over 1 year ago - The SWTOR Team - Direct link

The Join the Fight bundle is now available on the SWTOR website and Steam! 

This bundle includes: 

  • 60 days of subscription time
    • A current subscription will allow players to experience the story content including the Legacy of the Sith expansion
  • 2400 cartel coins 
  • The K-NorCo B5C Mount
    • This exclusive mount is rideable at level 1 so you can jump right into the fight

This bundle will be available on SWTOR.com and Steam for $39.99 USD.


Can anyone purchase this offer?

Yes! Whether you are a new or existing player this is available for purchase. Note that you can only purchase this offer once per account. This bundle is also giftable on Steam if the player has an active Steam account linked to a valid SWTOR account. 

How will I receive the items after purchase?

The subscription time and cartel coins will be automatically added to your account. The K-NorCo B5C Mount will be waiting for you in your character’s in-game mailbox. These items will be available on all of the characters on the account where the purchase was made allowing them to ride at first level.

Are there any restrictions on the items? 

All bundles and their items are non-tradeable and non-transferable.

How does this affect my time if I have a recurring subscription?
The time will be added to your account at the end of the current billing cycle, pushing the billing renewal date out by the same amount.