The issue isn't that this is a min SV / egg moves week, it's that the numbers aren't high enough to really be worth the time investment.
As some other people have said it is easier and likely cheaper to just buy 1SV Gyalis and Orphyll (and related Tems for egg moves) from the discord market than to acquire them from Saipark this week.
If the egg move rate was 20% it would probably be good enough for the breeder demographic, though I may advocate even higher than that if the min SV for Gyalis is set at 20 and encounter rate to 25%. That or increasing all sets of values to 40% encounter rate, 25 min SV and 20% egg move chance (those are estimates for numbers, others may have done calculations to back up their ideas better than I have here).
The 27 min SV for Orphyll might be about right for the casual audience to want to try going for an all green stat Tem though so I think that's fine (though min SV's are strange for breeders since they only really want 1 50 SV or 'matching' 50's and higher min SV's can cause loss of fertility if there are SV's at 46+) but I haven't calculated the odds on that so I could be wrong.
As long as it's you are likely to catch a couple of all green stated Tems within one set of Temcards from Saipark, I'd say it's worth it for the casual audience. More so if they have egg moves. That is the bar I personally would set for weeks aimed at them.
Anyway, I appreciate the difficult position the team is in to set rewards good enough to entice people to go for them while not making them too good as to give players who got the rewards a huge advantage over those who didn't or trivalise acquiring things that are meant to be rare AND to juggle different groups of players different desires.
I hope these kinds of posts and comments offering criticism don't come across as entitled or discouraging to the team, but I think most of us understand Crema is an indie team taking on an ambitious project and are willing to stick things out and offer our ideas and suggestions in the mean time. I honestly don't ever expect any ideas I put out there to used (though I wouldn't mind) but I still enjoy the theory crafting and refining of them anyway.