💥LIVE💥We've got a few "B-Side" micropatch nerfs to some overpowered outliers...
Aphelios starting Mana ⬇️
Janna Total Mana ⬆️
Ashe Hunter's Focus Bonus Attack Speed ⬇️
Veigar Dark Blossom Damage ⬇️
👉Patch Notes update soon: https://riot.com/2RUR0xshttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjvlzijWkAQmmz4.jpg
Beginning with Patch 10.21, Pass exclusive Little Legends will be re-classified to Legendary status. This means they'll cost 150 Star Shards to upgrade.
You still have around a week to upgrade your Little Legends for the lower price.
Read more: https://riot.com/3jAP49Hhttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ejw4JCsWsAADLk_.jpg
If you could design your ideal Little Legend, what animal, profession, and personality would they be? Let us know what combination you chose, then give your Little Legend a name! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBDM8BRVQAEqLMu.jpg