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For reference, DClaw gives 55 MR, while Adaptive gives 60 (in the front 2 rows).

A good amount of item design went into what you expect to get out of it. If you want a lot of AD, slam two swords for a Deathblade. If you want a lot of attack speed, slam two bows for a Red Buff. Et cetera. But if you want a lot of MR, your best option for that is not to slam two cloaks, but a cloak and a tear.

I get DClaw gives other multiplicative bonuses, with % max HP and % healing, but I think the main focus of DClaw should be in the MR, with less emphasis given to the secondary benefits. It kinda goes against existing design philosophy. With Mystic/Ironclad combined into Sentinel these days, I think I enjoyed the game more when specific counters were strong. With DClaw's current state, it (and Bramble Vest) feels more like a generic tank item than the specific counter that I think it should be.

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about 1 year ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

The core item system needs to be less "specific counter" and more generic items, so that when you are given items out of your control, you have optionality. DClaw in particular was notorious for being useless early game as MR is usually only good late game.

I do agree DClaw not being #1 on the MR stats block is weird, I can try to fix that. But no plans to change it to be as sharp as it used to be.