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Welcome to Reckoning!

We’re (part of) the team behind TFT: Reckoning. We're taking some time out from fighting the Black Mist to answer your questions about the set’s design, mechanics, arenas, little legends, and all things TFT. We're posting this early (9 am PST) and will be back at noon to answer your questions, but feel free to add them now! And here's who'll be answering your questions:

AliceOfClubs - Technical Game Designer; Not quite a Game Designer, not quite an Engineer, designs and implements traits, spells, and developer tools.

BribbleTheGreat- Senior Visual Designer who crafts the User Interface from set mechanics, to trait icons and beyond.

DazBrakomir- The motion graphics artist who brings all of the in and out of game UI to life.

Leelor- The User Experience designer who prevents you from accidentally selling your unit at the start of the game, created recipe hints for items, and designed the Armory for Reckoning!

LlordLlama- Hyped on Hyper Roll? You’ve got this game designer to thank (and a few other people I guess).

RiotKent - Live gameplay balance designer, who’s responsible for your 8ths, but also your 1sts…

Riot Wittrock- The mad scientist behind our wildest mechanics. Wittrock puts the Wit in WitRock n’ Roll.

Riot_Mort- Lead Game Designer; if devs were a Rock Band, Mort would be the Band Manager, but also the Conductor, and maybe even the Bass player.

Riot Mumble- Game Producer; herds artists to ensure Little Legends and other content is delivered!

RiotGreenTeej - Producer of Producers; Famous Set 1 Challenger player and tea enthusiast.

RiotSvago - If you’ve seen Ruin Rising, then you already know our Creative Director’s work. And if you haven’t seen Ruin Rising, what are you waiting for?
Edit: RiotSvago is out for now (resting after getting vaccinated!). MinionsRpeople2 (comms, patch notes, Little Legend Bios, and more) will answer what questions he can for Svago.

This ensemble of our favorite people will begin answering questions at Noon PST, but you can add your questions to this post right away!

Links for general information about the Reckoning Pass or a Gameplay Overview.

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by FrodaN

I'd love to get some insight into how far along we are into developing spectator mode.

  • What are some features you're excited about?
  • What hurdles are you encountering?
  • Any major milestone that's been recently cleared?
  • Are we still confident that spectator mode will be available for the Set 5 world championship?

Hi Frodan!

We plan to give a formal update soon in an upcoming dev video! But things are moving along, I currently have no reason to believe the Reckoning finals timeline is at risk but if that ever changes I will let you and the community know :) We are just chipping away at making it posible for an observer to control the camera!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by iglootheraptor

I've been wondering about the spat items. With the previous sets, they all had their own unique item icons, but this time they just have the trait's icon itself. I can see why that'd be desirable when there's effectively double the spats, but I was wondering- will this system continue for future sets when there's not so many spats?

Also, I was wondering what the idea behind revenant spat is. It's effectively just a GA, isn't it? It's not bad of course, but what's the point of putting it on someone when you can just give them a GA?

In that same line, there's a couple synergies that don't have higher, normally-impossible tiers while others do. For instance, Revenant only goes up to 3 with there being 3 revenants and a revenant spat. Abomination goes up to 5, but there's 4 abom units and the abom spat. What's the decision behind this? If I remember correctly, in earlier sets (set 3 at least, I think?) Mort said you try to have a breakpoint if you could reach one with 2 spatulas (so as a quick example, if there were 7 redeemed, then there'd be a 9 redeemed breakpoint in case 2 redeemed spats). Would more breakpoints be added in the future?

Thanks for making TFT :-D

We think the new "Emblem" system helps a lot with initial readability and learning the system, and especially with 16 spatula items. So we will likely be continuing this system moving forward with every set. We know its not perfect right now (Looking at you Dawnbringer vs Nightbringer), but things like the colors we added near the end of PBE should help it out a bunch.

For Revenant Spatula, it's a slightly more complex GA since you need the trait to activate it AND it comes with the 30% damage increase which can open up some cool strategies with champs who can lifesteal it back up.

Finally for the extra chase traits, we didn't want to overload the set at launch, and were finding things like Ironclad 4 were confusing players asking "How do I get this, there are only 3 champions?" To be honest we probably should NOT have shipped Abomination 5 at launch. All that being said though, or plan is to add these once the set has been live for a bit, looking to be likely around 11.12. 9 Skirmisher is going to be so strong!

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by GR488Y

Hey! Is there any news on a dedicated iPad or Tablet App for TFT? Been playing lots of games on my iPad and would love the possibility of playing at native resolution!

No new news yet! I really want to, and I hear you all who have asked for so long for official iPad and Tablet support. TFT really is a great fit for those devices! But it will be a little ways away until we can grow the team and tackle some of our more emergent work as well as keep shipping you all awesome sets!

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by Due_Cartoonist4290

If spectator mode would come to tft PC for us, will it also come with a match replay system?


The spectator we are building, or better-named esports camera, is only being built for broadcast and tournament purposes. Unfortunately, this will not be a feature we make available for the everyday TFT player.

I am very curious though what you would find valuable or you would enjoy from a player facing spectate a friend option?

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by BigBlackSwords

Im not sure how feasible it would be to implement but I think it would be fun to include some of the old sets as a temporary game mode. I know this is not a question about set 5 but the set is great and I have nothing to say about it, keep it up!

The honest truth here is that there is a LOT of work to be done to bring back an old set. Even just basic stuff like getting it up and running again and updating some of the code, then there are the more complex questions like "Should the items be the same as they were for that set?" If yes, thats a ton more work. Should Launch Set board size be used? Etc. So it is a TON of work to get right.

Then assuming we did all that, the question is how valuable is it? I think playing Launch Set or RoTE for a weekend or something sounds awesome, but we see this with other games like HS or MTG that the appeal very quickly loses its luster. We also likely wouldn't have ranked queues for multiple sets at the same time, and we know players really lose motivation without ranked.

All that being said, it's still on the wish list. Lots of players didn't start TFT until Galaxies or Fates, so giving them a chance to try the old stuff would be fun. We just need to find the right time to get that work done, compared to other value we can be adding.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Ayz1533

Hey y'all! Thanks for doing this. Question, do you think we'll see any adjustments to unit traits in the near future?

This could just be my opinion, but Nidalee and Riven feel backwards on Skirmisher vs Legionnaire. Additionally, Skirmishers could use a true ranged character (I wouldn't consider Nidalee one because she converts after ~3 seconds) and once she's in cat form, AP benefits her more than AD but she gets Skirmisher scaling for AD, so she just feels clunky and I think Legionnaire fixes this by giving her attack speed.

Legionnaire seems to make her item build path a bit more logical.

Just curious if there have been thoughts about this for her and potentially others.

Typically we try to avoid major trait shifts like this unless they are absolutely necessary, as the learning cost to players is extremely high as well as the domino effects it has to the rest of the trait system.

The obvious swap here would be Riven becomes the Skirmisher and Nidalee becomes the Legionnaire...however that leaves Skirmisher with ANOTHER melee champion which they already struggle with having too many, and Riven's spell would likely need to be redesigned since getting more AD would make her spell unsustainably powerful.

If we ABSOLUTELY had to make a change like this we would, but I'd also ask the team to retro how we ended up in such a dire situation where it was necessary to make such a large change.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by DrPelipper

I want to talk mid set updates. Are the changes made typically targeted at units/traits the team considers problematic? Or is it for other reasons? I've enjoyed both of the ".5" sets more than the previous iterations, but it sucks seeing awesome units like Set4 Jhin or Set3 MF go. Thanks for all your work!

It's much less about units or traits that are problematic. When we start developing the mid set, its likely too early to tell what was problematic long term anyway.

The primary goal of a mid set is to create a good moment for players to consider coming back (ranked has reset, and there's a bunch of new stuff to play with), so our goals are often around making sure the set feels different. In Galaxies, we didn't quite achieve this since Jinx carry (as an example) still dominated so games felt pretty similar. With Fates, we ended up swapping out a lot of the carries, which let to them feeling very different.

And yeah, it can feel bad if your favorite carry rotates out, but our hope is there is something new you can play with as well.

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by Silver_Arm_7339

Hi! Is there a chance to have an ingame tooltip for all the spatulas combinations? By default it's only with pure/uncorrupted one, and i dont really like having a cheat sheet to tab to for this...

Yup, we are working on the design right now! The idea is to add more information to the trait tracker, in the form of additional tooltips. I can't promise a patch when it'll arrive, but we want to make this happen as soon as we can.

Aside from that, a longer term solution would be to expand the Team Planner (seen only on mobile) into a fuller-featured in-game wiki. This isn't something we are actively working on since it would be a pretty large body of work, but if this is something you all are very interested in, it would be really helpful to let us know!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by BleedingCatz

In league, you can easily measure frustration by looking at champion banrate (maybe in the context of pickrate and win% too). For example if something is banned often but has low winrate and is not picked regularly, it's safe to assume that people find the champion frustrating to pay against.

Without an obvious proxy for frustration like league has, how do you measure this in TFT?

Thanks for the AMA (and an amazing game)!

Honestly this is one of the reasons I set up Twitter and stream and discord and things. There is something to learn about the VOLUME of posts and comments. That being said, there is also a difference between usability frustration and game play frustration.

In the case of usability frustration, it can be really helpful to hear how many people are struggling with not being able to inspect the carousel when a new set comes out, as it can give us insight on how to prioritize the player pain being felt compared to other opportunities.

Gameplay frustration is different. Since TFT isn't direct control, a lot of "frustration" comes down to "I made a plan, and it wasn't effective and that was frustrating". The most common example of this is "I made a 3-item backline carry (Draven/Velkoz/etc) and it got CC'd over and over and I didn't get to play the game"...but the reality is TFT wouldn't be nearly as deep or interesting of a game if every comp was front to back DPS races. CC and positioning add a lot of depth into the choices you can make. So for us, it comes from things like repeatability and combat pacing. Leona from Set 1 had a 7 second single target stun for example, or more recently sBB LeBlanc could stun 2 targets indefinitely. In these cases its up to us to decide "Hey, stuns are good, but being stunned more than 50% of a combat from a single unit isn't OK" and then designing around those metrics.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Best_Jhinx_NA

Thanks for doing this! How much do you have to keep the four cost carries in mind when you make a design choice, knowing that the majority of the metas will revolve around them?

A lot! A healthy meta usually revolves around the 4 cost carries, which is an intentional design decision. So a lot of the balance work can be getting them to a healthy level, then balancing around them in the other areas (5 costs slightly better, 3 costs slight worse, etc). Reckoning for example launched with 4 costs being a bit over tuned, which then warped the meta around them.

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by bucketsofmercy

1) Any plans on changing the 1/3 hotkeys to rotate vertically vs around the minimap?

2) Regarding the item layout that briefly appeared in PBE where they were in neat rows + could view in carousel but couldn't see opponent items, has their been any movement on that potential feature?

  1. We don't have any plans to change the scouting hotkeys at this time.
  2. Nope, we haven't had a chance yet to return to the idea of showing items in UI instead of in world space. The problem we still need to solve is how to make scouting opponent items not just functional, but actually easy and intuitive. We might end up revamping scouting itself in order to get this right, and if we can't arrive at a good solution, we probably won't move items into UI.
over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by nxqv

I feel like there is this trend of resistance shred on 5 cost units coming to dominate the unit's kit - we saw this with Yone and we see this now with Garen and Darius. It seems like these units eventually get balanced around how powerful this effect is, to the point where the rest of their kit becomes almost totally irrelevant. (At least Garen is also a super tanky boi.) Additionally, the existence of these units makes items such as Ionic Spark, Last Whisper (and especially Final Whisper), and Dragon Claw less than desirable considering how finite your item pool is.

Has the team thought about removing the shred effect from these units entirely to allow both the units' design and all these impacted items to really shine? And if the answer is "yes, but we decided not to," why?

Yeah, there's some good learnings here. Shred needs to exist as a counter option for sure. You don't want to play a magic comp, see a single Dragon's Claw or 4 Mystic and go "Well its now impossible for me to win", both because that's just not good game play AND it feels bad.

That being said, the conclusion we're starting to realize is that AOE Shred specifically being so sharp is hurting the game a lot. Last Whisper being 70% is probably OK, while Garen being 70% is extremely limiting. Ionic spark at 40% for example is totally fine. In Patch 11.11 you'll see some changes to shred based on this logic.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Edonculation117

What are each of your favourite champions and/or favourite synergies in this set?

Brand is my favorite champ. I love the "Put a dot on everything" fantasy, and I loved Cassio in Galaxies.

And because of that, Abomination has been my favorite synergy. I love the way its a cool itemization puzzle figuring out how to get Sion the best items possible. Sadly it's been a bit on the weak side, but I was still able to use it a lot on my climb to masters.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by DesmonReddit

I loved the Ornnaments, who’s idea was that??

Giovanni was the set lead of Fates and Festival of Beasts, and came up with the concept of Ornn giving powerful artifacts. From there the team helped with each individual artifact (For example I came up with Trinity Force being tons of 3's everywhere lol).

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by CptNova

Hi everyone at Riot, I love the game, and played from set 1, played LoL before that since season 2 or something.

First question: Do you consider ever doing a "cooperative" mode, something like the Dota Underlords one ? Like a 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 ?

Second question: how did the covid impact your production process ? Are you working remotely? Do you consider foreign developers now that remote working is more widespread ?

Last question: do you recruit game developers ?

Keep up the good work and see you on TFT or LoL, or runeterra !

Hi :D! Thanks for being such a long-term player!

To your first question, we have considered it :) New modes are something we have been thinking about a lot! and something to do with your friends is for sure on that list!

For your second question, it wasn't easy in the beginning, especially because it was when we were shipping mobile. Communication was hard at first, and meetings or habits we had built for creating things on TFT sort of got thrown out the window. But fast forward a few months and we are doing well! Some parts are actually even easier at home, while others remain a challenge. And in terms of developers not in the same timezone as us, we do that already! even pre covid :)! We have folks who help us around the world.

To your last question, keep an eye out on our careers page! The TFT team is hiring and growing!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by naturesbfLoL

What is the best tft-related twitter post of all time?

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by bucketsofmercy

How many people total are on the TFT team? How many people does it take to make this game?

I'd say combined at least 200 years of developer experience

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by _draega

This is not a question, so feel free to skip it if comments aren't allowed. (I kept it brief, I swear!)

I just wanted to express a little gratitude and say thank you for the hard work and effort all of you invest into this game. I also would like to commend you, as a team, for the dedication and time you devote to the players and to your involvement with the gaming community. I've been a gamer for quite some time, across many genres and platforms, and in the past it has been all-to-rare to experience the level of transparency that I've witnessed with TFT.

You are all crucial to the overall success, but I think Riot_Mort deserves an extra amount of recognition for making himself even more available, often donating his personal time to provide information and answers to players. (P.S. I apologize once again for the Discord pings...😉)

So, thank you all, and I hope to see you in a game lobby sometime!

<3 Good luck with your climb and we're so glad you're enjoying TFT

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by MrPepsy

Will u plan to add chromas for victorious little legends for each tier? so far its pretty unsatisfing to get in masters+ the same reward as someone who played just 5-10games to get gold.

Its not that i just play for reward or so but it kinda feels meh at the end of the season..

And the emotes are also kinda meh, when u just can equip 4 at a time

if there would be some higher chromas for victorious skins i probably would use them instead of my beloved spacemolediver :D

Little Legends, probably not, but I hear your feedback on the emote part! We may consider additional rewards in the future or alternatives to emotes :)

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by StarChar21

Thank you for doing the ama.

I have friends ask me all the time why in the TFT tab in the client, there is only data about the pass and no data about the actual game.

Are there any plans in the future to add in more data about TFT in the client?

Kinda like how for League you can look at all the items, patch notes, and champion details. It'd be really cool if the TFT tab had more sections to it like all the other tabs in the client.

Great question!

We have talked as a team about wanting to improve the TFT experience in the client, and what you mentioned are some of the problems we would want to solve if/when we take on this project :)!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Hell_Derpikky

Quick and simple, if im in the last place, why do i have to fight with the one who is in the first place (sometimes with streak)?
is "kinda" unfair and sometimes estressfull

It's easy to index on any particular moment and think it may feel unfair, but the reality is you're probably facing that person because you haven't faced them in a while. It wouldn't be fair to 2nd place if they had to keep fighting them.

Our matchmaking isn't perfect, but generally will have you facing a wide variety of opponents over the course of a game in a way that is pretty fair, without being so rigid as to always face everyone in the same order every time.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by eilidh_mac

The shadow qss and the shadow zephyr seems like unstoppable object meets immovable rock. How did the team decide which works against which?

We didn't like how you could get a QS, put it on a carry in the corner, and solve ALL your problems. It was too easy to just do every game and led to a very large lack of counter play. So we decided that Zephyr got to be the one thing you always had to play around no matter what, leading to a deeper late game positioning play.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by ForgivenShanque

How does the team plan to keep developing TFT from the assets of League? Coloring units and reusing skins for different sets has been really creative but I'm wondering if running out of ideas is a concern for the future?

Not a major concern for the foreseeable future! Shoot maybe one day /u/Riot_Mort will have no other option but to release Foodfight Tactics :)

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by NoFurtherObligations



over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by KinglyO

u/Leelor, can you talk a bit about the process of creating the introductory tool tips and mobile onboarding in general?

Getting people into a new game can always be a tough challenge, and there’s lots of strategies people take. Were you able to base yours on initial user testing, or did you have to wing it and guess what people might need the most help to grasp? / how did deciding to include the team builder feature play into this?

Oh this is a great question, thanks for asking! Designing tutorials and onboarding is actually something I'm really passionate about; I could probably talk your ear off about it, but I'll try to keep it short.

The first thing most designers say is that you should always design onboarding for HYPE! Players must be EXCITED above all else! But that's not entirely true. The first thing to consider is the genre of the game when deciding how heavily to invest in excitement vs comprehension. In my opinion, the tutorial for an action RPG should probably be higher on hype than for a strategy game, where comprehension is truly critical for helping players learn to love the game. Having worked on the tutorial for Legends of Runeterra, and seeing that it was pretty successful in labs, allowed me to continue that approach of prioritizing comprehension for TFT because it's also a strategy game.

The easy part is making a list of things to teach. Game devs are always testing the game in labs with players before tutorials or onboarding are even created, so there's usually a pretty good hit list of concepts that new players are struggling with. The hard part is the tactics; putting everything in a sensible order, making the wording clear, covering key concepts more than once, and making sure the tutorial isn't too long or too short. Once you have the skeleton of the flow in place, you absolutely have to test it with new players, and watch them go through it so you can figure out what's missing. User testing is absolutely key to designing onboarding!

The Team Planner was honestly built because players asked us for it. If there's more details you'd like to see added there, let us know!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by marcel_p

Who's going to win the Riot Race to Challenger? My vote is on Kent (sorry Mort).

I'm winning right now...Kent's stuck in D3!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by __fujoshi

This question is for anyone and everyone: is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not? Please defend your position.

No way is a hot dog a sandwich. This is one of those over reductionist things, and frankly calling a hot dog a sandwich is an insult to sandwiches.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by twonsoon

I just tweet this out to Mort before I realized there was an AMA.

I saw an interaction where Shadow Warmogs damages triggers stacks for a normal Titans. Is this an intentional design?

If you have a clip of this, please send it our way. We'll try to confirm also. This is NOT intentional. Self damaging shadow items shouldn't be beneficial for anything. (They don't generate mana for example)

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by Rigeroni

Are there currently any plans for making some shadow items easier to see on the carousel? It’s a bit hard to tell on mobile if sojin or gunblade are normal items or not in particular.

We don't currently have any plans to change this, but now that you've let us know it's an issue, we can try to make some tweaks. We increased the overall size of items; not sure if this would fix it, but maybe we could take a look at adding some special VFX to make it more obvious.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by ergonomicjones

Hey team, thank you for your continued amazing work on TFT and thank you in advance for taking my questions. Two questions--

1) One of my favorite ideas ever to have been in TFT was the Mountain Hex from Rise of the Elements. Building an unkillable uber-tank Braum or Dr. Mundo over the course of a game was truly a delight in every sense of the word and extremely gratifying. A similar concept was revisited in Warlords last set, but those were capped after a certain number of wins. Any plans to revisit this idea units scaling infinitely over the course of an entire game? What do you guys think of the concept ?

2) Ever since the introduction of overtime, traits that have healing or regeneration as their core mechanic has suffered an indirect nerf. It seems unfair that other traits maintain or even amplify their core mechanics in OT while healers/lifestealers suffer because of the OT reduction. Any thoughts on how to balance this in the future? Perhaps only grant healing reduction from items instead?

Lots of love and thank you.

Your point about overtime is a fair one, but the reality is we want combats to resolve in around 15-25 seconds ideally. Healing traits allow you to stay alive and reach the latter part of that goal. But Overtime is necessary to get combat to resolve, as we don't want ties. (We generally try to avoid combats resolving in ties as it low satisfaction, and generally just dull to watch.) Healing traits can lead to that a lot, so they need to be reduced.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotKent


One of us has Vacation, the other has work to do!

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by B2Munchy

Hey guys.. First of all thanks soooo much for creating, maintaining and improving this wonderful game so far.
I got 3 questions:

1- I love the work you guys put in the little legends and overall game visuals.. but still
Are you guys (or riot) open to design popular characters as little legends, arenas and booms?.. Personally i would love the possibility to have Sans from Undertale as a little little legends and blasting others with Gaster blasters.

2- It would be great if there is a portal or a tab in the league client (and maybe the mobile version as well) that contains all the info about tournaments, B-Patches and other fun/competitive information that's not easily available.

3- I'm just curious about your ideas/visions on how this game can even grow more in popularity and numbers.

Thanks so much for the AMA guys and for making my favorite game.

I can take 2 and 3!

  1. Great idea! I'd want to do this to improve the visibility of the stuff you mentioned. When we do it, unfortunately, no plans yet!

  2. We are superrrrr happy with where we are right now, and I am personally so happy that 10 million of you choose to play each day! Our vision from here is to broaden who TFT appeals to by increasing the types of motivations to play (very businessy but here are some examples) - New ways to play TFT, Improving our esports and competitive scene so being #1 is in reach for all who are up for the journey, adding more progression and social systems, making sets that appeal to more players globally!

No single thing we do will be the silver bullet but we believe the core gameplay of TFT is something special, so by making it more accessible, serve more motivations, and improve underserved audiences I believe we can continue to see the growth and success of this game we love together for many...many...years!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Inxplotch

So in set 3 we very briefly had models on the unit cards in the shop, which were ugly but visually more clear. Since then we’ve had splash arts for cards and personally i havent had much trouble with them until this set. I’ve been having a hard time quickly recognizing certain units, especially ones utilizing newer skins or ones that look same-y on the card (like mordekaiser and ivern being two close ups of masks).

So my question is, whats the process that goes into trying to make units recognizable as the character themselves while still making them fit the theme of their tribe. Have there been any clarity issues that have arisen and how do you hope to handle them? Were there any big problems in developments in terms of art or visual design that had to be overcome for this set.

Also, second question for Mr. Mortimer Dog, who on the tft team do you blame when you get, as the saying goes, “mortdogged”? Maybe statikk or kent? Your evil twin Dort Mog?

I just blame myself in a sad self deprecating kind of way...

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by findmenextdoor

Gunmay here, 2x retiree and the absolute beacon of positivity in the TFT community (trust).

I actually have a real question, when y'all scrap a set mechanic what kind of discussion do you do when it comes to maybe keeping certain aspects of a mechanic for the future sets and introduce it as a part of the core game mechanics? I'm asking because I think that after Reckoning is gone and Shadow Items are gone with it, I still think the part of the set mechanic where we're allowed to pick an item on stage x-2 is fantastic and has opened up for a lot more options through the whole game and I'd personally love to see that be part of the core game as the game moves onto the next set.

I think for example there is stuff like with Set 2 elemental hexes incentivized positioning tradeoffs for power which introduced more positioning mind games and made certain items go up in value like Zephyr and stuff like that is something I wish we would of seen more off, even if it was "remade" to fit the theme of whatever set we were in.

For the most part, its about the complexity of the game as a whole and the nature of the next set. For example, we were pretty positive on Lucky Lanterns and Consumables and could see those sticking around...but with Reckoning being so high on complexity we were worried about consumables also being around at launch.

For the armory specifically, we knew players (especially highly engaged and competitive players) would love the agency they bring...but that also doesn't mean its good long term if it just leads to more forcing. We have some long term ideas what to do with the Armory, but for now it's too early to make a call about it's long term viability in TFT.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotGreenTeej

I'd say combined at least 200 years of developer experience


over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Glitterkrieger

Which Choncc is the best?

Bee Choncc or Panda Choncc!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by QueenKisses

Hi Riot, so I love League, TFT, Valo and everything that you release and will release of course. But I have one query and that is for the current update for TFT, don't you think you're making the Coven comp too weak now? I mean our Coven girlies are nerfed ok, but also nerfing the whole Coven synergy... don't you think it will make them ummm underwhelming now?

Thank you and more power to all of you at Riot <3

We think Coven will be just fine. You still have a champ that lowers AD by 40%, a champ with a big AOE CC, and backline access stuns, who all together give 60 AP to a champ of your choice AND fuel them mana. I don't think they are going anywhere despite the nerfs.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Riot_nicolo

Do you plan to keep doing an awesome job and keep supporting TFT for years, if not decades to come?

That's the plan until Riot decides to get rid of me...

But for real, our hope is that TFT is going to be around for a long time and figuring out ways to make sure that is true is an exciting challenge to solve. Whether it be through innovation of sets, modes, cosmetics, or something completely unexpected...its such a wide field of possibility that I'm confident we have lots we can cook up!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by ShirooChan

Have you guys ever tried to implement a patch wherein when you right click an item to see the item list, you could then hover to the item itself to see the details of the item? I'm a pretty casual player and that's definitely one of the things I always deal with.

Coming very VERY VERY soon ;)

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by waitidgaf

How far along are you on the next set? If not, when does that begin? Just curious how far out the upcoming sets are planned.

The first paper draft is done, and the team has begun implementing some of the champs and traits. Every day a new GIF or clip is posted in our design channel of "This new champ is done, here's what it does.". Typically we're not more than one set ahead right now, though we aim to be some day!

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by SpiralRavine

Now that TFT has proven to be the premiere auto-battler by outlasting all of the competition, what are some of the future plans for growth of the game? The genre as a whole seems to have fallen out of popularity: is the death of the competition worrisome, or is it an affirmation of your efforts in creating the best iteration on the market? I'm curious to know how you guys are viewing the landscape now that we're about two years into the genre's lifecycle. Thank you for all the dedication you've put into the game! It's refreshing to see big developers continue on with smaller projects at a time where some games are developed and abandoned within six months.

TFT is thriving, so we are incredibly appreciative of where we are and that 10 million people play and enjoy this game every day!

I think one thing that TFT does uniquely that helps us continue to grow and find success in a sea of strategy game options is our content model! Because of League of Legends, we are able to do something so unique, basically, remove the entire game (champions and traits) and replace it with a brand new look, feel, and gameplay every few months. I still believe this will keep us moving forward! But to your questions around what's next and the landscape overall, I really think it's expanding the TFT core gameplay in many ways to make the gameplay so many people love and bring it to more audiences. From new modes to a better competitive ecosystem, and more will increase the appeal of TFT to a large audience while keeping the core people love today the same!

We the TFT are in this for the long haul, because we believe in the game, and want to continue to make it as awesome as we can to you, all our players, and our future players to come!

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by bangarrang16

On the celestial game board there's a little purple poro with horns that wanders around. Can i get rid of it?


over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by noctghost

What made you decide to go for a Sets approach instead of an ever evolving set (like HS Battlegrounds does it)? Have you encounter resistance from the more casual players when suddenly find out they have to learn the game from scratch or have the new sets been better for attracting players overall?

When we were first exploring the auto battler concept, we had thoughts around the core gameplay, and how it feels like a puzzle to be solved and optimized. But we also felt that given enough time, that puzzle would solve out and the game would become stale. In addition, with League of Legends champions and skins, we saw an opportunity to create a wide variety of experiences as opposed to a single experience. The vision of "A space set" and "A good vs evil set" was really inspiring to us, which is why we decided to go with that approach.

Was in a universal win? Nope. We've for sure seen some players be resistant to the idea of learning things over again. But we also don't think trying to be widely generic or appealing is the path to success here, and instead are trying to create the best experience for our dedicated audience, so that TFT players are always happy with the game.

I can't as a designer say for sure which is better, I don't think scientifically there is enough evidence to make that claim. I will say the sets model is working for us though!

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by Glitterkrieger

Which Choncc is the best?


over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by screamssss

Will there ever be a way for mobile users to see what a character’s spell does before buying them? You can do this on PC by hovering over them in the shop but right now for mobile you have to buy the unit or just know. I feel like it could be done by adding an icon onto the units in the shop like an eye or an info button that, when pressed, opens a little box that has the description explaining the spell

That's not something we are currently planning, but I like your idea. We could definitely look at doing something like that for mobile in the future.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by DazBrakomir

A hot dog is most definitely a sandwich. It's primary delivery mechanism is bread, which is its main qualifier. You might be saying to yourself "But Daz.. a hot dog is only one single piece of hinged bread, not two separate slices". While you would be accurate in thinking this, I will point you to exhibit A.. The Lobster Roll.. it uses the same delivery mechanism of a single piece of hinged bread, yet is clearly accepted as a sandwich.

It is not a Sandwich, it is a Taco. If the bread is connected, it is not two slices thus not a sandwich BUT as soon as your 0.99c poor quality Hot Dog wrap rips, you just transitioned into a hot dog sandwich. Just like a Choco Taco is a Taco, even though it's filled with ice cream.

I will accept calling it a "sub"

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by SNES-1990

Is there a non zero chance we'll see chosen return in a future set?

Non-Zero? Yea it could come back someday.

Likely any time soon? Very unlikely.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Ayz1533

Random question. Lux doesn't appear to benefit from a standard Ruunan's when it comes to her ult. Is this intended?

Yes this is intended. Ruunan's only procs "On hits" where as Lux's ability is an "On attack". We do believe we need to make this difference more clear, but that's the logic currently behind it.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by Riot_nicolo

Do you plan to keep doing an awesome job and keep supporting TFT for years, if not decades to come?

<3 You bet! Decades with an emphasis on the S!

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by PeterPetrik

Hi guys ! I love the game on mobile but it's far from polished in my opinion,there is no match history which feels really bad,l so my question is - Are you planning to do any QoL or UI changes on mobile version of TFT or the game will stay the same for uncertain time ?

There is a problem where if you get matched with PC players in a lobby you almost never get a chance to compete for top 1 because of inability to quickly sell champions from the bench. Can you add something like double tap on champion on the bench to quickly sell him or something like that ?

Hey Peter, thanks for the questions. I totally agree with you, TFT mobile is still in a pretty minimal, basic state, and we are definitely planning QoL and UI improvements there.

So when it comes to things that are high APM, like rolling down, the reality is that there is always going to be a very slight disadvantage on mobile, but in my opinion, it's not very significant. We see mobile players at the highest ranks in all regions! When it comes to quickly selling champs on mobile though, we could add an option in the future for choosing whether you sell to the corners, or sell by dragging directly downwards. Double tap is hard to disambiguate from single tap and from drag, so that one may be a bit tricky, but there's some other things we could try, like maybe adding a sell button to the champ inspect panel.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by Carryusdarius

I appreciate you answering… but doesn’t this feel even a little bad to have to say? Riot’s been around the block with mobile now, Wild Rift’s utter excellence is a sign of that. TFT mobile didn’t exactly launch yesterday, it launched over a year ago? Seems really bummer that even if you can’t make a full-blown app for tablets, having basic graphics options that are “change at your own risk” is a reasonable thing to expect by now.

At any rate, no flame, no judgment - I appreciate you, but this is a wee bit less than I expected by this time, exacerbated by how top notch Wild Rift is - which I 100% understand is an unfair comparison where that game was made for mobile from inception.

It does feel bad, we do sincerely wish we could have gotten to a lot of what you mentioned by now, this is one of many for us. But I hope we can get you some of these features as soon as we can!

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by Due_Cartoonist4290

It would be nice to just pop in a friend’s game and spectate and talk with them about it, instead of having to do something like streaming it with discord. But I understand it probably takes a lot of work for something that wouldn’t be very useful

Thank you for the feedback! We will keep this in mind after we get the esports version out!

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by 328382943

Have you fixed the bug where when selling champions with a spatula item they keep the trait?

Are you working on making it so when you check enemy champion's abilities they don't only show the 1 star value or is that low priority?

Yep, we fixed the spatula bug! We should really fix the other one too.

over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Bombabo

What were some of the funniest bugs that you encountered during testing?

Set 3 Riven being able to deal damage to little legends will always be my favorite bug of all time.

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by Ou7runna

Are there any plans to make it easier for new players to get into the game? While learning comps becomes a little easier over time, there are so many items and it’s incredibly difficult to understand what to plan for and what works on what champs and in what comps. Especially on mobile where you can’t even see combinations on already equipped items, the learning curve is super high.

Right now, we don't have any specific plans to add more onboarding to TFT. You're right that there is a bit of a learning curve, and I would love to make it a little easier to learn, perhaps by adding more information and features to the Team Planner (which is only on mobile right now). However, that work would likely happen farther in the future.

TFT also has a super cool community, which makes great videos, guides and websites that help new players learn which items are good on which champs. Honestly, most of that stuff is just as good or better than the things we could add to the game.

You should be able to see combinations and recipe hints for equipped items, though! If you tap the champ, and then tap the item in the right-side champion inspect panel, you should see a list of recipe hints, if it's not a full item. If it's a full item, the recipe is shown in the tooltip footer.

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by ShirooChan

Have you guys ever tried to implement a patch wherein when you right click an item to see the item list, you could then hover to the item itself to see the details of the item? I'm a pretty casual player and that's definitely one of the things I always deal with.

Mort already stole my thunder on this one, but yes, this is coming very soon! (I wanted to ship it with Set 5, but it wasn't ready in time.)

over 3 years ago - /u/leelor - Direct link

Originally posted by KinglyO

Thanks for the reply! Cool to know you also worked on the onboarding for LoR, I was wondering about that but didn’t want my question to be too crowded!

Awesome to hear you’ve got resources to do user testing, it really is crucial IMO.

Are there plans to implement the team builder on PC? Given there’s so many web tools I can see why not, but not everyone has a second monitor/a pc that can alt tab reasonably quickly.

Another question. Since the new shadow items require a bit more knowledge (studying? exposure?) to grasp than other set mechanics, did you guys have a conversation about including a mini-tutorial for that in-game? I know mort is trying to avoid introducing things that might help each set get solved quicker (tysm for taking this stance /u/riot_mort <3 ), but I’m curious if there was conversation about the trade offs between trying to get people over the hump with understanding a foreign set (especially on mobile where I’d assume the percentage of players who are new and less familiar is higher) and making sure people still feel motivated to try out all kinds of different strategies.

Thanks again for your time and caring to answer questions!

Putting Team Builder on PC isn't on the current roadmap, but it's something I believe we should do as soon as we add more features to it. Long term, I want to put both the tutorial and the Team Builder on PC. :)

For shadow items, no, we didn't much discuss onboarding, and imo, I do not think a playable tutorial is necessary for set mechanics. I would be 100% open to having a better set introduction, though. Maybe a popup or a mini-slideshow with some quick highlights on the new mechanic would be a welcome addition.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotGreenTeej - Direct link

Originally posted by CounterfeitCast

Do you mean by this the spectator mode won't be useable outside of Riot either from friends list or custom (unranked) lobby?

If so, that's bitterly disappointing as a TFT tournament organiser, as I'd need to continue to rely on player streams to commentate the competitions I'm running, and would be a huge detriment to TFT grassroots competition of all sizes.

I really hope I'm wrong here because otherwise there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of why people having been asking for a spectator and what that would entail.

As it stands it seems like those calls are being interpreted as "we want this so Riot broadcasts can be better", rather than the more straightforward "I want to be able to watch my friend's game" and from TOs like myself "I want to be able to practically broadcast a TFT event without relying on twitch streams and cameras out of my control."

To clarify, what I'd be hoping for at minimum would be the ability to be a spectator who can change views at will and see the all the player's info we'd otherwise get from watching their stream in real time (shop/gold etc).

Anything more than that would be great, but it's been very frustrating so far to be already be able to easily already reproduce the majority of the desired spectator effect by joining a game and inting out (which is far from ideal and doesn't show the shop) and yet not have a spectator this long, or potentially ever.

Really sorry for the long post, wanted to make sure I was as clear as possible. I'm very passionate about TFT as an esport and don't want there to be a misalignment of expectations on either end.

What you described is our intent, we aim to provide a way to practically broadcast a TFT event without relying on the player's viewpoint.

A tool for tournament organizers. Sometimes that is Riot, and other times that is another organization. The exact details on how we roll this out to be used by Tournament organizers are still TBD as we are first focusing on getting the feature up and running :D!