about 2 years ago - The SWTOR Team - Direct link

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Best View in SWTOR contest! Out of thousands of entries that were submitted for the Best View in SWTOR contest, ten incredible winners were selected by the development team.

Alderaan: [Melissssssa / Star Forge]

Coruscant: [Twelfthdoctor/Star Forge]

Dromund Kaas: [Rafillagois/Star Forge]

Hoth: [Berandon/Darth Malgus]

Iokath: [Drew_Braxton/Star Forge]

Manaan: [Pleto/Darth Malgus]

Odessen: [StarRowynne/Star Forge]

Quesh: [seventimeavenger/Star Forge]

Rishi: [zzzg/Star Forge]

Taris: [Shaori/Star Forge]

Beginning with the 11-year Anniversary event later in December, each screenshot will be implemented into the game as framed decorations that can be purchased for your Strongholds. Around the same time, the lucky winners shall receive special gilded versions of their winning screenshot via in-game mail.

(Gilded version awarded to winners of the contest.)

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you all for sharing your favorite views of SWTOR!