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Not sure if it was intentional or if I am the only one affected by the Fates Pass ending approx 16 hours ahead of when the client showed it would end. I deliberately stayed up late tonight to finish the pass as I have work tomorrow and wouldn't be able to complete it. In the middle of my last game required to hit 42, my friend said the pass was gone from the client. It showed we had about 18 hours left 2 hours prior to this so I didn't even feel like I was in a rush.

Did anyone else experience something similar / am I imagining this? I'm honestly pretty upset with Riot right now, mostly because if the timer was accurate I would've planned my day differently.

tldr: Pass ended early, emo qq / mad

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over 3 years ago - /u/HjartaLoL - Direct link

Hey Hey!

Just as a disclaimer we're still collecting all of the pieces, so what I am saying now might change based on new information we receive.

But to be clear, this was not intentional in any way. This happened due to a bug that happened when we were updating missions yesterday to get ready for launch, and one of the major ones happened to fail later and the tool we use for this didn't let us know, and wasn't immediately obvious when we checked the client. Since the Battle pass failed in the evening LA time, most of us were off of work or sleeping and didn't notice on the client itself until this morning.

This is now up in NA, and we're fixing on other regions. I know this sucks, and feels like we betrayed you so I want to apologize to you directly for this experience.

I'll keep you updated on any changes or updates.

over 3 years ago - /u/HjartaLoL - Direct link

Originally posted by HjartaLoL

Hey Hey!

Just as a disclaimer we're still collecting all of the pieces, so what I am saying now might change based on new information we receive.

But to be clear, this was not intentional in any way. This happened due to a bug that happened when we were updating missions yesterday to get ready for launch, and one of the major ones happened to fail later and the tool we use for this didn't let us know, and wasn't immediately obvious when we checked the client. Since the Battle pass failed in the evening LA time, most of us were off of work or sleeping and didn't notice on the client itself until this morning.

This is now up in NA, and we're fixing on other regions. I know this sucks, and feels like we betrayed you so I want to apologize to you directly for this experience.

I'll keep you updated on any changes or updates.

All other regions should be up and running now too. Thanks for the patience!

over 3 years ago - /u/HjartaLoL - Direct link

Originally posted by Derfless

Thank you for replying and for informing us! Much appreciated.

of course, npnp