Title pretty much says it. Similar to Mech Garen, it would make sense for Galio to be on the damage recap at the end of the round.
External link →Title pretty much says it. Similar to Mech Garen, it would make sense for Galio to be on the damage recap at the end of the round.
External link →Sorry for the oversight! It's a bug. We'll get it fixed in the next patch. (Edit - this may have to wait until patch 10.21, since we are already wrapping up 10.20 in a couple of days.)
Could you also look into buying chosen champ bug? It just happened on EUNE (live). Bought chosen Cassiopeia and ended up getting 1* Ashe.
I'm not sure what you're seeing because I've never encountered that issue before. Please report the bug (instructions here) and include as many details as you can.