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The SWTOR Team
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Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival
Date: March 11 - April 8 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Level 20+
Even heroes need a break every now and then. What better way to pass the time than relaxing on a cozy farmstead on Dantooine? When the event is active, players can pick up the mission on the Fleet and make their way to Blba Groves, a secondary landing point on the planet Dantooine.
Dance the day away, bake pies (or eat them), rescue and rehabilitate injured animals, partake in a galactic egg hunt, and more!
Complete the daily and weekly missions to earn an assortment of rewards!
- [NEW]Plains Grophet Minipet
- [NEW]Shadowed Grophet Minipet
- [NEW]Swampland Zakkeg Minipet
- [NEW]Arrangement: Abundance Supplies 5 Decoration
- [NEW]Arrangement: Mushroom Merchant Stall Decoration
- [NEW]Dantooine Farm Thrasher Decoration
- [NEW]Trellis Field Decoration
- [NEW]Harvest Grain Storage Decoration
- Title: Crop Destroyer
- Title: Humble Farmhand
- Legacy Title: One Who Reaps
- Legacy Title: One Who Sows
- Abundance Supply Decorations 1-4
- Arrangement: Pie Decorations
- Spring Festival Barbeque Pit Decoration
- Spring Harvest Plant Decorations
- Cursed Farmland Pillar Decoration
- Dantooine Potted Fruit Tree Decoration
- Farm Harvest Shed Decoration
- Farmland Grazer Outfit
- Nightshift Tech Outfit
- Fitted Westar 19 Blaster Rifle
- Fitted Westar 19 Blaster
- Fitted Westar 19 Sniper Rifle
- Subterranean Mudhorn Creature Mount
- Farmland Speeder Mount
- Mudpup Mini Pets