about 4 years
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Looks like Zed brought a few +1s! Slayers deal more damage to low health champions and gain lifesteal as they themselves aproach death. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EpNgRnnXcAIDh7W.jpg
‘Tis the season for tentative truces! As Tristana and her rival set aside their differences and embrace the holiday spirit, he confesses he’s never had a name. Aghast, Tristana declares that EVERYONE should have a name... https://t.co/2fxRkK9Zh3
Lux’s Radiant Chalice purchases were disabled in select regions due to a bug with loot distribution. A fix just went out, so we’ve re-enabled them, but if you purchased Chalices before they were disabled, you’ll receive an equivalent # of them by next week.