how wise, how eloquent, you're damn right bro
how wise, how eloquent, you're damn right bro
Hello! Thank you for contributing to r/playtemtem. Unfortunately, we have decided to remove your post due to the following reason(s):
- Rule 1) Follow the Reddit rules
- Rule 2) Keep content related to Temtem
- Rule 3) Respect Temtem's Terms of Use
- Rule 4) Don't be rude
- Rule 5) Don't link NSFL content (Not Safe For Leak)
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- Rule 7) Don't sell Temtem keys or in-game goods
- Rule 8) No spamming or low effort posts
Please read the rules more carefully before posting the next time. Have a good day!
P.S: I dunno who really reported a Crema dev for spamming, but I like your style, kiddo.
P.S2: I'm too old for this leak stuff, keep me updated pls, reddit detectives.
happy cake day, Yah!!!!