I know it's not super pressing but it's really tedious to go individually claim multiple rewards should you forget to claim them as they're earned.
External link →Title.
I know it's not super pressing but it's really tedious to go individually claim multiple rewards should you forget to claim them as they're earned.
External link →Necromancer here, claim all button still being sorely missed :(.
lol, I love it so much that you necromanced this. Hold me accountable, bro!
So, UX has proposed this feature. We are still trying to get it in as part of some other Battlepass updates. However, I don't have our producer's blessing that the button will ship for sure.
I will see if I can try to get a more janky version in sooner, one that can be done with less effort! I will ask an engineer... if you see it in the next month or so, you'll know it worked.
3yrs later, am i missing it or?
Hey HawksNest, I left another comment here. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/175l5qj/comment/k4ljyo7/?context=3
So Uhm, Hows this going?
Left a comment on another thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/175l5qj/comment/k4ljyo7/?context=3