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Game Update 7.6 debuts Dynamic Encounters and The Propagator Core XR-53 Operation Boss!

Dynamic Encounters

Dynamic Encounters is new world content that breathes life into planets and offers a wide variety of repeatable activities that rotate their availability over time. This content makes its debut with Game Update 7.6 and can be found on Tatooine and Hoth. 

When players make their way to either of these planets with the Galaxy Map, they can immediately see which Encounters are active. 

As players venture out and explore, they will see unique icons pop up on their map indicating that a Dynamic Encounter is currently active. Once a player is close enough to the Encounter, the mission tracker will update with a description of the Encounter and what requirements need to be fulfilled in order to complete the Encounter. All encounters can be completed solo or in a group. There are two different types of encounters: those that share progress normally (only with others in your group) and those that share progress between all active players in the encounter area--even if you aren't in a group. These use different icons to let you know which is which. 

What kind of Dynamic Encounters are there? 

Though you may be tasked to take down enemy NPCs and mini bosses, not every Encounter requires combat! On Hoth, you may need to calm some anxious Ice Kittens or carry baby Tauntauns up a hill just so they can happily run down it and back to their mother. On Tatooine, you may come across a Cantina band experiencing travel woes and you need to help repair their vehicles or become an Ad Gonk droid and market their show to patrons. 

Hidden Chain Invasions are unique Dynamic Encounters that can occur on Tatooine, Hoth, Rishi, and Ilum. Stop Heta Kol’s forces from wreaking havoc in the galaxy by summoning friendly NPC faction forces to take down the Hidden Chain and earn rewards for doing so. 

What are the rewards? 

There are a number of rewards that can be earned as Dynamic Encounters are completed! Alongside numerous Achievements, players can earn Conquest Commendations, Tech Fragments, Mounts, a unique decoration, and armor sets! 

Hidden Chain Invasions Encounters will drop pieces of the Hidden Chain armor set and various Encounters on Hoth and Tatooine will drop pieces of the Electric Gaze armor set. 

Completing specific (and also rare) Dynamic Encounters on Hoth may drop the Everglade Zakkeg mount and the Hoth Snowcap decoration. 

A rare and unique Freckled Loth-cat Kitten pet can be obtained upon completing kitten related Dynamic Encounters on Hoth. 

Upon completing the meta-Achievement for Hoth, players will receive the Frozen Peaks Mount. Completing the meta-Achievement for Tatooine will yield the Desert Sand Mount. Both mounts come with mini-pet functionality! 

We look forward to creating more missions for other planets in the future! 

The Propagator Core XR-53 Operation Boss on Story and Veteran Mode!

The Propagator Core XR-53 originated from one of the many broken pieces when the Emperor's Fortress crashed onto Ilum. The XR-53 is a Rakatan droid replicator trying to fix itself by harvesting resources. As players explore an abandoned production lab on Ilum, they may find themselves the XR-53’s newest targets to be collected. 

(Complete Construct enemy NPC)

There are two ways to begin the encounter. Players can: 

  • Fly to Ilum and approach the phase gate located in the main base camp
  • Use the Group Activity Finder window and choose “Relentless Replication” for Story Mode
    • For a limited time, Relentless Replication will be the only Encounter listed in the window 

Players are encouraged to jump into a 8-player group and take down XR-53 not only for the excitement of a challenging fight, but also because this boss drops the needed components to craft new augments! 

Three new tiers of augments have been introduced with 7.6: 

  • Augment 83 (Item Rating, 296 Prototype)
    • The tradeable Schematic to craft these will drop from the XR-53 fight on Story Mode 
  • Augment 86 (Item Rating 302, Prototype) 
    •  The tradeable Schematic to craft these will drop from the XR-53 fight on Veteran Mode
  • Advanced Augment 86 (Item Rating 310, Artifact)
    • The schematic is only available by deconstructing Augment 86.

A full breakdown of these augments can be found here

A full list of the updated schematics and requirements can be found here

We hope you enjoy Dynamic Encounters and the new Operation boss!