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Riot has been b-patching chaos mode so much without putting it in patchnotes and for seemingly no reason.

First they made many rounds just auto loses unless you have a god tier luck comp (fairy round, Nasus rounds, 3 dragon round and some others got buffed insanely hard).
Next they made morgana literally 10x harder by making her actually abduct your units and make them fight against you.
Basically without a 3 star 5 cost, you are almost guaranteed to lose since she will scale and scale and scale.
The timestop was already broken as hell and annoying with about 0 counterplay, right now it's outright impossible to get past.
I had a full hp 3 star ryze with spellvamp, 10 portal and multiple 3 stars and 2x 2 star 5 costs with good items, Ryze was the only one that was alive at the end because zhonya into somehow killing your entire team and getting all the stacks on the ornn item while stealing your team doesn't help.
But then by full hp 3 star ryze just got 1 shot during her slowmotion?
For seemingly no other reason than 5 costs spawning (not attacking yet).

Riot is basically single handedly ruining this entire gamemode.
I could have sold my comp and not gone for 10 portal, but for 3 star 5 costs, I didn't because it is boring to go for the same strat every single end game.
I guess riot already decided that it isn't worth the resources and they are dropping the mode after this rotation.
Chaos mode also has about 0 innovation compared to normal, you get 1 radiant item at the start and the enemy has more units/items.
Wow, so original, such chaos.
I was expecting more augments, maybe not the same augments every single game, events, shops, idc, anything that is actually chaotic.

But scores have to be fair and RNG isn't good for fairness. IT'S A PVE MODE, IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FAIR BUT FUN.
Give us unlockables like in swarm, more augments we can find, more stuff we can do ect.

External link →
10 days ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

We have made 0 changes to the mode since it shipped...