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Galactic Seasons 8 “Rising Powers” will begin with the launch of Game Update 7.6.1 on March 11! Once the update goes live, players will be able to make progress through the Free Reward track or the Subscriber Reward track (both tracks are available to Subscribers!) and earn new rewards. Below are the details of what players can expect from this new season!

Uprisings with a twist!

For the duration of Galactic Seasons 8 (GS8), players will be encouraged to jump back into Uprisings to complete their weekly objectives. While similar to Flashpoints, Uprisings are fast paced 4-player group content that can be completed quickly. Each Uprising is available in Story, Veteran, and Master Mode. All modes can be accessed through the terminals in the Combat Training section of the fleet. Veteran Mode Uprisings are also available through the Activities Window for players who are looking to group up with others. 

Previously, Uprisings were available to Subscribers between levels 75 and 80. Beginning with 7.6.1, this content will now be available for all players beginning level 10 and will remain openly accessible after the season ends. 

At the start of “Rising Powers”, none other than Kai Zykken will reach out with an offer to test a new adrenal boost created by Czerka. These Experimental Combat Enhancers have a variety of effects that can give you a special buff. Upon using the combat enhancer, you will receive the following buffs that will last for the duration of the Uprising:  

  • Destruction Overload - Every 5th enemy that is defeated will explode causing a damaging AOE effect
  • Czerka Combat Drones - Drones will assist you in taking your enemies down
  • Unstable Radiation Field - A devastating point blank AOE will help you decimate your enemies

Be careful though! Your enemies may also benefit from combat enhancers as well, so stay sharp!

These Experimental Combat Enhancers can be found on the Galactic Season reward track and in Ki’at Thavo’s inventory during the season. 

Seasonal Rewards!

As with previous Seasons, there will be a Free and Subscriber track that players can earn rewards from as they complete objectives and progress through Galactic Seasons 8. Rewards for this season will feature items themed around Coruscant and Dromund Kaas and inspired by Star Wars: Skeleton Crew™ and Andor™ !

The following rewards will be available on the Free/Preferred reward track: 

Galactic Seasons 8 Mission "Research and Destruction" Unlock

Czerka Experimental Combat Enhancer x 6

2,250 Tech Fragments (in total)

Bubble Bomb (Orange) x 15

Medal of Commendation x 80

Legendary Embers x 10

Galactic Season Token x 5

Iokath Recombinator x 5

Bronze Cartel Weapon Crate x 2

Bronze Cartel Armor Crate x 2

Bronze Cartel Decoration Crate x 3

Silver Cartel Weapon Crate

Silver Cartel Decoration Crate x 2

Silver Cartel Mount Crate

Gold Cartel Decoration Crate x 2

Fitted Armor Pack

Experimental Sniper Rifle

Experimental Assault Cannon

Experimental Blaster Rifle

Experimental Blaster

Experimental Dualsaber

Experimental Lightsaber

Stronghold Label: Seat of Power

Legacy Title: Powerful

(Experimental Weapons: Lightsaber, Dualsaber, Blaster Rifle, Blaster, Sniper Rifle, and Assault Cannon)

The following rewards will be available on the Subscriber track: 

2,000 Cartel Coins (in total)

750 Tech Fragments (in total)

Galactic Season Token x 10

Czerka Experimental Combat Enhancer x 17

Medal of Commendation x 100

Ultimate Cartel Pack (Galactic Seasons) x 5

Bronze Cartel Weapon Crate

Bronze Cartel Decoration Crate

Bronze Cartel Armor Crate

Silver Cartel Decoration Crate

Silver Cartel Mount Crate

Silver Cartel Armor Crate

Gold Cartel Decoration Crate

Coruscanti Traveler’s Armor Set

Coruscanti Scriptures Display Decoration x 5

Coruscanti Ceremonial Vase Display Decoration x 5

Coruscanti Warstaff Display Decoration x 5

Coruscanti Traveler Personnel Decoration x 5

Coruscanti Compact Cruiser Mount

Coruscanti Typhloractyl Creature Mount

C0-RU Probe Mini Pet

Matte Gray / Metallic Light Copper Dye

Metallic Light Copper / Matte Gray Dye

Kaas Traveler’s Armor Set

Kaas Vibrosword Display Decoration x 5

Kaas Scriptures Display Decoration x 5

Kaas Encrypted Holocron Display Decoration x 5

Kaas Traveler Personnel Decoration x 5

Kaas Compact Cruiser Mount

Kaas Typhloractyl Creature Mount

D-R0M Probe Mini Pet

Matte Gray / Metallic Dark Blue Dye

Metallic Dark Blue / Matte Gray Dye 

Fitted Weapon Pack

Themed weapons (pictured below)

Stronghold Label: The Laboratory 

Legacy Title: Risen

Thigh High Boots 

Galactic Privateer Hat 

Scourge of the Galaxy Helmet 

Appearance Options: Senator’s Consort Hairstyle

(Themed weapons: Inevitable Outcome Lightsaber, Double Blind Dualsaber, Side Effect Rifle, Control Blaster, Single Dose Sniper Rifle, and Unexpected Results Assault Cannon)

(Coruscanti Scriptures Display, Ceremonial Vase Display,  and Warstaff Display Decorations)

(Coruscanti Compact Cruiser Mount)

(Coruscanti Typhloractyl Creature Mount)

(C0-RU Probe Mini Pet and D-R0M Probe Mini Pet)

(Matte Gray / Metallic Light Copper Dye and Metallic Light Copper / Matte Gray Dye applied on the Electric Gaze Armor)

(Kaas Vibrosword Display, Scriptures Display Decoration, and Encrypted Holocron Display Decorations)

(Kaas Compact Cruiser Mount)

(Kaas Typhloractyl Creature Mount)

(Matte Gray / Metallic Dark Blue Dye and Metallic Dark Blue / Matte Gray Dye applied on the Hidden Chain Armor)

(Coruscanti Traveler Personnel Decoration and Kaas Traveler Personnel Decorations. Characters are wearing the Coruscanti and Kaas Traveler Armor sets)

(Thigh High Boots)

(Appearance Options: Senator’s Consort Hairstyle)

(Galactic Privateer Hat and Scourge of the Galaxy Helmet inspired by Star Wars: Skeleton Crew™)

New Ki’at Thavo rewards

Ki’at Thavo’s inventory has been updated with new rewards from this season. These are available for Free-to-Play and Preferred players immediately.

Item Cost (Galactic Season Tokens)
Coruscanti Traveler's Armor Set 5
Arcane Kaas Typhloractyl 3
Advanced Coruscanti Typhloractyl 3
Kaas Compact Cruiser 5
Coruscanti Compact Cruiser 5
Matte Gray and Metallic Dark Blue Dye Module 3
Matte Gray and Metallic Light Copper Dye Module 3
Metallic Dark Blue and Matte Gray Dye Module 3
Metallic Light Copper and Matte Gray Dye Module 3
Coruscanti Scriptures Display 2
Kaas Scriptures Display 2
Coruscanti Ceremonial Vase Display 2
Kaas Encrypted Holocron Display 2
Coruscanti Warstaff Display 2
Bubble Bomb (Orange) (Set of 5) 1
Title: Czerka Scientist 3
Title: Dromund Kaas Resident 3
Title: Coruscant Resident 3
Coruscanti Traveler Personnel 2
Kaas Traveler Personnel 2
Metallic Light Copper and Matte Gray Dye Module 3
Czerka Experimental Combat Enhancer 19,999 Credits

(Arcane Kaas Typhloractyl)

(Advanced Coruscanti Typhloractyl)

When the season ends, all the rewards listed above will be available for all players until the beginning of the next season, giving Subscribers the opportunity to purchase the rewards they are missing.

New Jaleit Nall rewards

Jaleit Nall’s inventory will still rotate every week at 12:00 PM GMT. After one week, the group is cycling out for 3 weeks and replaced by the following group. For example, Group A will remain active for 1 week, and then cycle out for 3 weeks and be replaced by Group B.

To allow players to get the rewards they want, Jaleit Nall will always be available regardless of whether or not the season is active. New items are in bold.

Group A will consist of the following rewards:

Item Cost (Galactic Season Tokens)
Armored Brynjak Mount 3
Hunter’s Seat Decoration 3
Light Gray and Deep Gray Dye Module 2
Copero Supply Barrel (Single) 3
Copero Standing Fountain (small) 3
Copero Resort Bench 3
Crystal Storage Crate 3
Light Red and Deep Red Dye Module 2
Tenacious Armasaur 3
Southeastern Eyto Eyto 3
Dark Green and Deep Brown Dye 2
Dark Purple and Deep Blue Dye 2
Rugged Armasaur 3
Vigorous Rodir 3
Snowblind Odux 3
Insecticulture Research Lab 3
Security and Monitoring System 2
Iokath Crystal Power Converter 3
Containment Chamber: Blue 3
Life Support Terminal 3
Encrypted Lockbox 5
HK-55's Jetpack 3
Nico Okarr’s Duster 2
Lucky-77 Swoop 3
Title: The Illustrious 1
Nico’s Blaster 2
Makrin Creeper Seedling 1
Model Gravestone 1
Tauntaun Ram 1
Propaganda: Fight For the Meatbags Replica 2
Nico Okarr Customization 1 3
Nico Okarr Customization 2 3
Nico Okarr Customization 3 3

Group B will begin a week after Group A, remain for 1 week, and then cycle out for 3 weeks.

Item Cost (Galactic Season Tokens)
Huntstalker Brynjak Mount 4
Guild Chandelier Decoration 3
Deep Brown and Medium Red Dye Module 3
Southeastern Eyto Eyto 3
Banner: House Inrokini (Wall) 3
Copero Supply Barrel (Stacked) 3
Copero Merchant Canopy 3
Potted Plant: Copero Shrub 3
Furious Brynjak 2
Medium Red and Deep Red Dye Module 2
Unyielding Armasaur 4
Outer Rim Drifter Gunslinger 5
Resilient Warden Gladiator 5
Wasteland Tech Crackshot 5
Resplendent Odux 3
Conflagrant Thurrb 3
Dark Gray and Pale Yellow Dye 3
Smuggled Art 2
Disguise Terminal: Underworld Syndicate 5
Syndicate Operations Table 3
Iokath Large Console 5
Pale Orange and Dark Orange Dye Module 2
Gormak Electrical Turret 3
2V-R8 Customization - Envoy 4
C2-N2 Customization - Envoy 4
Eternal Empire Patroller 3
Galactic Alliance Statue Replica 2
Gannifari 1
HK-55’s Blaster Pistol 2
Kakkran Daggerstar 3
Mandalorian-Marked Package 5
Model Zakuul Battlecruiser 1
Rapid Recon Walker 3
Title: Test Pilot 1
Title: The Intrepid 1
Voracious Rodir 3

Group C will begin a week after Group B, remain for 1 week, and then cycle out for 3 weeks.

Item Cost (Galactic Season Tokens)
Temperamental Brynjak Mount 3
Guildmaster’s Cathedra Decoration 3
Deep Brown and Medium Blue Dye Module 3
Northwestern Eyto Eyto 3
Copero Standing Fountain 3
Copero Umbrella (Blue) 3
Arrangement: Copero Landing Supplies 3
Arrangement: Copero Equipment Stall 3
Emperor's Chosen Officer 3
Waste Receptacle 3
Imperial Reaper Combatant 5
Dark Red and Deep Red Dye Module 2
Light Yellow and Deep Yellow Dye 2
Rugged Armasaur 3
Vigorous Rodir 4
Snowblind Odux 3
Kubindi Terrarium 3
Shadow Syndicate Enforcer 3
G.A.M.E. Security Officer 3
Iokath Holder Claw 2
Pale Gray and Dark Brown Dye Module 2
Pilgrim's Popup Tent 2
Title: Scourge of the Hutts 1
2V-R8 Customization - HK-55 Inspired 2
C2-N2 Customization - HK-55 Inspired 2
Darth Hexid Customization 1 3
Darth Hexid Customization 2 3
Grand Statue of Revan Replica 3
HK-55’s Helmet 2
HK-55’s Sniper Rifle 2
Illicit Package 1
JA-3 Subversive Battle Droid 1
Model Mach 2 1
Mini-Mogul NM-1 1
Title: Scourge of the Hutts 1
Umbaran Patrol Tauntaun 3

Group D will begin a week after Group C, remain for 1 week, and then cycle out for 3 weeks.

Item Cost (Galactic Season Tokens)
Joonga Decoration 3
Imperator’s Throne Decoration 3
Northeastern Eyto Eyto 4
Deep Gray and Light Gray Dye Module 3
Arrangement: Copero Vehicle Stall 3
Underworld Merchant Rug 3
Sign: Mon Calamari 3
Furious Brynjak 2
Depository of Dark Wisdom 3
3V-1L 3
Dark Marauder Soldier 5
Resplendent Odux 3
Conflagrant Thurrb 3
Dark Gray and Underworld Purple Dye 3
Kubindi Hive Farm Decoration 3
Shadow Syndicate Decoration 3
Black Sun-Graffitied Underworld Couch 2
G.A.M.E. Authorized Pit Boss 3
Iokath Power Generator 2
Pale Brown and Dark Grey Dye Module 3
Cold Moon Meditation Shrine 2
Voracious Rodir 3
JA-3 Speeder 3
Chiss Talon Interceptor 3
Title: The Risen 1
K1-W4 Astromech Droid 1
Heliotropic Subteroth 1
RE-1 Scout Droid 1
Makeb Gazebo Replica 3
HK-55's Vibrosword 2
Force-Imbued Object 6
Master Ranos Customization 1 3
Master Ranos Customization 2 4
Master Ranos Customization 3 4
2V-R8 Customization - Hoth 3
C2-N2 Customization - Hoth 3

In addition to the rotating group rewards, the following rewards will always be available in Jaleit’s inventory:

Item Cost
“Galactic Season 8: Research and Destruction” Unloc 1 Galactic Seasons Token
Basilisk Prototype Customization 2 3 Galactic Seasons Tokens
Bubble Bomb (Blue)(Set of 5) 1 Galactic Seasons Token
Planetary Poster: Tython 2 Galactic Seasons Token
“Dangerous Game” Unlock 1 Galactic Seasons Token
Copero Villa Deed 6 Galactic Seasons Token
*"Galactic Season 6: An Introduction" Unlock 1 Galactic Seasons Token
*"Galactic Season 6: The Observation Room" Unlock 1 Galactic Seasons Token
*"Galactic Season 6: Side to Side" Unlock 1 Galactic Seasons Token
**Key to Outdoor Terrace (Copero Villa) 5 Galactic Seasons Token
**Key to East Wing Exterior and Suite 5 Galactic Seasons Token
**Key to West Wing Exterior and Suite 5 Galactic Seasons Token
"Dark Tidings" Unlock 1 Galactic Seasons Token
"Small Victories" Unlock 1 Galactic Seasons Token
"Chains or Freedom" Unlock 1 Galactic Seasons Token
Vaiken Spacedock Penthouse Deed 8 Galactic Seasons Token
Carrick Station Penthouse Deed 8 Galactic Seasons Token
Mek-sha Safehouse Deed 14 Galactic Seasons Token
Memories of Celebration 450000 Credits
Tales of Hardship 550000 Credits
Local Legends 355000 Credits
Verified Gaming Analysis Reports 450000 Credits
Credit Manipulation Disks 550000 Credits
Counterfeit Chips 355000 Credits
Memoirs of the Hive Wars 355000 Credits
Detailed Writings of Insecticulture 450000 Credits
Succulent Picolet Beetles 250000 Credits
Detailed Intelligence Reports 355000 Credits
Sliced Cybernetic Visual Enhancement Implants 450000 Credits
Experimental Weaponry Schematics 250000 Credits

Achievements and Season Objectives

Players will see new Achievements and Season Objectives themed around this new season. 

Special note: The Dark vs Light bosses will remain in rotation for the weekly objectives. As with the previous Galactic Season, each week will feature one Dark Side and one Light Side world boss.    

The DvL currency that can be used at the DvL vendors on the Fleets. As a reminder, Dark side bosses will drop Light Tokens and vice versa.  

(DvL vendors on the Republic Fleet)


  • Testing for Power I - Earn Reward Level 10 during the season
  • Testing for Power II - Earn Reward Level 25 during the season
  • Testing for Power III - Earn Reward Level 50 during the season
  • Testing for Power IV - Earn Reward Level 75 during the season
  • Testing for Power V - Earn Reward Level 100 during the season
  • Combat Enhanced - Complete all Rising Powers Achievements
  • Season 8 Objective Master - Complete Weekly Season Objectives during the season
  • Powerful Forces - Defeat each DvL World Boss during the season
    • In the final week of GS8, all the DvL bosses will be active, offering players a final chance to defeat bosses they may have missed earlier in the season. 
  • Tying Up Loose Ends - Eliminate Targets affected by the side effects of the Czerka Experimental Combat Enhancer
  • Completing the Weekly Season Objective Achievement grants the Legacy Title “Successful Experiment”.  

The Meta-Achievement reward for this season is the Appearance Option: Regal Senator Hairstyle and can be earned by completing all Seasonal Achievements. 

(Appearance Options: Regal Senator Hairstyle)

Below are the objectives for the first four weeks of Rising Powers! Similar to previous seasons, the following weeks will be published a few days prior to the end of the last week. We will post these objectives on the site and in our events calendar.

March 11th - March 17th
Influencing the Galaxy Earn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Weekly Complete any 7/11
March Across the Galaxy Earn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Rise Up: Done and Dusted Complete [UPRISING] Done and Dusted on any difficulty mode.
Ancient Enemies Returned I Defeat Keeper Anais on Tatooine / Defeat Night Stalker Raxine on Dromund Kass
Ace of the Armada Board your personal ship and complete 3 Space Missions.
We're Not Out of This Yet Board your personal ship and complete 2 [HEROIC] Space Missions.
For the Right Price Complete Missions as a Smuggler or a Bounty Hunter Origin.
Liabilities of Nar Shaddaa Track down and defeat the following high profile targets on Nar Shaddaa:
Kaeden Ta'kor (Northeastern Red Light Sector - Republic), Kaemon Zahor (Northern Corellian
Sector - Empire), Kallik Kan (Northwestern Nikto Sector - Republic), Varus Logan
(Northwestern Network Access - Empire)
Seat of the Hutts Daily Sweeps Complete the mission: [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Oricon multiple times or complete
[WEEKLY] Daily Area: Ossus once.
Dynamic Encounters: Under the Blazing Sun Lend aid to the galaxy by completing Dynamic Encounters on Tatooine.
Dark Reunions Complete Chapter III: Dark Reunions of Knights of the Eternal Throne on
Veteran difficulty or harder.
Relentless Replication Defeat the Propagator Core XR-53 on any difficulty. (Requires a Subscription)

March 18th - March 24th
Influencing the Galaxy Earn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Weekly Complete any 7/11
March Across the Galaxy Earn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Rise Up: Firefrost Complete [UPRISING] Firefrost on any difficulty mode.
Ancient Enemies Returned X Defeat Tormentor Urdig on Alderaan and Malussa the Gleaming Star
on Tatooine.
Cover Me Defeat non-player enemies across the Galaxy with any Companion in a
Heal Role. (This does not progress through Warzones, Galactic Starfighter,
Flashpoints, or Operations)
Supplying the War Effort Assemble materials into any of the following War Supplies: Infantry Supply
Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, or a Holocron of Strategy,
then assemble an Invasion Force.
Dynamic Encounters: The Cold Night's Chill Lend aid to the galaxy by completing Dynamic Encounters on Hoth.
Liabilities of Quesh Track down and defeat the following high profile targets on Quesh: DS-224
Colossus (Adrenal Valley - Republic), Foreman Telleon (Imperial Mining Control - Empire),
Lord Rhexa (Broga's Palace - Republic), Yanu Selke (Three Families Palace Grounds - Empire)
The Distant Outer Rim Complete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions while defeating
enemies on Belsavis, Hoth, Rishi, or Tatooine. To locate Exploration Missions
throughout the Galaxy, check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend.
The Seat of the Empire Complete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions while defeating
enemies on Taris, Oricon, Yavin 4, Ziost, or Dantooine. To locate Exploration
Missions throughout the Galaxy, check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the
World Map Legend.
Sweeping Ruhnuk and Kessan's Landing Complete the mission: [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Kessan's Landing or
[WEEKLY] Daily Area: Ruhnuk. (Requires a Subscription and/or access to
Legacy of the Sith)
Veteran Operations: Explosive Conflict Complete the following Operation on Veteran or Master difficulty.
(Requires a Subscription): Explosive Conflict

March 25th - March 31st
Influencing the Galaxy Earn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Weekly Complete any 7/11
March Across the Galaxy Earn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Rise Up: Inferno Complete [UPRISING] Inferno on any difficulty mode.
Still Got It Defeat non-player enemies across the Galaxy without the aid of
your Companions. (No companion may be summoned for progression. This
does not progress through Warzones, Galactic Starfighter, Flashpoints, or Operations)
This Will Do Nicely Affect enemies with destructible pipes, tanks, canisters, and capacitors
found throughout the Galaxy.
Ancient Enemies Returned VI Defeat Jinatte the Merciless on Tatooine. / Defeat Jaadel the Vindicator
on Alderaan.
Liabilities of Taris Track down and defeat the following high profile targets on Taris:
Jiinan E'ron (Western Republic Resettlement Zone - Republic), Maltok (Northern
Republic Resettlement Zone - Empire), Reclamation Forerunner (Eastern Brell
Sediment - Empire), Urlos Du'Ram (Southern Tularan Marsh - Republic)
Legacies of the Outer Rim Complete 2 Flashpoints from the following list: Battle of Rishi, Hammer Station,
Athiss, or The Nathema Conspiracy (requires content).
Serenity or Passion Complete Missions as a Jedi Consular or a Sith Inquisitor Origin.
Legacies of Revan Complete 2 Flashpoints from the following list: Maelstrom Prison (Republic only),
Taral V (Republic only), The Foundry (Empire only), or Boarding Party (Empire only).
The Gravestone Complete Chapter IV: The Gravestone of Knights of the Fallen Empire
on Veteran difficulty or harder.
Coordinated Actions: Eternity Vault Complete the following Operation on Story Mode (Requires a Subscription):
Eternity Vault

April 1st - April 7th
Influencing the Galaxy Earn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Weekly Complete any 7/11
March Across the Galaxy Earn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Rise Up: Divided We Fall Complete [UPRISING] Divided We Fall on any difficulty mode.
We're Not Out of This Yet Board your personal ship and complete 2 [HEROIC] Space Missions.
Ancient Enemies Returned II Defeat Defender Gilada on Hoth. / Defeat Erdi the Relentless on Coruscant.
Clashing in the Stars Complete Galactic Starfighter matches. Earn double progress for wins.
Stay On Target Earn Capture, Defensive, and Damage Medals in Galactic Starfighter by
capturing and defending objectives or damaging enemies.
Dynamic Encounters: Light of the Scorching Sun The Galaxy needs your help! Complete more Dynamic Encounters on Tatooine.
Capitals of Dichotomy Complete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions while defeating enemies
on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. To locate Exploration Missions throughout the Galaxy,
check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend.
Legacies of the Ambitious and Deceitful Complete 2 Flashpoints from the following list: Objective Meridian
(requires content), A Traitor Among the Chiss (requires content), Kaon Under Siege,
or Blood Hunt.
Disavowed Complete Chapter XI: Disavowed of Knights of the Fallen Empire on
Veteran difficulty or harder.
Heart of Ruin Defeat the Colossal Monolith on any difficulty. (Requires a Subscription)