I think it's worth calling out that
654s this whole team at Frost giant is just
658s passionate to their for about real-time
661s strategy and and to a great extent it
663s was being part of this community that
666s made us want to build stormgate um I
668s think working at blizzard as several of
671s us did uh feeling so connected to
674s Starcraft and and people like yourself
676s and and Trevor your husband who is uh
679s you know also just a tremendous
681s contributor to the ideas behind what
683s we're doing on the Esports side um yeah
686s it's just that sense of being part of a
688s family that inspired us so well there's
691s a lot of people out there it looks like
692s that are eager to join this family now
695s Early Access is going to become
696s available pretty soon uh tell me a
698s little B about when we can get our hands
699s on it yeah Early Access will be
702s launching for stormgate this summer and
704s we're working hard on the next phases of
708s the beta as we launch Early Access
712s that's going to include the core game
714s modes for us which are one versus one
717s competitive that we're going to see here
718s today it also includes a Cooperative
722s mode where three players can team up and
724s play against Ai and then also the story
727s mode the campaign that will support up
730s to three players so you can play it with
731s your friends but you can also play it
733s solo uh and telling a story that builds
736s and describes the universe of stormgate
740s really comes across through that
741s campaign after that we've got all kinds
743s of game modes like 3v3 and the map
745s editor and many other things that we're
747s going to add but we're going to start
748s with that core for this summer well with
751s all the excitement for the different
752s game modes for what you're bringing to
753s the table for the future of RTS uh the
756s community in general has responded very
758s well as I understand you had a
759s Kickstarter start recently how's that
761s going we're so grateful for the support
765s that we've gotten from the community and
766s and we just passed a million and a half
769s dollars from the kickstarter so thank
771s you everyone who has
773s contributed and it's still open we could
776s get to 2 million right yeah I
779s we hope that it'll keep going and um you
783s know we're we're really trying to
784s provide some great rewards for the
786s community like a physical collector
789s edition uh that has that very same uh
793s statue but smaller and painted in colors
796s um and also access to our beta and a
800s number of other uh content bundles that
802s come with a Kickstarter so yeah just big
804s thank you to the community for
806s supporting us well Tim it's been great
808s to hear from you is there anything else
810s you want to say to all the fans gathered
811s everybody watching at home that's
812s excited for stormgate no Enjoy the match
815s today and we have three fantastic
817s players thank you guys so much really
820s appreciate your support thank you so
822s much Tim Morton of frost giant excited
825s to share the Early Access access with
827s you all and of course their Booth is
829s here on the floor next up we've got
831s Austin huddleson our lead server
833s engineer and here's here to get into the
835s nitty-gritty of who's going to be able
837s to play against who and what what the
839s core philosophy is behind all this
841s Austin welcome uh give me a a little bit
844s of an introduction um yeah I guess I'm
847s Austin um I I kind of got my start in
850s programming uh making Warcraft 3 and
852s Starcraft 2 maps way back in the day um
855s worked on the Starcraft 2 team for a
857s little bit and uh I've been working on
859s stormgate for uh a little over three
862s years now so it's been a an absolutely
863s crazy journey and to be here at at dream
866s hack and see it the game actually being
868s played in like a show setting and a demo
870s it's the energy it's it's so humbling
872s it's amazing thank yeah it's so cool
875s they're excited for you I'm excited for
877s you what an opportunity too to come in
878s and bring all that expertise into
880s building this game you have an amazing
882s philosophy to bring the world together
884s to play RTS in a way that feels good and
886s you're laughing at me this is this is a
888s quote from you guys but I Vibe with this
890s so hard so tell me a little bit about
892s what this means to you yeah so I I I
895s guess for me that that's mostly talking
898s a little bit about the the Starcraft
899s Matchmaker or stormgate Matchmaker sorry
903s um I know the tournament later's going
905s to be uh yeah my bad um but yeah the
907s stormgate uh matchmaker is actually uh
910s designed and implemented by uh toxy and
913s flux from the Warcraft 3 Champions
915s Community ladder which is so huge shout
917s out to those guys um but uh the the idea
921s behind it is it's actually a global
923s Matchmaker and sort of what that means
925s is it's going to uh it's going to
927s measure your ping to all of the
929s different game servers that we've got
930s peppered around the globe um and it's
933s only going to it'll it'll only consider
936s matches for you with anybody who you
938s share a common game server with that has
940s acceptable ping um so it's sort of like
942s reconciling that uh MMR and uh latency
947s and just trying to make the the the best
949s matches possible um is pretty cool it's
952s uh it's a little bit uh yeah it's cool
955s it's it's more than just we're going to
957s segment you out by which uh
959s which game server you're closest to it
961s it actually is going to connect people
963s from different regions and where it can
966s and yeah it should be awesome not only
968s is that exciting for the fairness of the
970s matchmaking that your system will be
971s doing but that's really exciting for
973s what it implies for the community
974s building across your game there's not
976s going to be these borders of you're on
978s you know the South Korea server you're
979s on the North American server it's going
981s to be a lot more mixing of styles of
984s cultures of conversations and a lot
987s closer in MMR as I understand the goal
989s is yeah yeah the the hope is that uh by
992s sort of unifying those regions a little
994s bit um where where possible where it's
996s not going to make the lag experience bad
999s we can sort of get a bigger player pool
1001s of potential people to match you with
1003s which means we should be able to find
1004s matches faster and closer in MMR to your
1008s your level and uh yeah I'm excited about
1011s it just getting started but uh yeah it's
1013s it's in the game today so I'm uh it's
1014s been kind of awesome to see uh it start
1017s working its magic well and you guys are
1019s also implementing another feature that's
1021s going to make this matchmaking feel
1023s really good even if your opponent is
1025s quite far away tell me a little bit
1026s about roll back this is something if
1027s you've been upstairs you've seen the uh
1029s the fgc guys play in fighting games
1031s completely transform their ability to
1033s play online in the fighting game
1035s Community you're bringing this to RTS
1036s now uh yeah totally so I I guess the
1039s first thing I want to say is that uh we
1041s got some really incredible Engineers on
1043s the server team working on this roll
1045s back prototype um it's totally a
1047s prototype at this stage very experiment
1049s Al um but our initial results have been
1051s kind of amazing um promising but we're
1054s we're still it's something that we're
1056s going to keep working on until we can
1057s make sure that it's going to actually
1059s improve the experience for everybody
1061s even on Lower spec machines but I guess
1063s sort of the idea behind roll back um
1065s it's Works a little different in
1067s stormgate than in fighting games um we
1070s actually will allow the game to simulate
1073s a little bit past where the uh game
1076s server has told it or simulate past in
1079s time where the game server has told it
1080s about and uh what that does is if
1083s there's ever like any network Jitter or
1086s packet loss or for any reason that you
1088s uh packet gets delayed we can actually
1091s just let the game keep running smoothly
1092s we don't have to Hitch the game and wait
1094s for that packet to come in and we can
1096s just uh when the when the packet
1098s eventually does arrive uh if we get
1100s something that's an input for in the
1102s past the game is actually able to snap
1105s back to the time that that input came in
1107s uh simulate back forward to exactly
1109s where the player was before so there's
1110s no like time Distortion or anything like
1112s that um and uh basically all the player
1115s will see if they if they have that
1117s little hiccup is um just the unit
1120s snapping to the right position um so far
1122s it's been been promising but uh yeah
1125s still still quite a bit of work to do
1127s there that's exciting I I do Wonder a
1129s little bit if you can offer any insight
1131s what was like the conversation what was
1132s the idea moment that that occurred to
1134s you guys to try and Implement well I
1136s think it actually a lot of the credit
1138s goes to uh our Chief Architect James
1140s anal I think uh he's been really good
1142s about encouraging us to um not close the
1146s door on being able to do some of these
1148s awesome features uh roll back is just
1150s one of them I think we're really trying
1151s to focus on the foundation of the game
1153s right now um and yeah I think roll back
1155s is just such a cool thing that it's easy
1157s to get people excited about it and so I
1160s mean this is this is just one of the
1161s first things that we've been able to
1162s build out of our our snow play Tech very
1165s cool and uh you touched on this a little
1167s uh earlier I do want to dive into it
1169s from War I Champions you've got toxy
1172s you've got flick in there what are they
1174s doing for you how are they U bringing
1176s their experience to bear on this process
1178s um well uh flux is actually working on
1182s the server team uh at Frost giant uh
1185s part-time and it's he's been absolutely
1187s amazing um and yeah we uh toxy helped us
1190s design or a a similar algorithm uh and
1195s yeah it's it's been kind of awesome to
1197s get to engage with those guys and
1199s um yeah the the War I Champions
1201s Community ladder is just such an
1202s incredible project to see as well like
1205s it's uh it's a always incredible to see
1207s like the community be able to like do
1209s something amazing like that so uh yeah
1212s it's been like amazing humbling to to
1215s work with those guys it really sounds
1217s like the community is building the game
1218s that the community wants to play I'm so
1221s excited for what you're all doing
1222s awesome thank you so much for all the
1223s experience that you're bringing to bear
1224s on this we've been talking a lot about
1227s playing stormgate I think it's time that
1228s we get into our first game so I'm going
1230s to throw it over some pretty legendary
1232s faces tasteless artosis how are you guys
1234s doing oh I could not be more excited
1238s welcome everybody tases and our to is
1240s here for the first ever stormgate match
1243s uh it's an exciting time to be an RTS
1245s fan yeah yeah I I really haven't been
1247s this excited in a very long time I
1249s actually I'm a little bit jittery almost
1251s like the very first day that we ever
1252s cast a GSL where it's like oh my God
1254s this is it's it's happening we've been
1256s waiting for stormgate for three years
1258s we're in the closed beta and finally
1260s we're going to have some great matches
1261s for everyone to watch it's going to be
1263s an interesting cast we've been learning
1264s the game along with the pros who are
1266s going to be playing here today but uh
1268s it's going to be a bit of an exploratory
1269s cast here taking a quick look at the
1271s maps we have four total uh that we're
1273s going to be going through here it's
1274s going to be two best of Threes we're
1276s going to start with T versus mana and
1278s then the winner of that will be going up
1280s against the legendary player Moon from
1282s Warcraft 3 The Greatest Warcraft 3
1284s player of all time yeah that's right and
1285s you can see we have four different Maps
1287s here uh we will be starting on one map
1290s in each set and then the loser will be
1292s choosing the following Maps as we get
1294s into those Maps we'll kind of explain
1295s them to you a little bit more and what
1297s makes them different from each other and
1299s when it comes to maps in RTS this is
1301s really what makes the games or the genre
1303s I should say so incredible as each map
1305s requires such a different approach
1306s different play style anyways guys let's
1308s make some noise we're ready to get into
1310s the first ever casted stormgate show
1312s match here with T versus
1316s Mana all right here we go in the very
1319s top right here playing the infernals we
1322s have none other than liquid
1327s mana and down in the bottom left uh over
1331s here playing Vanguard it is
1334s [Music]
1337s T so the first map that we're going to
1339s be in here is secluded Grove uh a pretty
1343s popular map right now in stormgate I
1345s think one of the main things that you're
1347s looking at for this map is the fact that
1350s the center well that is the secluded
1352s Grove right it's surrounded by trees we
1355s have a ton of resources in there and it
1357s definitely could be a point of
1358s contention for the two players and so we
1361s immediately see that it's going to be
1363s Mana going with a fast expand here
1365s excuse me expand build here and the same
1367s is true for TLO now you do start out
1370s with a scout with Vanguard this is that
1371s small dog running around so they'll get
1373s to confirm that this is going to be a
1375s macro game from both players nobody
1376s going for a rush or any kind of cheese
1378s instead we're going to be trying to
1379s develop and go into mid game and
1381s possibly late game yeah and what you see
1383s right here that's the Scout from T
1385s that's a very fast unit that you start
1388s with it's a per it's really cute and you
1390s use it to scout the map Mana in the
1392s meantime he went for that iron Vault
1395s early on uh and that allowed him to go
1398s ahead and make a brute and split that
1399s into a couple fiends which are super
1401s fast attacking units that don't last for
1403s a long time that's right they turn into
1405s fiends which are basically like a really
1407s powerful Brut so if you do op to go for
1410s that you can then take that scout out
1411s and now we're seeing some great harass
1412s over here from Mana we got the Bobs
1414s which are very similar to stvs or
1416s peasants here um using that overcharge
1418s that makes the Bobs a lot stronger for a
1420s temporary period of time that's going to
1422s force that fiend to back off and go from
1423s harassing into scouting into the main
1426s and really he's done a very good job so
1427s far you know even killing a single Bob
1429s here is going to be very nice going to
1431s go over and continue to harass a little
1433s bit here he has taken a lot of damage so
1435s obviously that fiend isn't going to last
1437s a lot longer one thing about fiends is
1440s if they are not on that dark shroud that
1443s infernals have they do run out of Health
1445s over time that's right it looks like the
1447s fast expand is set up over here for Mana
1450s we've got two more brutes made those are
1451s the units over there on the left that we
1453s were talking about those can be uh
1454s fractioned into two which make the two
1456s fiends that come out on the map uh
1458s obviously the brute very strong a lot
1460s slower uh but for now they're just going
1461s to be a little bit of moving out
1463s cracking opening this theum mine over
1464s here so that we can get some theum mind
1466s at that second base that's right you
1468s know is the other resource uh and it's
1472s it really important to kind of balance
1473s your resources I feel like that's one of
1475s the the harder things about stormgate
1477s right now that everyone's still working
1478s on like where do we want our workers to
1480s go uh you know like exactly how much do
1484s we want to mine between the luminite and
1486s ethereum in the early game and so
1488s immediately we're going to have the
1489s first creep Camp taken out over here for
1491s Mana this is a vision Camp so once
1493s you've killed that creep like that you
1495s do get uh a little bit of uh income as
1497s well but this is going to give you
1499s vision for the time being which is going
1501s to be um a lot nicer to make sure that
1503s you can't get counterattacked or
1504s blindsided here from the center of the
1506s map uh as we're going to see these
1507s brutes continue to uh grow out on the
1509s map and start start to take out More
1511s Creeps and Scout in the meantime we have
1513s a Lancer over here for t uh you know I
1517s it's hard to really put that next to
1519s another unit maybe like a zeelot or
1520s something but a little bit stronger uh
1523s and that is going to be a melee unit
1524s he's going to try to utilize defensively
1526s but already three br coming in for some
1529s harassment and look at that a great
1531s surround by t uh and of course you can
1533s split those brutes out into those fiends
1535s if you do get in trouble so he does
1538s actually surround that first brute um
1540s we've got a hedgehog out here this is
1541s that small car you can see firing just
1544s in the back now um this reminds me a lot
1546s of the Starcraft 1 vulture but uh in
1548s some ways maybe even a little bit more
1550s powerful in just fighting the the
1551s general units that you see coming here
1554s from mana and so he's able to kite that
1556s pretty effectively yeah it's a very very
1558s fast unit has to load up missiles so it
1560s shoots quickly at first and then slows
1562s down and has to reload but you see right
1564s now it this is a problem the mech Bay
1567s taking a lot of damage there he's got to
1568s make sure he doesn't lose that but Mana
1570s takes it down and he decides to then go
1572s for damage uh and starts to bait off
1574s those Bobs let's not forget that the
1575s overcharge was used up there that's
1577s almost like a resource of its own once
1578s you can bait that out then you know
1579s you're going to have a nicer attack
1581s later on it looks like the Hedgehog is
1583s just barely repaired enough to survive
1585s that really great repair but does end up
1587s losing one as well the remaining fiend
1589s going to try to get out of there uh but
1592s you know I feel like the big victory for
1594s Mana here was killing off that Mech Bay
1596s which is where you make your hedgehogs
1598s that's right um that's really going to
1600s stifle the development there for T it
1603s does seem like a lot of the top players
1604s at least the current meta right now and
1606s again this game is is still very it's
1608s fresh out of the oven and we're still
1610s developing The Meta but a lot of players
1611s like to go for hedgehogs and try to do
1613s map control um and sometimes even take a
1615s third base so we see those two hedgehogs
1617s out on the map now T gets the confirm
1619s Mana has not taken a third in that
1621s location just yet and he can start to
1623s try to take out workers that would be
1624s coming out here to try to develop an
1626s economy yeah that imp was going
1628s somewhere probably to expand he's going
1630s to have to pull that back for the time
1631s being now the Hedgehogs they are super
1634s fast this is like the fastest unit in
1635s the game so you can see uh they do a
1637s really great job of just kind of kiting
1639s everything away dealing that damage
1641s getting out in the meantime it looks
1643s like yeah Mana is trying to kind of gain
1647s control of some of this map these are
1648s meat farms these provide Supply and you
1651s can see little units that pop out these
1653s Fel Hogs you can't control those but
1655s those will help you to defend yeah it it
1659s and they'll generate up to three of them
1660s so if you keep that up for a little
1662s while it's too much of a nuisance to uh
1664s commit into that area and it's
1665s interesting to see that he sets those
1667s Farms up in basically a big intersection
1670s here on the map so you can see that
1671s mount is continuing to push out and
1673s develop now a little bit of harassment
1675s comes in here once again those very fast
1677s fiends come in the Lancers having a hard
1679s time catching them but of course the
1681s Hedgehog can go up and clear these out
1683s pretty quickly yeah one thing about
1685s brutes is when you turn them into fiends
1687s you're really committing especially when
1688s you're on the other side of the map so
1690s the amount of damage that's coming out
1691s is pretty scary but as long as you're
1693s able to hang on you will Outlast them
1695s now both sides look to have three bases
1698s up in mining so that's a pretty quick
1701s build into economy here we're going to
1703s see a lot of macr starting to come up
1705s from both sides uh and it does look as
1708s those conclaves are being added Mana is
1710s going to be going towards guns which is
1713s a ranged unit here for the infernals
1715s which has a really interesting upgrade
1718s that lets it infest units that you're
1720s attacking and when a a unit is infested
1722s and then killed it then spawns to more
1724s fiends so you can get to a situation
1725s where you can snowball a fight pretty
1727s quickly that is exactly it and of course
1729s when you get masses and masses of
1731s smaller units these quicker units not
1733s going to do as well like you can kite a
1735s little bit but it's going to be really
1737s timeing intensive and you can see right
1739s now he's trying to utilize these
1740s hedgehogs he's actually trying to clear
1742s this creep camp that did come back
1744s online and take that over from Mana uh
1747s but looks like Mana should be able to
1749s hold on and take out half of himself
1751s okay so the magma Don comes through
1753s there that unit it's the the quadraped
1755s there it has a dive function that can
1757s basically stun for half a second so if
1760s you can get a couple magmod Don and get
1761s a series of stuns you can chain that
1763s together into a big kill like we're
1765s we're seeing uh being attempted here by
1767s Mano yeah is really switching up the way
1769s that he's doing this you can see the
1770s Hedgehogs they're still trying to harass
1772s that was actually a very nice very quick
1774s heal there on the magmod Don so it does
1775s stay alive but it's taken a lot of
1777s damage here as well really annoying
1779s harassment here by T I think he's doing
1782s a good job keeping some pressure on Mana
1785s yeah the problem for TLO right now as
1787s far as I can tell at least is that the
1788s Hedgehogs while they're a threat and
1790s they can always run away causing damage
1792s to accumulate over time Mana seems to
1794s have a beefier army where if he actually
1796s takes a fight oh my God bad move there
1798s by T he tried to retreat back but went
1800s through the Army line there of mana and
1802s mana's going to continue to press
1804s forward yeah you can see those magnetons
1806s with their quick stuns doing a great job
1807s of helping him to pick some of those off
1809s and as he goes in for the attack you can
1811s see quite a few Lancers being added in
1813s here as well from T so those Lancers
1815s going to get in here uh and they're
1817s doing a good job of tanking but yeah he
1820s comes up and let's see if he can break
1822s through this third base okay we've got
1824s the Bobs over here with the overcharge
1826s it looks like that's going to force Mana
1827s back for a little bit and there's a lot
1830s of units falling over here for man he
1832s lost about maybe a fourth of his army
1834s over there um now whenever you force out
1836s the overcharge you know that once it's
1838s done there may be another opportunity to
1840s try to come back in here so why not
1842s Leverage The Situation take out this
1844s Vision camp and maybe dive back in again
1846s if he thinks he has enough and that's
1848s really T's Vision Camp so that's letting
1850s him see the positioning of this Army now
1852s he comes in once again those gauns are
1854s ready and they are starting to infest a
1856s lot of these units so if he actually
1858s starts to take this battle we're going
1859s to see a lot of fiends pop out and there
1862s they are the fiends start to come out of
1864s everything and some damage being dealt
1866s here to T yeah the static defense does
1868s fall I see about five hedgehogs here
1871s continuing to try to fight The Bobs are
1873s going to be pulled but there's no
1874s overcharge on them this time yeah nice
1877s little charge in there from the magdon
1878s but it will get surrounded it will get
1880s picked off the fiends still coming up
1883s here and causing some trouble finally a
1885s Vulcan hits the field this is going to
1886s be a key unit for t as this match goes
1889s further those Vulcans they're a little
1891s bit slow but they are fantastic at uh
1895s area effect damage yeah and they've got
1897s a dive function that allows them to plow
1899s through trees uh when they are doing
1902s damage in certain areas you really need
1903s to get out of there or everything's
1905s going to melt I'm speaking from
1906s firsthand experience here now it looks
1908s like T defends that but how much of the
1910s map does mana actually have sometimes it
1913s could be misleading when you see a fight
1914s lost on one side of the map only to
1916s realize that mana's actually grown
1918s pretty effectively here it looks like he
1919s has a base just to the south of the
1920s screenshot here if we could check that
1922s yeah so he's in pretty good shape
1924s slightly overs saturated 12 imps is the
1927s max you want to have mining there for
1929s now looks like he has one extra um and
1931s he's going to be excuse me he just now
1933s takes a fourth base over here so again
1935s this game's very new we don't know
1936s exactly how much each faction is
1938s supposed to have to have an even fight
1941s but uh Mana is up in one base and in
1943s fact he has taken the center and he's
1945s starting to make a lot of uh defensive
1948s structures there this is why it's called
1949s secluded Grove right this Center place
1951s it's a double base so super super
1954s powerful to have that's something that t
1956s is going to have to deal with or mana's
1958s just going to run him over yeah and the
1960s issue right now is it seems that Mana
1962s can basically go for control play he can
1964s roam the map and Gobble up all the other
1966s resource locations and while T might not
1968s be able to be killed here he certainly
1970s can't go out on the map and try to stop
1972s the growth that mana's getting now Mana
1973s coming in he has a lot of magmod here
1975s you can see those great stuns going
1977s going out but with enough Vulcans it
1979s looks like he T is getting pretty cost
1982s efficient here he pulls his Bobs forward
1984s and trying to overwhelm but we will see
1986s Mana turn
1988s around and you know with the Bob's
1990s already going back home here it looks
1991s like til's going to push it a little bit
1992s further now there's a lot of Vulcans
1994s here so we got to see how well T can
1996s control this situation the king for Mana
1998s looking pretty good it looks like he's
1999s going to come in from the side now yeah
2002s and don't forget these Vulcans can plow
2004s through those trees so that might be
2005s something we end up seeing pushes
2007s forward towards the Shroud stone that is
2009s kind of like a cannon that helps to
2011s defend quite a bit and it looks like mon
2014s is starting to take a very good fight
2015s here you got to be careful you see a ton
2017s of imps spawning right now as he infest
2019s the units of T beautifully done T going
2022s to have to retreat and go back now with
2023s those imps normally you would have to
2026s hyper commit to them but the fact that
2027s they're shrouded so close by you can
2029s always go back there and regen keep in
2030s mind that uh any of these infernal units
2033s that are on the Shroud they gain what we
2034s call White Health it's like an
2036s additional health bar that you can see
2037s at the top whenever they're not on the
2039s Shroud that bar diminishes but when you
2041s uh occupy the Shroud it builds back up
2043s which gives you a pretty strong buff
2045s especially when you have shroud in close
2046s proximity to your opponent's base yeah
2048s absolutely uh now you see there is some
2050s static D here for TLO and he's going to
2053s try to be able to hold on to this third
2054s base it's a really strong attack coming
2056s in from Mana a ton of gauns up here in
2059s the front and oh man how did that even
2062s happen we have a ton of fiends going to
2064s the Natural expansion as well this is B
2067s news for T yeah it's not clear that t
2070s could even hold this position over here
2071s at his third but already losing so many
2073s workers at his second base here it does
2076s appear that t is going to drive him back
2078s but the damage has been done osis yeah
2081s th this is starting to look very very
2083s bad for T he calls yeah GG comes out and
2087s that means that Mana is going to go
2089s ahead and win that first game uh really
2093s really well played one thing we should
2094s mention about these two legends of
2096s Starcraft 2 Mana right now is ranked
2099s within the top 10 players on the ladder
2102s in the closed beta that's right um he's
2105s been very active he seems to be in very
2106s good shape I think T did a good job back
2109s there it was impressive to see that
2110s surround on the initial brute and the
2112s shutdown of the fiend um but at the end
2115s of the day there was not a whole lot
2116s that t could do with his hedgehogs to
2119s deny the growth especially going to the
2122s South and then of course into the center
2123s which is the primary feature of that map
2125s getting those bases having that
2127s proximity able to hammer over and over
2130s and over again at too's third and then
2132s of course closing it out by having those
2134s fiends come in and wipe out the workers
2136s uh I think it was at was it at the main
2137s or the natural at the natural yeah I I
2140s think Mana did a great job of really
2141s growing his economy getting a giant army
2144s there some very important moves and T I
2147s feel like in the early game he was maybe
2148s outplaying Mana a little bit but maybe
2150s his volcans were a little bit slow there
2152s he really needs those to help to push
2154s back those gauns to push back those
2156s fiends uh and we didn't ever end up
2159s seeing anything like a Medtech which I'm
2161s hoping to see in this next round to help
2164s add some sustain to the army of T yeah
2166s well you know we can go back in that
2168s game and look at you know um shutting
2170s down the production facility for the
2171s first Hedgehog there did slow down T
2173s quite a bit I think that actually
2175s rippled through the rest of game one he
2177s didn't seem to have anywhere near as
2178s much control that's very true that's a
2180s really good point it seems like vanard
2181s really wants to leverage hedgehogs to
2183s then get their own map control and Tech
2184s behind it um but we're going to be going
2187s into game two in a second here now um
2189s all these maps are very different and
2191s we'll see if there's a different idea or
2193s strategy employed here from T and maybe
2195s we can be fortunate enough to have this
2197s tied up one to one here yeah I'm hoping
2199s for it it looks like we're just about
2201s ready to get into that next game let's
2203s see what map we're on it's not going be
2206s secluded Grove yeah I believe this is
2208s yeah this is Jag and Ma so this is an
2210s interesting map let's let's talk about
2212s the map before we really even get into
2214s uh the players or the strategies here so
2216s this map uh I I believe inspired by
2218s scrap station from Starcraft 2 both
2220s players uh spawn at the right but
2222s they're not close to each other by
2223s ground you basically have to move in
2225s this big horseshoe shape through the um
2228s you know your side of the map all the
2229s way around to theirs um there are these
2232s Siege uh camps that you can hit so like
2234s we saw the vision camps that were hit
2236s earlier um yeah the red ones there you
2238s can see a Siege camp on either side and
2241s if you go ahead and creep these camps it
2244s basically unlocks a catapult which is
2246s going to move towards your opponent you
2248s can't control it you can mess with its
2251s AI a little bit slow it down things like
2253s that uh but it will go for a push so
2256s that's a camp that you're really going
2258s to want to time out yeah and if they
2261s have a stronger Army than you you
2262s basically get like a it's like a siege
2264s tank push effectively but the tank is
2266s mobile and continuing to move on um and
2269s you can be overpowered in that position
2271s so a very cool function it does remind
2273s me a little bit of like when you kill a
2274s camp and Heroes of the Storm and
2275s suddenly these units spawn out and push
2278s opponent side of the um this it that
2282s more we're going to have fast expand
2283s plays from both players yeah that's
2285s pretty standard right now within uh
2287s within stormgate this is kind of funny
2289s to see actually this is great micro from
2291s uh T he's using his Scout to try to
2294s maybe steal that that creep kill put
2296s some damage onto the brw and that
2299s allowed the brw to uh take a lot more
2301s damage from the creep as well so very
2303s nicely done and he does decide that is a
2306s choice you can make in the game is to
2307s split that brute into a couple fiends
2309s and chase away the Scout of your
2310s opponent yeah the Scout a bit of a
2312s nuisance if you've ever played against
2314s it in a game of stormgate you definitely
2316s want to try to get rid of that and so
2318s you know with that there will be no more
2320s Vision over here on this side of the map
2321s for the time being I don't know if
2322s there's going to be any kind of
2323s surprising Tech uh here from Mana it
2326s seems like Mana has a pretty good
2327s understanding of how to develop in a
2329s safe way and and do more of a control
2331s Point MH yeah it does look like he's
2333s going for three iron vaults at the
2335s moment again this makes the brutes this
2337s makes the magmod Don later on when you
2339s unlock them so we should be seeing that
2341s same type of pressure that killed the
2343s mechbay for T earlier on but don't
2346s forget because of the way that jaged Ma
2348s is shaped that travel distance is going
2350s to be a little bit longer to get to your
2352s opponent that's right we've got the
2355s Lancer out now um and this is just some
2357s scouting over here for Mana with those
2359s fiend here he'll try to hicc up any Bobs
2361s he can whether uh it's going to be for
2363s the luminite or the theorum here just
2365s anything to buy a little bit of time
2367s as we all know in an RTS game just
2369s slowing things down by a few seconds can
2371s start to really stack up over time yeah
2373s and both the fiends end up going down
2375s there almost gets a ball but T does end
2378s up defending that a little bit better it
2379s feels like T just with a slightly
2381s stronger opener this game I do want to
2383s see though if he can get that Hedgehog
2386s production up high enough to maybe de a
2389s little bit more damage in that early mid
2391s game uh than what we saw in the previous
2393s map it would seem to me I could be wrong
2395s but it with Mana going um for a it looks
2398s like he go for a push pretty early on
2400s over here I think he's going to have a
2401s lot of muscle to come out on the map now
2403s obviously you know hedgehogs can kite
2405s pretty effectively but I wonder what
2406s kind of interaction that would create
2408s with the Catapult yeah that's a very
2410s good question now some fiends have been
2412s split off and sent up here they go ahead
2414s and try to surround that Lancer but a
2417s very quick overcharge on these Bobs
2419s going to help out the fiends going to
2421s pull back again don't forget they're
2422s losing health over time when they're not
2424s on shroud so they're not going to last
2426s forever and T needs to try to outlast
2428s them here yeah nice kill on that Bob
2431s going to do whatever damage he can
2433s obviously the halflife on these f is it
2435s going to last for that long uh and so
2437s he's just trying to do anything he can
2438s to to scout to to slow down development
2441s anything like that even going to go for
2442s this resource Camp going to get the kill
2444s over here no not enough HP on those yeah
2446s it doesn't look like in fact that'll
2448s soften it up T is going to be able to
2449s come over and take that resource Camp
2451s immediately get a little bit of extra
2453s illuminite there okay we've got brute
2456s development really kicking in now are we
2459s going to have an attempt on this Siege
2460s Camp it looks like he's uh forked the
2462s brutes off he's got three down here
2464s towards the northern middle which he
2466s turns into fiends uh right when they get
2468s over there uh there's two more brutes
2470s pushing over here on the left side of
2472s the map it looks like they're going to
2473s go for the vision camp we see the
2474s Hedgehog I believe got vision of that
2475s and spotted that yeah it definitely did
2477s end up seeing that he is going to pull
2479s it away that would take a long time to
2480s try to kill two brutes with one Hedgehog
2482s in the meantime utilizing those smaller
2484s trees that smaller infantry units can
2487s run through with the fiends trying to
2489s get up here quickly and you can see once
2490s again just a small group of fiends
2492s coming in you know these probably remind
2493s you if you're a Starcraft player of like
2495s zerglings for instance and just being a
2497s nuisance it's not like something that's
2499s going to end the game but look he's you
2500s know killing a Bob here killing a Lancer
2503s there and they're not that expensive for
2505s Mana no not at all and he could
2508s basically uh oh I love this so the beans
2510s come in there but then that allows these
2512s brutes to come down now he does get a
2513s surround on that first brute um and was
2516s not able to intoit little bit of er Mana
2520s in a Play From mana's perspective you
2523s would let that take as much damage as
2525s possible and then split it at the last
2526s second just to be clear for everybody
2528s watching you have to manually do that
2530s the fiend split that's right and uh
2532s these two fiends are going to try to get
2533s away they're just so fast so even the
2535s Hedgehogs having a hard time getting
2536s over there uh of course coming over here
2538s and going to destroy that Vision Camp uh
2541s but right now we have hedgehogs out but
2544s you know maybe T isn't going to push us
2546s heavily with these maybe he's deciding
2548s instead to go more quickly into that
2551s higher Tech get things like the Vulcans
2553s out I think you're probably right
2554s artosis I mean just having a couple of
2556s those hedgehogs out can create the
2557s illusion of that situation mirroring
2560s what we saw there in game one but you're
2562s right he's changing his Tech pretty
2563s quickly behind this having a lot of
2565s Barracks is thrown down here in fact
2567s yeah bio connect lab as well no big
2569s surprise right there uh because he does
2572s want to get those Lancers out and the
2573s Lancers definitely have some a very
2576s strong upgrade where whenever they're
2578s getting hit they get a 5% uh speed bonus
2582s uh that and I mean that just allows you
2584s to really move them around very quickly
2586s and close with the enemy in a fight
2589s another Scout moving over here this time
2590s on the right side of the map um it's
2593s been a much more quiet game than the
2595s last one we've had a couple of
2596s harassment plays over here uh from Mana
2598s getting in there getting a Bob here
2600s there uh but T's defense has been pretty
2602s solid and T teching in such a different
2604s direction should deliver us into a very
2606s different looking mid game here well
2609s right now it looks like this Camp going
2611s to be taken down this is one of those
2612s Siege camps we were talking about before
2615s so he's going to try to do a push but it
2617s looks like T is going for a
2619s Counterattack right now so if T is on
2621s the other side of the map attacking Mana
2624s he can't really push with the Catapult
2626s yeah it's it's basically um you know a
2629s punish here uh T realizing that mana's
2631s committed to that Siege camp now he can
2632s come down here and actually do this
2634s counter that's already done some damage
2636s he's now making progress up here uh into
2638s denying mining resources these imps on
2640s the run right now wow this really feels
2642s like a very good attack here from T
2645s again not as many hedgehogs as we saw
2646s previously but he's doing a great job
2648s with those Lancers putting some pressure
2651s on and here comes the
2653s Catapult so the Catapult just to remind
2656s everybody you can't control it it's just
2659s going to path its way down um into the
2662s base the way this these bases are set up
2664s if they're lining the bottom if it is a
2666s unit it will fire it's not mindless it's
2669s not just going to go and try to hit
2670s structures but this puts a position now
2673s where T has to address this does he try
2676s to snipe the Catapult does what does he
2678s do he comes in and the magmod Don go for
2680s a very nice stun the Catapult damage
2682s connects yeah and he's actually having
2683s some great micro as you can see you can
2685s dodge these catapult shots so really
2687s well done from T oh but the magmod daon
2689s just slides in there with the stun a
2691s little bit of a problem the Catapult
2693s gets a great hit on all those Lancers to
2695s the right and T feels like he has to
2697s retreat yeah t re realizing he's got to
2699s go back and lick his wounds here he's
2701s going to have more reinforcements come
2702s up now the further the Catapult gets
2704s down and closer to T's base the farther
2707s away the reinforcements are from Mana so
2709s there's a chance that he's going to get
2710s deep in enough here that there's a way
2711s to recover oh but look at what he's got
2714s here yeah sprin coming out right now
2717s these are air units uh and they just
2719s they just do attacks towards the ground
2722s and because nothing shoots up for T he's
2724s in a bit of trouble they're adding a ton
2725s of damage right now there's a huge
2727s amount of lancers and he's going to go
2729s ahead and try his best to push back
2731s through all this but he needs some
2732s anti-air for those sprin as well he's
2734s doing some damage but that catapult
2736s still here these shots really
2738s accumulating over onto the Lancers as
2740s spring continuing to come forward the
2741s catapults pretty low he goes in here
2743s first around looks like the magmod Don
2745s about to fall as is the Catapult yeah he
2747s takes that all down does end up losing a
2749s structure but now you see he is making
2750s some exos here as well you can see with
2752s the guns uh a pretty solid unit overall
2755s he also has those med techs there that
2757s are going to help to heal everything so
2759s instead of some of the unit sets that we
2761s saw in that first game it feels like T
2763s this game is going for more of a bio
2766s composition like it's you can almost
2768s think of it like a a marine medic Zealot
2771s right we have the MedEx for the healing
2773s they also deal a little bit of damage we
2774s have the exos as that ranged attack as
2776s that anti-air and of course the Lancers
2779s as the front line I really like the idea
2782s of having the sprin merge in with the
2784s push I was just talking about how it's
2785s going to be hard to get all the way down
2787s there to meet up with this push but the
2788s sprin come in there very nicely now with
2790s anti-air available the sprin have to be
2792s careful not to overextend yeah air units
2795s are almost always much weaker than their
2797s ground count counterparts right you're
2798s trying to use them uh for their Mobility
2801s but here against the main push it might
2803s be a little bit harder but when I say
2804s that look at the size of the army right
2807s now from Mana he's done a great job with
2808s his macro this game yeah I it's not
2810s clear to me who's actually got the
2812s better Army we got the magmod coming in
2813s there with that initial stun T beginning
2815s to kite back over here and it looks like
2818s he might even be able to wrap around
2819s with these brutes there's one Lancer
2821s over here to kind of draw the attention
2822s from some of these melee units away T
2825s begins to get a stronger fight and now
2826s pushing North man that is a lot of exos
2830s right now the Lancers doing such a good
2831s job tanking in the front of course as
2833s those med techs get up they can
2834s continually heal them as well and keep
2836s that front line going but oh man a huge
2839s amount of fiends being spawned out of
2841s those brutes they're going to push
2842s forward immediately and I don't know
2844s that there's any way for t to get out of
2846s here he's going to micro back it looks
2847s like there's a maybe a narrow path back
2849s there but as the magmod comes in here
2851s with the stun the damage continues to
2853s pile up just a fantastic slide there
2856s from the magma Don that charge really
2858s dealing a ton of damage and even though
2860s Oto finds probably the best position to
2863s make uh a favorable trade there there's
2866s just too many infernals on the field
2868s this is becoming a really crazy game
2870s artosis a real back and forth over here
2873s we're seeing both players they've pretty
2875s much filled up the the well you know
2876s Mana fills up the entire top of the map
2879s um and T fills up the entire bottom so
2882s uh you know I how long can this possibly
2884s go on for there's only so many resources
2885s on the map available here something's
2888s got to give yeah and you know are they
2891s going to just continually attack right
2893s now or are they going to go towards
2894s those expansions on the other side now
2896s that unit that you see going up and down
2898s this is a doom brigger it's basically
2899s like a transport it can pick units up
2901s when it lands and then bring them
2902s elsewhere but also when it lands it
2905s makes shrouds so that white Health
2906s starts to regenerate uh it's a really
2909s fantastic unit for support like this you
2911s see him putting that down regaining this
2913s white health so quickly really buffing
2915s his army with these units yeah giveing a
2917s really good foothold right here um for
2919s Mana he's going to continue to try to
2920s come come forward and you know with the
2923s buffing on this oh looks like the
2924s Magadan gets shot down T beginning to
2927s fight back was this an overextension
2929s here from Mana yeah we' got weever now
2932s it might be oh my God we even have a
2933s weaver coming in and it goes ahead and
2936s uses that lash command that is something
2938s that pulls units towards it so that you
2940s can kill them on your own shroud dealing
2942s a lot of damage there as well tons of fi
2944s splitting off and going after these exos
2947s does t actually have enough to hold on I
2949s think he does I think he could barely
2951s hang on the fiend again they're going to
2952s try to pull back remember they can get
2954s more white Health by stain on top of the
2956s Shroud so suddenly they have a very
2958s different type of sustain than they had
2960s before but T has to do something to get
2963s rid of this it looks like he's going to
2964s Fork these fiends off over here and try
2966s to do a Counterattack similar to what we
2967s saw in game one maybe going for the Bobs
2969s over at the second or the third base
2971s well he comes back he is still trying to
2973s break through it here a ton of brutes
2974s have come down you can see those gauns
2976s right now they're trying to infest these
2978s units so he can get more fiends as they
2980s end up dying the Weaver adding a
2982s surprising amount of damage in here as
2985s well okay the damage beginning to really
2987s pile up here if T can hold this and
2990s survive this attack I don't know that
2991s he's going to be able to defend the
2992s bases that are behind this this could be
2994s a 2 yeah really looks like it right now
2997s that magma Dawn charging in doing a
2999s great job of pushing everything back and
3001s now this area is becoming mon as he is
3003s starting to destroy these expansions T
3006s needs to make a stand here if he loses
3009s these bottom left bases I don't think
3011s there's much chance of him winning this
3012s game that's right the Bobs uh they've
3014s been overcharged now here they're going
3016s to try to defend I just don't see a real
3018s opportunity here for for t to overpower
3021s in this situation we've got some more
3023s Lancers coming up Ma now microing away
3025s but so many workers have been dropped
3027s now that's going to really stifle the
3029s amount of resources they can come in
3031s next man this is just a great attack a
3034s great rallying coming in here from Mana
3037s as well T continues to pump out units
3040s he's trying to break through but you can
3041s see the fiend production here is amazing
3044s between infesting the fact that you have
3046s these brutes that turn into fiends as
3048s well it's just a ton of units that you
3051s have to deal with yeah it's a lot we've
3054s got the push continuing to come back
3056s over here as we're seeing everything
3057s fall apart he's basically deep into the
3060s infrastructure right now for TLO with
3062s the infrastructure spread out like this
3063s you start to lose those buildings you
3065s can't produce as much sometimes units
3066s pop out get isolated and killed
3068s immediately yeah and you can see as he
3070s brings the magmod Don in as well it's
3071s too much GG is called and that is going
3075s to be it Mana takes down t two to zero
3079s here with the infernals a really
3081s impressive showing here from MAA now
3084s everybody we're just getting started
3085s started ma will now go on to face off
3089s against Moon Moon of course the most
3090s legendary player ever from Warcraft 3
3093s we've got a quick trailer for you guys
3095s and after that we're going to be going
3096s to the main stage don't go
3101s [Music]
3107s away storm gate
3110s unable shut it
3112s off what the hell was that cut the power
3117s now it is too late my
3127s friend what in God's name have we
3144s done
3162s fight cower either way your will will
3168s fallo what a way to start off the
3170s competition congratulations mana and
3172s thank you TLO we are going to take a
3174s closer look at those games we've got
3177s osis on the stage and we are joined by
3179s Kevin dong AKA monk free old RTS heads
3182s who is our lead competitive designer at
3185s Frost giant for stormgate so gentlemen
3187s uh why don't you talk about what you saw
3188s today I tell you that was uh that was
3191s really impressive more units being used
3193s than I actually anticipated for being so
3196s early in a closed beta what did you
3197s think yeah it was really impressed by
3200s both the types of number of types of
3201s units that were used but also how
3203s Dynamic the games were a lot of back and
3205s forth
3206s especially with uh with Mana poking in a
3208s lot with fiends with brutes all over the
3210s map in both games and on the opposite
3213s side T was poking in with his Hedgehog
3216s so um a lot of players going back and
3218s forth on the map yeah yeah I understand
3220s you have some clips for us to take a
3222s look at I have very carefully show uh
3224s chosen some Choice Clips so let's uh
3226s roll with the first
3230s clip all right in this clip we see that
3233s uh Mana is uh poking with the three re
3235s bruts who can have the opportunity to
3237s transform into fiends they split
3240s themselves and become much more I
3242s wouldn't say powerful but they do a lot
3243s more DPS at the cost of durability um we
3247s also see throughout this early game he's
3249s baited a lot of Bob overcharges which is
3252s a defensive mechanic for Vanguard but
3255s the command post is going to round out
3257s of energy soon which means that the
3258s workers can't really help that much at
3261s uh defend defending so he's going to
3262s deal a good amount of damage early on
3264s yeah I really like this pressure that he
3266s was doing early on here and of course
3267s he's only cost luminite as well the
3269s brutes so very easy to manage making
3271s these one thing that T I were talking
3273s about a lot that Mech Bay going down
3275s really seemed to affect the rest of the
3277s game yeah totally it it totally affected
3279s the pace of the game usually you want a
3282s lot of hedgehogs to give you map control
3284s in order to scout what your opponent is
3285s doing in order to see oh when are they
3287s transitioning so they can uh so that the
3289s Vanguard player can transition to units
3291s that can actually fight the the huge
3293s hordes of brutes fiends uh gauns and
3296s later magmod and I think that that comes
3298s into play a little later yeah and one
3300s thing I did want to mention here as well
3301s the actual Mech Bay itself is probably
3304s not positioned correctly and this is
3306s like one of the tenants of RTS games and
3308s it's great to see that already in use
3311s this early by these Starcraft Pros right
3313s where that building is a little bit out
3314s of position and that may have been what
3316s trickled down to a t loss this game if
3319s that had been for instance where the
3320s habitat is and the habitat was in the
3322s other spot he may have been able to
3323s repair it keep it alive get more
3325s hedgehogs
3326s little things really build into big
3327s things in RTS games yeah brilliant
3329s observation um I we've in this
3331s particular closed beta phase we've seen
3334s a lot of sim ciding come into play uh
3337s you need to basically wall off against
3339s some of the fian runby some of the
3340s Hedgehog runbys um yeah just great
3342s development of the game that we're
3344s seeing um in the various closed alphas
3346s and closed betas all right well great
3348s first clip here uh let's go ahead jump
3350s to the next
3351s one all right and here we see uh some of
3354s the creep camps that are being fought
3356s over chickens of course are a
3357s placeholder but we can see that um you
3359s really want to compete for these uh
3361s camps in order to get the resources and
3363s the benefits that come from the camps
3365s and T actually stole both chickens um in
3368s this clip uh with his very mobile
3370s hedgehogs um he's going to get the money
3372s from there unfortunately he's not going
3373s to get the uh residual residual effect
3376s which is the division Tower there um but
3378s still uh uh he he gains uh 75 luminite
3383s and he denies it from his opponent a 150
3385s illuminite swing yeah yeah that's pretty
3387s cool and you know what I like about
3389s seeing this scene it's almost as if of
3391s course your whole team uh many of the
3393s people on your team have worked at
3395s blizzard over the years and it feels
3396s like you're finding like a sweet spot
3398s right in between Starcraft 2 and
3400s Warcraft 3 where we have some of these
3402s interesting interactions it's not the
3403s end of the world that you're going to
3404s lose this creep camp but we're having
3406s really cool fights around it yeah
3408s exactly one of the big selling points of
3410s creep camps is we want players to go out
3413s into the middle of the map so they have
3415s these mini engagements um we can see
3417s here that both players because they're
3418s they're fighting for these creep camps
3420s they see exactly what their opponent's
3422s unit composition composition is and
3424s therefore they are kind of like
3426s passively scouting each other they're
3427s not uh taken back by whatever the
3429s opponent can bring yeah and one more
3431s thing the the Hedgehogs you know it just
3433s seems like they're very strong right now
3435s you know how fast they are how they can
3437s just kind of lock on and kill something
3438s off very quickly but I love seeing the
3440s counterplay that infernals have here as
3442s well with the magmod Don right charging
3444s in getting that done and doing a little
3446s bit of punish because I feel like that's
3448s really important for a healthy RTS is
3450s that you're not always taking damage you
3452s have some counterplay yeah and uh on the
3454s Hedgehog side the hedgehogs are going to
3456s be uh a little slower than the magma da
3458s charge but if you anticipate the charge
3460s uh if you're familiar with that then you
3462s can actually Dodge the charge as well so
3464s uh a lot of dynamic back and forth that
3465s we're hoping for all right excellent
3468s clip here uh let's go ahead and see the
3469s next one all right I think this is going
3471s to be one of the the first big fights uh
3474s there's going to be a push uh with these
3475s gauns uh with the uh a single magmod I
3478s believe and some brutes uh the hedgehogs
3480s are really good at harassment but
3481s they're not so good in straight up
3483s fights we really want the Vulcans you
3484s want the Bob overcharge and possibly
3486s because of the uh the early uh Mech Bay
3489s loss early on we don't see any Vulcans
3491s which are typically used to defend this
3493s push yeah yeah that's true that it did
3496s feel like the Vulcans were a little bit
3497s late this game I did feel during this I
3499s like the buz saww cannon because
3501s everything was basically melee based
3502s coming up uh but I felt like oh man
3505s maybe if he had one more this would have
3507s been more holdable as well yeah exactly
3509s uh great mention of the the use of the
3512s buz cannon vard has a uh defensive
3515s turret called the Sentry post and you
3516s actually can put any infantry into that
3519s Sentry post and it will transform into
3521s one of many defensive Towers uh the buz
3524s saww cannon is really good against
3525s biological units really good at close-up
3527s fights uh but unfortunately just because
3530s one one Tower is not going to let you
3531s defend this huge horde of infernal units
3534s yeah yeah and really those Vulcans I
3536s think were what we're missing in this
3538s one and another thing to point out is
3541s you had mentioned Sim City before the
3543s buzz Cannon was actually placed in a
3544s position where a lot of the uh not a lot
3546s of Bobs could repair it so another case
3548s where building in a corner might have
3550s hurt TLO absolutely all right another
3553s great clip let's go ahead check out the
3555s next and I think this is one of the the
3558s final fights uh Mana is putting up a
3560s shroud Stone uh in in a forward position
3563s that so that his units can regenerate
3565s health and he's really just giving it to
3567s t t is trying to push out um but the the
3571s combination of gaun magmod um he's
3573s really a little higher Tech than T but
3576s in addition to that he's using his some
3577s of his Global abilities like um like uh
3580s he's able to infest his opponent which
3582s uh deals a lot of damage to the Vanguard
3584s units over time and also uh whenever a
3588s Vanguard unit dies it's actually going
3589s to make a fiend so infernal as a as a a
3593s faction they're all about about killing
3595s their opponents um and also just
3597s sacrificing opponent so that's why
3599s brutes sacrifice themselves into fiends
3601s you uh kill your opponent's units and
3603s they create fiends and anytime uh any
3606s unit dies on the battlefield you
3608s actually get a global resource called
3609s animus which you can use for these
3611s Global abilities like this infest
3613s ability we see here yeah very very
3615s useful as you can see and of course that
3616s infest very popular right now to be able
3618s to get out all these fiends I would have
3620s loved to see if we had a mettech with
3622s Nanos Swarm at that point to help heal
3624s up the Vulcans because the Vulcans do
3627s seem like they are a very important
3628s counter against these fiend Heavy Plays
3630s exactly uh typically this kind of
3632s composition you you want to be a little
3634s more Medtech heavy uh you kind of saw
3636s that you kind of saw that in the later
3638s game but in this particular game um the
3641s Vulcans just didn't have enough uh
3643s survivability they're they taken out
3645s quite early by uh not only the magmod
3647s Don stuns but just the the DPS from the
3649s gauns in the backline all right a a
3652s great fight there from Mana let's go
3654s into our next clip
3656s now and I I think this is going to be
3658s the final closer um there's a there's a
3660s lot of towers there we have the buz saww
3663s cannon we have the uh the repair omatic
3665s which is the uh version of the turret
3667s that has a bob in it and it can repair
3670s all mechanical units uh so a lot of
3672s great tower use uh from TLO but
3674s unfortunately just because of the the
3676s economic uh advantages from Mana
3678s throughout the game and the mini
3679s skirmishes uh most of which uh Mana took
3682s I think it just all added up and we see
3684s G from T yeah and I I do want to point
3687s out as well we didn't quite get to point
3689s out in this game but we did in the the
3690s second I love that he reinforced with
3693s some sprin right because this type of
3696s composition we see from T doesn't really
3698s have the anti-air that's always been a
3700s problem for like mechanical armies in
3702s RTS games and the sprin were doing a
3705s great job as well helping out even
3706s though lower in number here yeah exactly
3709s Tay was super focused on Lancer Vulcan
3711s that's one of the strongest compositions
3712s you could make against this ground Army
3715s um but he just didn't have any answer to
3716s the sprin usually you would want some
3718s some uh hedgehogs maybe some exos which
3721s we saw in the next game um but yeah the
3723s sprin I actually haven't seen too much
3725s of that um in the games that I've
3726s observed in the Clos beta but U like a a
3729s brilliant idea for Mana yeah I think
3730s it's something that'll probably catch on
3732s over time but let's go ahead and check
3734s some clips from that second game um I I
3737s love this from T So The Siege camps um
3739s on jacked ma which is this map are one
3742s of the primary aspects of this map if
3744s you this Camp you get a neutral catapult
3747s which kind of a moves across the map and
3749s helps you fight um it's very powerful
3751s but T knows this and he actually scouted
3754s the timing of when uh the The Siege Camp
3757s was being done so not only did he know
3758s that Mana was out of position but now he
3760s knows how to when he needs to defend
3762s this uh this catapult so he's going to
3765s attack while Mana is creeping and deal
3767s some Dam uh economic damage to these
3769s imps yeah I love that move as well you
3771s know the fact that his Scout was
3772s actually in there seeing the timing of
3774s that se Siege Camp allows him to come up
3776s here deal some damage take out a shroud
3778s Stone you know just be a bit of a
3780s nuisance and of course he has a timer in
3782s his head for that catapult coming so he
3783s can get back in a defensive position
3785s exactly and we're going to see the
3787s results of that I think in the next clip
3789s all right let's jump into that next clip
3790s and yeah the Catapult really showing a
3793s lot of damage here yeah so one of the
3795s strategies that you can use to defend
3797s the Catapult um I think when what new
3799s players do is they actually just oh
3800s shoot there's a catapult uh let me just
3802s build up uh in my base but you can do
3805s the Catapult it takes a long time to
3806s shoot and it's very slow so uh you can
3809s actually Dodge the the the shots of the
3812s Catapult and you can delay it a lot um
3815s while you build defenses in your base
3817s and in that time you can counter the
3819s Catapult so T he I don't think he
3822s actually necessarily wants to win this
3823s fight uh ideally he would want to pick
3825s up the Catapult but he doesn't really
3826s have the units for that usually you want
3828s um a lot more hedgehogs or maybe some
3830s Scouts to to cut the Catapult off but
3833s he's buying a ton of time for um some
3835s Sentry post back home uh maybe he's
3837s going to build some Vulcans back home uh
3839s in order to defend these hordes of INF I
3842s love some of this micro as well
3844s utilizing that Lancer upgrade where they
3846s get the speed boost when they're being
3847s attacked you could see he could pull out
3849s just in time to really minimize damage
3852s and most of the Catapult shots hit but o
3855s when one like that hits you really feel
3856s it yeah I I think there there's there's
3859s still maybe a bit more he could do there
3861s but yeah just awesome uh awesome
3863s thoughts from t i I really love the way
3865s he just microed uh especially his lers
3867s throughout this entire Series yeah very
3870s very cool with that push let's go ahead
3871s and jump into our next clip
3875s here and this this is the next clip uh
3878s we saw Mana is actually reinforcing with
3880s sprin this time sprin actually have an
3882s ability where every time they attack
3884s anything they the the thing that they
3887s attack uh will lose both production
3889s speed and attack speed so another good
3891s idea to reinforce is that you can
3893s actually hit turrets with the sprin and
3896s then delay um or reduce their
3898s effectiveness which helps you defend
3900s versus the Catapult but uh T just
3902s charges in goes for the Catapult I think
3904s he's going to snipe off the Catapult um
3906s but now uh like you pointed out he
3907s doesn't really have the anti-air yeah he
3909s was very very Lancer heavy here getting
3911s into MedEx and everything but did get
3913s exos another thing to mention you know
3916s none of the middle of the map had really
3918s been cleared out yet so the sprin can
3920s fly across all the terrain and get up to
3923s that Army very quickly so again I'm I'm
3925s really loving the springing play that
3926s we've seen here from Mana yeah to be
3928s honest like not a very common unit in
3930s the the Clos beta but uh just brilliant
3932s use of it from
3934s Mana all right let's go ahead jump into
3936s our next clip
3939s here and right now um yeah uh one thing
3942s I noticed that was that TLO went really
3945s EXO Heavy after that push and I wonder
3947s if he overc committed to exos probably
3949s uh and I think Mana saw that usually you
3951s would want um mostly brutes in this Army
3953s but I think he saw oh you're very Lancer
3955s weak which is the or lancer light which
3958s is the counter to U Mass fiends so he's
3961s like oh I actually don't want brutes
3963s here I think fiends would be a better
3965s solution so I like that as infernals you
3967s can really dynamically choose which unit
3969s you want to have in the battle and he
3970s chose the correct Choice uh T I think he
3973s was actually doing really well uh in the
3975s previous fight before this but he kind
3976s of just got cornered um in the back I
3978s don't think he knew the terrain that
3980s well um and therefore he kind of lost
3982s his entire Army there but yeah I just
3983s love the decision the the micro from TLO
3986s and also the decision making from Mana
3988s yeah yeah and I even like him pulling
3989s back here and I mean you see the magmod
3992s come up and and stun everything and
3993s that's really kind of the end of it but
3995s yeah you know these fiends we've seen
3997s such strong plays out of Mana it really
3999s does feel like you need to dedicate some
4002s sort of Splash damage some sort of area
4004s of effect damage to take those out yes
4007s uh common choices are of course the
4008s Vulcan which we've seen a lot uh
4010s throughout this uh entire series uh also
4013s the atlas uh is a unit that deals a lot
4015s of damage in a very large AOE players
4017s haven't been opting for that as much um
4020s because it takes a while to get to um
4022s but we might see it in a future match
4024s yeah hoping to see it let's uh go to our
4026s next clip
4027s now all right now we see another push
4030s from um Mana this is this is not going
4032s to be the end necessarily but it's going
4034s to be the beginning of the end uh these
4036s uh uh these hard Bringers that we see
4038s are uh units that can deploy and they
4041s are not only transports but they create
4043s shroud in in the front of the
4045s battlefield which allows infernal units
4046s to really uh regen their uh White Health
4050s very quickly so um yeah there this uh we
4054s see T I think barely hold this because
4057s he he has the defender advantage of
4058s course I think he's also going to have
4060s some flag turrets which are exos in the
4062s Sentry post those are very powerful we
4064s see that Weaver kind of grab um uh a exo
4068s over to him get over here um and this we
4070s see fors of reinforcing units over and
4073s over again uh the FL cannons are doing a
4075s ton of damage and I think it's just a
4077s like a kind of a war of attrition where
4078s uh man's economy is just slightly better
4081s uh T I think just got this base so he
4083s didn't um his army didn't catch up as
4085s quickly and eventually I think TLO is
4088s just going to fall you know I think that
4089s this battle in particular kind of made
4091s me excited about the way we're going to
4092s see micromanagement evolve you know the
4094s fact that he's he's bringing in his own
4096s shroud uh and then also like with the
4099s exos we saw good micro but maybe not
4102s placed perfectly against the magmod on
4104s coming in right that's going to be a
4105s unit in the future we see Pros really
4107s focusing on dodging the stun up yeah and
4110s one thing I'm really excited about is
4111s the the Lancer in particular the Lancer
4113s has an ability that says every time you
4115s attack me I get faster and I attack
4117s faster so U maybe later on in the
4120s development of St game we see players
4121s that say oh maybe I just don't want to
4123s attack these laners as much as possible
4125s go into the the backline um in order to
4127s to hit those juicy exos instead yeah
4130s very very cool stuff let's go do you
4132s have any more Clips here I think they're
4133s just the the final clip where the the
4135s game kind of ends but that's more of
4136s like a closer I would say nothing too
4138s interesting happened here is there's a
4139s final overcharge I think this is the um
4142s the the Vanguard version of the um the
4145s the scans all over the map or the mule
4146s dropping um but yeah we see uh Bob
4149s overcharge this a final defense K is
4152s trying his best with uh M Mass infantry
4155s we see another infest but there's just
4157s Carnage all over the map as every unit
4159s Falls yeah some awesome Clips I think it
4161s was a really fun series and one thing I
4163s have to say right we're like very early
4165s in the the close beta and we don't even
4168s have tier three here yet but we're still
4170s having very exciting end games oh yeah
4172s um yeah the games are like I think mana
4175s and TI have done a really great job of
4177s like showcasing uh what this game uh can
4179s be um and just like how the the unit
4182s competitions can be very different the
4184s the back and forth with the creep camps
4185s and just the back and forth overall
4187s really great uh games I'm excited even
4189s more for what moon can put up against
4192s them y exciting games and very exciting
4195s with you guys casting it's been a joy
4197s artosis having you bring your expertise
4199s uh to the cast The analysis as well and
4201s this is not the last you will see of
4204s artosis but uh may I send you to the
4207s back all right thank you and we're going
4210s to have Kevin stick around because we
4212s took a look at some of the 1V one action
4216s that's coming up in stormgate but we
4218s have a bit more to talk about because
4220s stormgate is more than just 1 V one so
4222s Kevin dong AKA mon you have stayed with
4225s us you are the lead competitive designer
4227s at Frost giant for stormgate but you
4229s have a long history in this space so
4231s tell us a little bit more about that
4233s well I would say my history in RTS
4235s really began when um I started posting
4237s on Team Liquid I was started as a a
4240s lowly poster but I started writing a lot
4242s of strategy guides I volunteered to help
4244s with moderation and from there um I was
4247s offered a job at Team Liquid where I was
4249s uh project managing a lot of the the
4251s early Team Liquid days back when I was
4253s just a fledging company uh in in in New
4256s York basically um from then on I moved
4258s on to become the lead uh Co-op designer
4261s at blizzard for Starcraft 2 um where I
4263s worked primarily on the Cooperative mode
4266s but also in the competitive mode and
4267s from then on uh I moved to frost shine
4270s where I work on stormgate very happily
4272s uh as the primary competitive designer
4274s but I also work on the I have a big hand
4276s in the Cooperative mode as well and I'm
4278s really excited not only to show off the
4280s 1 V one matches the competitive mode but
4282s also to talk about Co-op yeah let's get
4285s into Co-op a little bit you've got the
4286s 3ve that you're focusing on now tell me
4289s why you think it's important to focus on
4290s that what you're excited about with it
4292s yeah I think there's a a really large
4294s audience of RTS players who really enjoy
4297s the power fantasy of building this huge
4300s Army sending it across the map and just
4303s rolling their opponents with that Army
4304s and I think this infinitely replayable
4307s mode that we've developed in 3ve
4309s stormgate Co-op it kind of fulfills that
4312s fantasy well you mentioned your history
4314s of Blizzard a lot of work on the
4317s competitive on the co-op there how does
4319s that inform what you're doing here at
4321s Frost yeah we honestly we learned a lot
4323s of lessons while developing Co-op uh on
4325s the Starcraft 2 Team um Co-op really
4328s from the ground up initially it was not
4330s designed or it was not envisioned to be
4332s as successful as initially was um it
4335s started off as a very modest mode very
4337s humble from very humble beginnings uh
4339s there were only six commanders just a
4341s few Maps but then the team realized oh
4343s wow this mode is actually really popular
4345s people are really engaging with this
4347s mode so every year on the team we
4349s figured out oh what's what's the next
4352s next best thing we can give to the
4353s players uh what's the next B best
4356s building block we can give to them and
4357s honestly like taking a look back at it I
4359s think we did a pretty good job but um
4362s after like many many years of
4364s development when you take a look back
4366s the because every year we added one
4368s thing the the end product was not as
4371s cohesive as it could have been there
4373s were many just staggered building blocks
4375s on top of each other um so at stormgate
4378s where we've taken a lot of lessons we
4379s learned there and we can now develop a
4382s game mode from the ground up uh what of
4384s what we want it to be and we can look at
4386s it from the whole picture um and I think
4391s how How would how how I would best put
4393s it is that I think it's really much
4395s easier to hit a Target if you know
4398s exactly what you're aiming for well
4399s that's really exciting you've had all
4401s these opportunities to iterate you have
4402s seen what the fans been very interested
4405s in and you yourself as a fan have
4407s brought a lot of your own experiences to
4409s it so with all that what is it going to
4412s look like what can you tell us about it
4413s yeah I think uh there's kind of three
4415s things we're really focusing on with 3ve
4418s Co-op uh it's going to be focus on
4420s replayability a focus on progression
4423s slash uh SL customization and then
4426s finally the the team aspect you want it
4428s to really feel good to play as a team so
4431s with replayability in Starcraft the repl
4433s playability mostly came from the the
4436s variation on uh enemy waves so we're
4439s still going to have that in star in uh
4441s in stormgate Co-op um but in addition to
4443s that we're going to have lots of
4444s variations on where these attack waves
4445s are going to come from and in addition
4447s to that we're going to have variation on
4448s a mapto map basis so every map is going
4451s to have something a little different and
4452s every time you play it it's going to
4454s feel very different in addition um we're
4456s also obviously going to be continually
4458s developing Maps so yeah every uh every
4461s few months you can look to an exciting
4463s new uh hero you can look to an exciting
4465s new Commander um from the rep from the
4469s progression customization side we want
4471s you to feel good about playing your
4473s commander and leveling up over time and
4476s not only that we want you to be able to
4478s play exactly how you want to play so for
4481s the hero you just saw which is blockade
4483s um he is primarily a tank uh he helps
4486s his allies a lot so perhaps you can spec
4489s him more towards the healing side more
4491s towards the defensive side or maybe
4493s you're just like like you're full of
4495s pure aggression and you want to go all
4496s out so exactly how you want to choose
4499s exactly Rachel which one are you the the
4500s pure aggression yes I can see it in your
4503s eyes you know you um but also uh in
4506s addition to that we want you to yeah
4508s just play exactly how you want and then
4510s finally is the the team aspect we want
4512s you to it's a 3v um it's a 3v eame mode
4515s rather than a 2v eame mode in Starcraft
4518s so we want you to really feel like
4520s you're part of the team we want to make
4521s cooperation feel good we want to say hey
4524s I I I used my heel on my Ally oh I'm
4527s really appreciative of that heel Rachel
4529s thank you I I got you I mean I'm I'm mad
4531s aggressive but I'll still heal you okay
4533s you're you're that you're that player
4534s you're the DPS player I got that uh so
4537s maybe I can heal you instead I would
4538s appreciate that as well but it's I love
4540s three a three-legged stool never wobbles
4542s yeah exactly and and part of the thing
4544s we can do there is that um by expanding
4546s to a 3ve mode we allow it to um to bring
4550s even more friends in and we can also
4552s split you in many different ways you as
4554s a team you can choose oh all three of my
4556s uh teammates are going to go down that
4558s path or you can choose to be lone wolves
4560s and go 111 complete the uh the map in
4563s three separate Lanes perhaps or you can
4565s go some combination of two and one uh
4568s the the choice is really yours a lot of
4570s opportunities out there and I know we
4572s have a big enough crowd that's going to
4573s explore all of them as soon as they can
4575s get their hands on it uh any last words
4577s you want to say about what's to come
4579s what you're excited for or who you're
4581s excited to see play well I think I'm
4583s most most excited about our next guest
4585s who not only is my current coworker but
4588s he also uh worked with me a long time
4591s ago back on the team liquid days back
4593s when we were just a couple of guys in a
4595s room well that's a great setup so thank
4597s you so much monk for coming out for
4599s sharing your experiences and of course
4601s giving us a little taste of what's to
4602s come in 3ve and you did do a wonderful
4604s job also of welcoming our next guest to
4606s the stage this is hyoka we've got Matt
4610s Weber he is the senior production
4612s manager for stormgate bringing a lot of
4615s experience to bear as monk shouted out
4617s as well as a lot of new thoughts from
4620s all the different places that you've
4621s been working in Matt it's a pleasure to
4623s have you here on the stage why don't you
4625s tell the people a little bit more about
4626s your background your history in RTS
4628s hello oh wow it's very exciting here
4631s this is actually uh a little bit
4633s emotional for me I uh I worked for dream
4635s hack for many years I ran every
4639s Starcraft tournament dream hack did
4640s between I don't know 2017 and
4644s 2021 I was one of the people that
4647s founded the initial ESL Pro Tour the RTS
4650s ones um and now I'm here with storm
4653s Gates on stage I mean it looks amazing
4655s it's so nice to see this on
4657s stage it really does look good up here
4660s and uh you're teaming me up nicely for a
4663s talk about future competitive storm gate
4666s uh yeah um I mean for us Esports is
4670s really just all about facilitating cool
4672s stuff I don't want us to be a group that
4675s is really setting a strict structure
4678s dictating exactly what needs to happen
4680s the formats the tournaments what I'd
4682s really like to do is to set up a a
4685s structure by which people can plug in
4687s try things have different tournaments
4690s see what works see what's fun for me my
4693s background like Kevin mentioned is that
4694s Team Liquid the thing that made me
4696s really fall in love with Esports was the
4699s co the community aspect just hanging out
4701s with people um I ran into Team Liquid in
4705s the mid 2000s and I really felt like
4708s these are my people these are the people
4709s I want to hang out with and I'd like to
4711s facilitate that for everyone else and
4714s that's kind of the way we're approaching
4715s Esports it's something similar to that
4718s yeah I think uh Frost Giant's overall
4720s philosophy on stormgate Esports is very
4722s interesting and it speaks to your
4724s background in the Grassroots scenes of
4726s what built these RTS games that we love
4728s that what built Starcraft into a game
4730s that has weathered time is the deep deep
4733s roots that were allowed to set early on
4735s so what are you guys doing for that yeah
4737s I mean for us um you know first and
4739s foremost we're looking to just make a
4741s really fun game I actually spend most of
4743s my time on the production side I
4744s produced our Kickstarter I produced a
4746s lot of the UI I do some production for
4749s monetization um but in parallel we're
4751s planning for a future to have
4753s competition and the general goal for us
4756s is you know when a game is good it tends
4758s to be fun to watch we've been pretty
4760s happy with the results which is why
4762s we're here I mean I pleasantly surprised
4764s at how good the game was to watch even
4766s in an early State it's really uh to the
4769s designers's credit yeah see great that's
4772s good I asked quietly but they were quick
4774s to enthus guys uh yeah that's that's
4777s just sort of the goal is we'd like
4778s something that's cool something that's
4780s fun and we want to be there to help make
4782s it happen we want to empower people I
4783s want to support people I mean I can't
4785s really even stop people from doing
4786s tournaments as soon as we had a
4788s pre-alpha people were doing competitions
4790s and so I I just want to let them have
4792s that love I I want to I want to support
4794s that I want to Foster that that's kind
4795s of our our main goal and for us in
4798s addition to supporting people like TLO
4800s mana and moon I'd really like you to be
4802s able to play with your co-workers with
4804s your friends with people you're at
4805s school with um I mean when I was in
4807s college we used to go to the bar and
4808s then we would come home and play little
4810s tournaments among ourselves and I really
4812s want to support that for this game yeah
4814s a wide and strong base is going to build
4817s for a very tall and incredible and long
4820s lasting future I do love that there's
4822s you putting that effort into to building
4825s that community and players turn into
4828s viewers as well and viewers love to
4830s watch competition at the highest level
4832s so tell me Hyo what's going on with the
4834s the the top tier orts the top tier well
4837s um for the next couple of months you're
4838s going to see a little bit more play from
4839s our Clos beta we're going to let people
4841s stream some events even though we're
4843s still in Clos beta uh next year we're
4845s going to go into Early Access in the
4847s fall then we'd like to sanction some
4849s events um not so much first party run
4851s but work with the community to really
4852s make some cool stuff and then at the
4854s very end of the year we'd like to have
4856s the first real stormgate Championship a
4858s live event have a real prize pool and
4860s really just celebrate the first couple
4862s of months of the
4863s game that sounds incredible it sounds
4865s like you've got a lot of future players
4868s maybe a lot of current players if you've
4869s been over to the booth and been able to
4870s score a beta key that are interested in
4873s following the growth of Esports that
4874s might want to do these beta tournaments
4876s are you collecting them somewhere do we
4878s send them somewhere do you have a
4879s personal email you want to hand out yeah
4881s I mean I think oh I don't even know what
4882s email to be to do but I think if you if
4884s you look on our website our press
4885s contact is probably the best place
4887s they'll send us I I'm trying to talk to
4888s all the community members make sure we
4890s know who wants to do things but really
4891s reach out to us we want to work with
4893s people just help build a really cool
4895s community and let people do super fun
4896s things well thank you so much Matt for
4898s coming out to talk to us I know the
4901s future of stormgate competitive is in
4903s great hands so I'm going to let you go
4905s back and actually watch our next
4906s competition we're going to get set up
4908s because we have the finals of our
4910s stormgate Showdown about to go down here
4912s on stage
4913s incredible players we've got Moon and
4915s Mana who just took out T and they are
4918s ready to put on the highest level
4921s stormgate competition thus far let's
4923s check it
4927s out all right everybody let's make some
4929s noise Let's Get Hype it is Moon versus
4931s Mana here in the first ever stormgate
4934s show match MAA in in a way representing
4938s Starcraft 1 Starcraft 2 he started
4940s playing and competing in Starcraft at a
4942s very young age and of Moon the greatest
4944s Warcraft 3 player of all time these two
4947s duking it out now in a game that takes
4949s the best of Starcraft and the best of
4951s Warcraft puts it together let's find out
4953s who comes out on top artosis it's going
4955s to be an exciting one here you know Mana
4958s a legend from Starcraft 2 and Moon being
4960s the greatest of all time from Warcraft 3
4962s can't really ask for a better match in
4964s this it's going to be infernals against
4967s infernals that bottom left purple
4970s infernal is moon and the top right is is
4974s Mana this is going to be such a crazy
4977s match here uh this map a very different
4979s one they are both going to be going for
4981s fast expanding builds um there are
4984s creeps on this map some are in the
4986s middle some are a little bit further out
4987s of the way uh it is a very winding map
4990s in that there's a lot of different ways
4991s to Counterattack and move around so
4993s having a map presence and map vision is
4995s going to be key yeah and already we see
4998s maybe a little bit of a difference
5000s between the two players two iron vaults
5002s going down there for Moon uh you know
5005s right now as far as uh infernal vers
5008s infernal fiends are very very strong and
5012s gaun with that infest ability to make
5014s more fiends is very very strong so I
5016s wouldn't be surprised if we see just a
5020s lot of fiends battling on both sides
5022s there's one uh function we haven't
5024s really discussed yet it we didn't really
5025s have time in the last series because the
5027s game picked up so fast but there is
5029s animus that is collected over time and
5031s units are killed um and that is only uh
5034s for infernals but in an infernal versus
5036s infernal match you're both going to be
5037s getting animous I would seem like who
5039s Canever whoever could pick up uh the
5040s most more quickly is going to have a lot
5042s of um positional uh advantages here to
5045s try to activate a lot of those abilities
5047s you can use with that yeah and if you
5049s have a lot of fiends dying all game and
5052s turning into fiends for your opponent
5053s and things like this uh you're going to
5056s get a lot of animus we might we might
5057s see those shroud Stones really come into
5060s play as a huge focal point of power and
5062s it is possible if you get enough animus
5064s to unlock a Dragon which is a extremely
5067s powerful uh unit we'll see if that comes
5069s into play here but just keep that in the
5070s back of your minds if this game does
5072s drag out I would imagine that is going
5074s to be an inevitability if it drags out
5076s it will drag
5077s on we've got the First Resource Camp
5080s going down over here uh Mana clearing
5082s that and we see mirrored Behavior over
5084s here uh from moon and so nobody I think
5087s in a mirr match up like this is really
5088s incentivized to try to come out and HIC
5091s up and interrupt The Creep on the other
5093s side of the map because otherwise you're
5094s not going to be creeping on your own
5096s you're going to be playing with very uh
5097s similar unit sets here as well and in
5099s fact look at that surround that is moon
5102s for you right there instantly
5104s surrounding that brute gets it to split
5107s and of course you know those fend are
5108s going to have to back up they can't do
5109s anything against that Army yeah and in a
5111s mirr match up like this that's pretty
5112s huge we've got Mana all the way down out
5115s of position here so Moon able to
5117s generate some threats is he going to
5118s commit it does seem like with the two
5120s brute sorry three brutes and two fiends
5121s you do get a perfect around to try to
5123s come in there and crush and look at this
5125s the three brutes really diving far right
5128s now the two brutes up mana trying to
5129s chase them down splits the hurt one off
5131s into some fiends and he's going to go
5133s ahe chase that but that means the two
5134s brutes in the main base could deal some
5136s extra damage yeah he wants to basically
5137s go for a worker harass here he's going
5139s to dive in and of course these fiends
5141s are so Nimble they could just come
5143s through here and hit these workers
5144s that's going to force uh mat to then uh
5146s change his brutes into fiends here yeah
5149s a lot of brutes a lot of fiends fighting
5151s right now you can see just battling all
5153s over the place and splitting into those
5155s fiends when they need to the Fel Hogs
5158s being pretty useful as well as a
5160s defensive deterrent a really crazy game
5163s to start this off it looks like a lot of
5165s these imps are taking damage some are
5167s even getting killed off over here and
5169s you know Moon he was known to have by
5171s far the best micro in Warcraft 3 we're
5173s kind of seeing that on display here in
5175s stormgate he was a guy who would pick
5177s fights that many other Warcraft 3 Pros
5178s would never dare go into and often times
5180s come out on top Yeah but he is fighting
5183s over here on his opponent's troud which
5185s means we get that additional white
5187s health for mana's unit so even though
5189s he's keeping a lot of pressure on I feel
5192s like he's not really making that much
5194s progress with these
5195s attacks looks like we've got two more
5197s brutes coming up here now more pressure
5199s building over here on mana's
5201s base yeah the brutes coming up and
5204s fiends being pushed back a little bit
5206s that meat farm having to walk around it
5208s right now A shroud Stone going down so
5210s he is looking for a little bit more
5212s static defense we're going to see if
5214s that works out for him as Moon just
5216s rallying brutes across the map nonstop
5219s here OS is just got to be his gaming no
5221s that I can't explain it he's coming
5223s through and doing so much damage I don't
5225s really uh I didn't expect any games to
5227s possibly be uh you know snowballing this
5229s quickly but moon is doing so much damage
5231s here it seems like he's just able to eek
5233s out enough by uh you know knowing
5235s exactly when to split his bruts into the
5237s two fiends microing back perfectly the
5239s pressure is really on here for mana and
5241s denying those Stones is huge they deal a
5244s lot of damage there great static defense
5247s and you can start casting spells because
5248s we have a ton of animus already in play
5250s here that's right it's really building
5252s up because this game has been such a
5254s blood bath it looks like for the time
5256s being uh Mana may be able to force us
5258s back the question is as more and more
5259s brutes come in can Moon keep the
5261s pressure on well he's certainly trying
5264s to the fiend's getting cleaned up in
5266s that main base looks like he turns
5267s around for now he has some very damaged
5269s brutes right there and yeah let's take a
5272s look at what else is going on on this
5274s map do we have additional expansions do
5276s we have some additional Tech it really
5277s looks like it's mostly that production
5280s of the brutes and maybe a little bit of
5282s expanding going on as well there for
5284s Moon yeah this is looking pretty good
5286s for moon with that base down there at
5287s 6:00 uh can we get a check over at the
5290s the far center right uh is there
5292s actually a base over there um yeah I
5295s think Ma is expanding to the right got
5298s there we go okay I wanted to confirm how
5299s much is there only three workers there
5301s mining for now I a little bit more there
5303s for Mana at 6:00 you'll have to build
5305s that up a little bit you see he has put
5307s down the meat farm there to try to
5308s defend a little bit of shroud Stone as
5310s well that base is kind of far away from
5312s everything else so I like the fact that
5314s he's putting down some static defense to
5316s just dissuade Moon from harassing that
5319s base with his fiends moon with some
5320s pretty good roaming is continuing to
5322s creep up on the map here using these
5324s fiends to basically stalk the brutes are
5326s we going to have another engage here
5327s moon with a very injured brute uh it
5330s seems like Mana has a little bit more HP
5331s even some uh white Health there on top
5334s of those units so Moon instead just
5335s going to continue to ignore this move to
5337s the South he wants to try to get that
5338s but a good move there by Moon he
5339s actually gets his own fiends out that's
5341s right very very nice and in fact the the
5343s fiends he's body blocking so well you
5345s can see those Warcraft 3 world
5347s championship skills for Moon there as he
5350s gets additional damage onto mana's
5352s brutes but eventually they do part ways
5355s that's right Moon's going to loop around
5357s over here he could hit this base it
5358s seems to be fairly undefended you know
5361s brutes as they move on the map they're
5362s not that fast so if you get out of
5364s position and your opponent is going to
5365s be hammering one of your bases you can
5367s see with fiend's doing so much more
5368s damage moon it's going to come in here
5369s and try to take this out as quickly as
5371s as possible he is targeting down the
5373s shrine is he going to get it in time oh
5375s my gosh I think he is that is some great
5378s Killer Instinct coming out of moon so
5381s the shrine goes down that's going to be
5382s one less base tries to get in with the
5384s magmod Don actually stopping his fiends
5387s and only a few will escape so he
5389s definitely traded a lot of units there
5391s but to kill off a base of Mana it feels
5393s like it was worth it I think it was
5395s definitely worth it you got to remember
5396s that unless you're going to commit with
5397s fiends your own which I guess he is by
5399s the way you don't have a lot of
5400s counterattacking uh opportunities it's
5402s interesting in an RTS game you know when
5404s do you want to Target down a building
5406s and and all in on that versus when do
5407s you want to trade out to fight it's cool
5409s to see moon in that moment he decides no
5410s you want to go for the shrine first yeah
5413s now I I find this kind of interesting
5415s tell me what you think tasteless but the
5417s magmod Don coming out here for mana's
5420s side uh you know obviously they don't
5422s have a lot to do with fiends they do
5423s have they do have that stun which is
5425s nice but when you're building them
5427s you're not building brutes right um and
5430s we're going to see what role that's
5431s going to play as eventually these two
5433s armies are going to collide mon in a
5435s game of catchup here I liked earlier on
5437s we saw his magm medon tear through the
5439s trees to try to get a nice pathway there
5441s from the main base to the third base M
5443s um but this entire game thematically
5445s it's really been moon on the offense
5447s man's never really had a real
5448s opportunity to do any damage to
5450s interfere in any way on Moon side of the
5453s map and you know it can be misleading
5455s when you see one player constantly
5456s defending and surviving attacks where in
5458s reality moon is just out growing him in
5460s every possible conceivable metric it
5462s really does seem that way and now he
5464s even has a lot of gauns with his army
5467s which means moon is going to be able to
5469s go ahead and infest some of these units
5472s which of course when they die you're
5473s going to get more fiends and this is
5475s that kind of snowballing effect that
5477s we've been talking about that's kind of
5479s what you're aiming for with these Mass
5481s fiend plays
5483s the game quiets down for a little bit
5485s here as we're seeing moon really gather
5487s up a pretty insanely powerful Army he is
5490s going to be moving out it looks like
5491s he's going to be tearing through the
5492s center of the map there is going to be
5493s an expand over here I don't think the
5494s fiend is going to be able to deny that
5496s in time oh in fact it is uh meanwhile we
5498s look looks like we have an ambush over
5500s here is he going to try to plow into
5501s this he is oh that's a lot of magmod Don
5503s right there fiends coming up to help out
5505s as well the brutes of mana come from the
5507s north and you can see some great Michel
5509s right now he's utilizing those gauns up
5511s at the top of the battle trying to get
5514s those additional kills trying to get
5515s those additional fiends and it looks
5517s like he's going to start to run Mana
5519s over who has to retreat and you can see
5521s that the chain stunning there from the
5523s magmod Don is really working out very
5525s nicely he's chasing him all the way back
5526s to where we saw the action start at the
5528s beginning of this game the question now
5530s is is he going to try to press in and do
5531s more damage looks like he's going to go
5532s for the shrine yeah he's coming up right
5534s now trying to get something done here
5537s splitting off into more and more fiends
5540s at the moment this is just just huge
5543s here from moon it's a lot of pressure
5545s here from Mata and I don't know that he
5546s can stop either this push over here at
5548s the front but more importantly all of
5550s these fiends taking out his workers back
5552s here this is a big problem this Shrine
5555s going to end up falling moon in complete
5557s control of this yeah and there you have
5560s it incredible game
5563s there wow that was something else
5566s artosis it's crazy to see you know uh
5569s what an action pack game that was from
5570s start to finish
5572s um well we're going to be going into
5574s game two in a second here uh it was
5576s interesting to see that map play out um
5578s you know the fast expanding plays the
5580s development how everything uh went down
5584s but we're going to be going into uh that
5587s next map at a second here it is I think
5588s loser picks is that correct artos yes
5590s that is that is correct uh so yeah uh
5593s Moon taken down that first game and well
5597s we'll see what Mana has to try to come
5599s back yeah um now moon really uh hindered
5603s uh Mana early on I think there were some
5606s moments where maybe Mana could have come
5607s back but after um getting crippled early
5610s on we then saw moon be very decisive he
5612s saw that third base he knew he could
5613s come in there and Crush that it seems
5615s like currently the way that this Mir
5616s match up is operating um if you're able
5619s to dive in and really commit and do
5620s damage it's hard to have a Counterattack
5623s with the fact that brutes are so slow
5624s and of course fiends are impermanent if
5627s they're not you know uh on their own
5629s shroud there so uh really interesting to
5631s see The Meta kind of develop yeah yeah I
5635s think that that's one of the more
5636s interesting things is like okay well
5637s these are really fast they're good at
5638s dealing damage but when they're out on
5640s the other side of the map there's a
5642s clock on them so if you make that hard
5644s decision to make your brutes into fiends
5647s well you got to make it work for you and
5648s moon definitely did that that
5650s game so we're just waiting to go into
5653s game two right now it is a best of three
5655s just to remind everybody fingers crossed
5657s that Mana can win one I think it was an
5659s interesting close match there it's just
5661s Moon knows how to accumulate that lead
5663s over time um but whoever comes out here
5666s on top and wins this either 20- from
5668s moon or a comeback here from Mana 21
5670s will be the first ever champion of
5673s stormgate competitive match I know
5676s that's it really is and to see that
5679s beautiful trophy of a Vulcan uh okay so
5683s we actually just got an update guys it
5685s turns out that they mislabeled the
5686s colors on the overlay there and actually
5689s that was Mana every time we said Moon
5691s that was was man every time he said man
5693s that was oh that makes sense cuz we saw
5695s the GG first on one side so everything
5697s that you saw back there flip the player
5701s so that was Mana that came in there with
5703s the pressure on to Moon did the damage
5705s that was Mana that came in did the
5708s fiends and hit the third base so a
5710s little bit of a mistake there on our
5711s overlay but uh once you understand you
5714s just reverse the players now you know
5716s what happened okay so this is crazy
5717s let's up let's update this Mana up one
5720s to zero that's right yes moon really I
5724s really having a bit of a hard time with
5726s Mana it felt like Mana really had a
5728s great idea of what he was trying to do
5730s throughout that game I do know he's
5732s played a little bit more than moon but
5734s you know Moon's still looking very
5736s strong yeah Moon looking very good back
5739s there um but you know just like we saw
5741s with Mana versus TLO able to kind of
5744s lean onto the opponent it seems like if
5746s you're able to kind of build that
5748s pressure and do that damage it really
5751s does build up over time so what would uh
5753s Moon want to do here for maps we already
5755s saw some interesting games here with Jag
5757s and ma um you know with the Catapult
5760s pushes and how that panned out um we do
5762s still have one more map remaining here
5764s let me check uh my notes is that yeah
5766s Titans Causeway I don't believe we
5768s played that's right Titans Causeway
5770s that's an interesting map in that it's a
5772s little bit tricky to get a natural I
5774s should say a second base uh up and
5776s running uh more easily because it's such
5779s a wide area to defend but as so far in
5782s the three games of St stormgate that
5784s we've had here today um it's been a lot
5787s of fast expand plays yeah yeah that does
5790s seem to be the case uh you know it it
5792s feels like uh early rushes it's a little
5795s bit hard to really make them pay off
5797s enough compared to getting that
5799s expansion up getting a slightly stronger
5800s Army and then going across for an
5804s attack all right well we're still
5806s waiting to see what game um or what map
5808s excuse me it's going to be it is packed
5810s down here dream hack what what's up
5812s everybody uh it's so exciting to be part
5816s of a new
5817s RTS developed and supported here by the
5820s ogs you know RTS it's a genre that
5823s really ages like a fine wine the more we
5826s know about it the more we learn the more
5828s there uh is that you can do and we're
5830s ready now to go into game two here right
5832s now Mana up 1 to
5834s zero all right so uh this game making
5839s extra sure that we have this on the
5840s right side the purple player in the
5843s bottom left that's going to be
5849s Moon nope that's going to be Mana that's
5852s going to be Mana all right we're safe
5854s it's good we're getting destroyed out of
5855s the you know I'm always saying that's
5857s the hardest thing about RTS is having
5858s that overlay
5860s correct and in the top right over here
5862s hoping to win this and come back two to
5864s zero here for uh all the Warcraft 3 fans
5866s out there it is
5870s Moon
5873s okay so we had fast expands in game one
5877s in the first mirr matchup ever in
5879s stormgate in this show match we're going
5881s to have the same thing again going here
5883s into game
5884s two yeah these very fast expansions no
5887s real way to uh harass it too much you
5890s know we saw in the previous match
5892s against T because the vanguards start
5895s with a scout unit they can go across the
5897s map they can deal some damage right here
5900s that's not the same case with infernal
5902s right so you can just kind of expand
5903s right away get into your production
5905s facilities afterwards and just macro up
5908s really heavily one of my favorite things
5910s about learning an RTS is seeing where
5913s the top players who are really uh you
5915s know steering our our knowledge of the
5917s game where they placed the first few
5919s buildings it seems like in the bottom
5920s left here we've got Mana just like he
5923s did in game one with somewhat of a wall
5926s he's creating a more of a bottleneck
5927s entry point here um when we look at Moon
5930s and where his structures are it does
5931s seem to be a little bit more spaced out
5934s yeah yeah it does uh I I do Wonder kind
5937s of like why he's doing that what his
5939s thought processes for those buildings it
5941s feels like Monas might be a little bit
5942s better for blocking things but they're
5945s doing basically the same thing here
5947s right they're going ahead and getting
5949s three iron vaults each after that fast
5951s expansion a lot of brutes going to come
5953s out maybe you can go ahead and you know
5955s clear some of those small creep camps
5957s and then start the attack and get those
5959s fiends out there see if you can deal
5961s some d D and slow your opponent down so
5964s whenever I see a mere match up I'm
5965s always looking for where the deviation
5968s in the builds are sometimes you'll see
5969s both players behaving in the exact same
5971s way but where is that fork in the road
5973s going to be and will it start with the
5975s creeping or will it start with the tech
5978s yeah yeah it's really hard to say now uh
5981s three brutes coming out from the Side of
5983s Moon looks like he wants to go ahead
5985s clear some of the camps here and you
5988s know this is secluded Grove by the way
5990s I'm not sure if we were talking about
5991s that too much earlier obviously the last
5993s game had uh a lot of action a lot of
5996s attacking non-stop there from Mana but I
5998s wonder if this map could slow it down a
6001s little bit you know those Central bases
6002s are so strong absolutely um we got the
6007s brutes now roaming nobody committing to
6009s the other side of the map just yet and
6012s it looks like moon going to go here for
6013s the health camp now when you kill this
6016s you then are able to start to regen
6017s Health you have to occupy this area for
6019s now um in order to get that full effect
6021s of the region it doesn't carry on with
6023s you um and we have I believe that's an
6025s imp headed up here northbound yeah yeah
6028s looks like we're probably going to get
6030s uh another expansion going down here for
6032s Mana really focusing on getting those
6033s bases up as quickly as possible wouldn't
6035s be surprised if we see something uh
6038s similar from Moon as
6041s well now um we've got the first attack
6044s coming in up here some real pressure
6046s over here onto Moon Shrine is there
6049s going to be any way to defend where's
6050s the rest of his armies beautiful
6051s surround over there really nicely done
6053s by Mana oh my God this is kind of a Bas
6055s trade situation osis they're both just
6057s going to be going at each other yeah it
6059s does look that way now we have a lot of
6062s imps coming down to try to help to hold
6064s this on in the meantime this
6065s Counterattack from moon coming in it's a
6067s little bit later so it feels like Mana
6069s has the
6070s advantage yeah well I you know he's
6072s certainly going to have you know the the
6073s lead as far as the damage coming out and
6075s that means that you're going to be able
6076s to deny the workers from mining earlier
6078s which means you can slow them down
6080s there's no way to back at home right now
6082s here for Moon so I mean this could
6084s spiral out of control but let's find out
6086s well it's a real possibility uh he is
6088s eventually getting rid of these brutes
6091s you can see that moon is actually doing
6092s a reasonable job over here as well he
6095s will micro back a little bit a couple
6096s more brutes coming out and of course
6099s with those fiends there's no real chance
6101s for his brutes to do much more yeah the
6103s fiends now going to try to come in here
6105s from Manana just to try to slow down any
6106s mining here from Moon we've got the hell
6108s Hogs coming out here but they're not
6109s going to last that long
6111s yeah you know definitely helpful as far
6114s as defense goes adding into that
6116s Defender advantage that's so important
6117s in RTS games but at the end of the day
6119s it feels like both sides end up holding
6121s reasonably well the third base is being
6124s taken here as we're seeing Mana as far
6127s as growth goes shoot up uh to the north
6130s on his side of the map we need to see
6132s how Moon can possibly try to come back
6134s and balance this out and look at the
6135s denial here great Instinct he's going to
6137s get the Imp but more importantly deny
6139s the third base and you know uh if you're
6142s getting that many more resources over
6144s time from that third base it's
6145s undeniable that there's not a lot that
6147s Moon's going to be able to do to recover
6149s that so M with some really good control
6150s play but look at this Counterattack here
6152s from Moon oh man very very nice we
6154s dropped down to just five workers on the
6156s Lumin in that base for Mana so a little
6159s bit of a problem definitely needs to get
6161s more imps out uh to get that economy
6163s back
6165s online so uh the vision camp now going
6168s to be hit over here by Moon just doing
6171s whatever he can on that side of the map
6172s to you know stay active and when you're
6174s denying that Vision uh it's going to
6176s make things more ambiguous there from
6177s the p uh the perspective excuse me of
6180s Mana yeah he's going to come back and
6182s try to battle against that as well here
6184s taking as much damage against him as he
6186s can here but the fiend's going to get
6188s surrounded as well so you do see some of
6190s these small skirmishes where Moon's
6192s micro is paying off it really is a
6194s balancing act here for infernal of of
6196s when do you want to commit to an area um
6199s give the brute up to have the feing
6201s there temporarily uh do more damage
6203s control an area versus uh hanging onto
6205s the brutes for a longer period of time
6208s and then using that to have more
6209s explosive power at a moment that might
6211s swing the game yeah and one thing I find
6215s interesting as well is the expansion
6217s timing right we've seen Moon trying a
6219s couple times but getting denied because
6221s Mana is keeping so much aggression on
6223s but Mana is actually the one that's been
6224s expanding a little bit quicker yeah and
6226s you know with the third base coming down
6228s now for moon this seems like a really
6229s ample opportunity here for ma to come in
6232s he's got his brutes he's got his guns
6234s we've got moon coming up here to try to
6235s meet and defend this there's no shroud
6237s here so there's no Defenders Advantage
6239s Mana going to fraction some of those
6241s fiends off to try to body block these
6243s brutes oh look at that he's trying to
6245s back up with the brutes let's see if he
6248s actually has enough here I think the
6249s gauns making a huge difference oh man a
6252s gigantic infest does end up going down
6255s there but it feels like Moon doesn't
6256s have enough units yeah he's zoned out
6259s and now he's going to start to lose this
6261s position we're going to see the farm go
6263s down uh and look with no third base in
6266s the picture what exactly can Moon do now
6269s the theorem mining uh area here he can
6271s come in here and deny that he doesn't
6273s have to commit in here if he doesn't
6274s want to but he's buying more and more of
6275s a lead and with that third base up in
6278s mining this feels like it's going to be
6280s really hard for moon to come back he's
6282s playing with basically the same units
6283s comes forward right now his shroud Stone
6285s taking huge amounts of damage the Shroud
6287s Stone will be picked off so less static
6289s D available for Moon at his space yeah
6292s moon really in a lot of trouble here the
6294s question is is Mana perhaps overc
6296s committing uh that's one way that Moon
6298s can end up coming back into this it
6300s seems like he's doing a pretty decent
6301s job but as more um fiends come in here
6304s and begin to hit these brutes we're
6305s going to see Moon wrap back around if
6307s Moon can't do much more over here and in
6309s fact with this infest this is looking
6311s really bad right now for Moon yeah the
6313s gauns adding a lot in here as well looks
6314s like a meat farm might end up falling
6316s here continues to attack forward and
6319s look at that Acro coming out just a huge
6323s amount of imps coming from Moon up
6325s trying to help this base out yeah and
6328s you know with these imps can't mine
6330s there's just not a whole lot else that
6331s can be done we have another infest
6332s coming down here right now the workers
6334s going to be pulled away once more it
6336s looks like what was once a Wallen that
6338s would have helped the defend is now
6339s boxing these units in they can't get out
6342s yeah he does get a magma daon out a
6344s stronger more sturdy unit capable of uh
6346s stunning everything but doesn't feel
6348s like that's enough he needs more damage
6350s output here against some M fiends that
6351s Mana has sent to him yeah and now this
6354s is becoming a bit of an execution over
6356s here trying to get these workers
6357s somewhere safe as these fiends just come
6359s in here and chase him down the shrine
6361s the greater Shrine is about to be taken
6363s out it's so low sub 100 HP and it will
6367s go down a Mana getting a smile on his
6370s face he knows this game is all but over
6372s right now Moon struggling trying to come
6375s back but the gauns are looking really
6378s strong those ranged attacks to really
6381s micro against here for moon with less
6383s units and we're seeing Ma's units spill
6385s into the main the only thing that
6387s remains now is the infrastructure The
6389s Source that's producing these magmod
6391s these brutes and it looks like they're
6392s going to be falling as well yeah down
6395s goes that magedon we have more and more
6397s fiends continuing to join the battle
6399s onto mana's side and now the last imps
6402s are going to have to fight here as well
6404s Mana seconds from Victory there it is GG
6408s MAA going undefeated makes some noise he
6410s is the stormgate Victor here in the
6412s first ever show match at dream hack
6416s Atlanta really incredible stuff artosis
6419s yeah yeah Mana such a great legendary
6421s gamer uh great results at dream in the
6424s past for him and here at The stormgate
6426s Showdown he is the champion really cool
6430s to see what he was able to pull off here
6432s able to keep the pressure on his
6435s opponent continue to grow continue to
6437s develop and then make the comeback an
6439s impossibility we're going to throw it
6441s over to the stage now with Rachel to see
6443s how mana's feeling thank you so much
6445s Mana is feeling like a wonderful and
6447s honorable competitor cuz he ran over to
6449s give Moon a handshake right before we
6450s hopped into this interview but now hello
6453s hello Mana welcome congratulations the
6455s very first champion of the onstage major
6459s esport that is to be stormgate so tell
6462s me how does it feel amazing feeling
6465s actually I remember starting my career
6467s in Starcraft 2 Beta I uh enjoyed all the
6470s the show matches I always wanted to be
6472s like part of like the battle report that
6473s we had for starc 2 so now for the first
6476s time to be in the stage for stormgate to
6477s make history here as a player and also
6479s not only just be part of it but actually
6481s win win it all just it's an amazing
6483s feeling for sure congratulations Anna It
6485s is Well earned you talked about your
6488s history in Starcraft before this tell me
6491s how that led to you getting involved
6492s into the stormgate at such an early
6494s stage um it definitely helps a lot to
6497s get like a lot of multitasking from
6499s starov 2 it feels very similar uh the
6502s way that the game plays out yeah I I
6503s could feel that I was kind of like out
6505s multitasking Moon here and there so it
6507s felt felt quite nice so uh it it feels
6510s to be like a relatively uh even game
6512s here uh compared to to Starcraft 2 and
6515s uh yeah like the the way that we started
6517s it off like the the first closed Alpha
6519s test then like the beta test and so on
6521s like the the game is progressing in a in
6523s a such a nice State and it feels uh like
6525s an actual RTS is on the horizon well and
6528s for you to stand here as our champion
6530s you talked about making history and now
6531s at such a high Mark how are you going to
6533s Top This you plan on sticking with
6535s stormgate what's your future look like
6537s well it depends of course like I'll try
6538s to play starov 2 and stormgate at the
6540s same time uh we will see how the future
6542s looks like for the stormgate tournaments
6544s I will definitely be actively playing
6545s the game play testing in and trying to
6547s make it the best game possible so far I
6549s do enjoy it but I'll obviously still
6551s compete in starf 2 well Mana it is so
6553s exciting to be able to do this but I
6556s would like to invite you now to place
6557s down your microphone and hoist for the
6559s first time go
6561s the very first stormgate
6564s [Applause]
6571s trophy big congratulations and much
6575s respect to mana and of course Moon and
6577s TLO who came out and showed us an
6580s incredible range on stormgate and the
6582s game is just getting started thank you
6585s also to our developers who came out and
6587s shared their perspective their Insight
6589s it's been a real treat to get a a closer
6591s look at stormgate and it's been a real
6593s treat Mana to Crown you the champion so
6596s for now thank you for watching stick
6598s around for more stormgate news on their
6601s socials and we'll see you later from
6602s dream
6605s [Music]
6619s hack
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