2 months ago - The SWTOR Team - Direct link

Thank you for your feedback around the Mac launcher technical test. We wanted to let you all know that we feel comfortable in releasing the Mac launcher as an open beta test in the coming weeks! This will be available to anyone who would like to check out SWTOR on their Mac machines provided that they meet the minimum requirements. 

System requirements: 

  • M-Series Chipset Mac: M1, M2, etc…
  • Latest MacOS Sonoma, 14.* - Any other MacOS version will not work during this test.
  • This will not work on Intel Macs (PRE 2020).

When we are ready to launch the open beta test, we will be providing a space on the SWTOR forums primarily for Mac Launcher Open Beta Test communications and feedback. This will be available for both Subscribers and Preferred players. 

Keep an eye on our forums and social channels for an announcement on when the open beta goes live!