17 days ago - Loki ISP - Direct link

Greetings Terrarians!

2025 is here and we are here for it! Things are setting up for this to be quite the year for Terraria and Terrarians everywhere, and we hope that everyone is as excited as we are for what is to come. From the long-awaited update to (hopefully!) the release of crossplay to the release of Terraria: the Board Game and more - there will be lots to do and enjoy. Team Terraria is - as always - beyond appreciative of each of you that choose to continue along with us on our journey. So, let's settle in and learn a bit more about what this year has in store!

On with the show...


Welcome back, Terrarians - and happy 2025! The team is already hard at work with adding a few new bits, tweaking and balancing what we have, and fixing the usual bugs that crop up. We still plan to have an ideation session to be sure there is nothing that we have left on the side that shouldn't be there - and that meeting should lock in what there is left to do.

There is a long and exciting road ahead, and to help keep our energy up whilst down deep in the caves and tunnels of development, we have found the most delicious new snack hiding within the world of Terraria...

Gem Creatures - Now them's good eatin'!

What, you don't regularly make meals out of random critters made of stone and gems? You are missing out!


Click the banner above to check out the Terraria Workshop!

Countless Terraria texture packs and worlds await you in the Terraria Steam Workshop! You are missing out if you haven't taken the time to check out these amazing creations from the community.

Working through the tickets in the system, drawing ever closer to the update being done...


Hello everyone!

On February 1st the monthly update release of tModLoader will go live.

The tModLoader team and our amazing community of contributors are back in the swing of things working on new features and fixes for tModLoader this month. Notable changes for this month's release include improvements to startup time and various other fixes. We also intend to enable the Steam Runtime this month for Linux users in an effort to make running tModLoader more compatible across different Linux systems. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if this change breaks anything for you.

For mod makers, features of note currently in preview for next month include expanded tree shaking hooks and expanded shimmer recipe decrafting control.

Modders and users should also keep an eye out for our monthly Steam announcement on the 1st where a complete listing of bug fixes and API changes for this month's release will be listed. The in-game news button on the main menu will direct you directly to the announcement once it is live.

As always, if you are having issues of any sort, definitely don't hesitate to check out our FAQ on github[github.com] or reach out to us at our Discord[discord.com].

The TML Steam Workshop has over 6000 mods for you to enjoy! Coupled with the in-game mod browser, the TML Steam Workshop is a great way to explore what modded Terraria has to offer - check it out today by clicking the banner above!

More features, continuing to evolve and grow what TML can do... and getting ready for 1.4.5.

As always, you can keep track the current progress and much more in real time at tModLoader/tModLoader[github.com] (But note that the completion percentage doesn't mean anything, because issues and PRs don't have weights.)

Developers who are willing to contribute may do so by doing PRs to the tModLoader/tModLoader[github.com] branch. (See tModLoader/tModLoader[github.com])

PlayStation, XBOX, Nintendo Switch, Mobile - DR STUDIOS
The DR Studio team is back in action and ready to tackle what lies ahead for Terraria in 2025! We are hopeful that this year will bring the long-awaited update... and then we can finally dive into the world of Terraria Crossplay. No promises still, of course, but that has remained in progress behind the scenes. We really cannot wait to show that off (well more than we already have) when the time is right. For now, let's enjoy another Terraria spoiler, shall we?

Hey, listen! Gather round as we spin a tale as old as time itself. A tale of fairies and sky islands...


Until next time, Console & Mobile friends - thanks for all of your love and support!

Greetings Terrarians!

Here's the latest and greatest happenings on the Community side of things. Thanks as always for being the most engaged and awesome gaming Community ever!

The Terraria merchandise hub is where you can find all of the latest and greatest Terraria merchandise all year round - with new stuff arriving all of the time! Check out the latest merch drops as well as some classics and pick up that epic Terraria gift for a friend (or yourself!).

Click the banner above to head to http://terraria.org/store now!​


In case you missed it before the break, we shared that Starforge Systems - master PC builders - have released an amazing Terraria-themed PC case (with accompanying wall and desk mat artwork) that should appeal to Terrarians everywhere. With the release of the new GPU generation from Nvidia, you might be in the market for an upgrade - why not pick up a snazzy new case while you are at it?

Check out the details for the Terraria PC case and more via the link below or by clicking the image above!

TERRARIA x STARFORGE PC CASE[starforgesystems.com]


January's shirt of the month features everybody's favorite Terrarian nature spirit - the Dryad. She's had a dip in the Shimmer and is sporting a whole new look. Corrupted to the core, she's taken to hanging out in much darker locales...


Pick yours up today by clicking the image above - and be sure to check out the entire collection of amazing merch over at terraria.shop!

We will be back again next month with yet another fantastic Terraria T-Shirt design!


Hello Terrarians!

Chris here, lead developer at Paper Fort Games; welcome to the first update of 2025. In this month’s Terraria: The Board Game designer diary, I'll be sharing more art, information about the game’s custom Gametrayz organiser, samples from the factory and an improved bee ally miniature.

If you missed the campaign but would like to get your hands on the game, don’t worry! Late pledges are now available by clicking the link below...

TERRARIA: THE BOARD GAME CAMPAIGN LATE PLEDGES[terraria-board-game.backerkit.com]


Let’s jump in!

As always, George has been hard at work on art assets for the game. His recent focus has been on more armor sets; you’ll find them below:

From left to right; top row: Shadow, Crimson, Ebonwood and Shadewood Armor. Bottom row: Jungle, Mining, Necro, Copper and Silver Armor.​

As you might remember, armor sets are printed onto transparent cards that are placed on top of your character card, ‘dressing’ your character and buffing their stats.

George is currently working on a unique art piece for the action card sleeve pack (included with the Hellstone pledge); even at the early sketch stage, we’re excited!



Wooden Pieces
We recently received samples of the game’s printed wooden components; character pieces, tombstone tokens, mana/health trackers and the day/night token. These were all upgraded with printed art during the campaign. We’ve experimented with various printing techniques over the past couple of months and we’re really pleased with how well the art has come out on such tiny pieces. The colours really pop!

You can watch a quick flyover of these components here​

Custom Inventory Dice
Creating custom dice is quite an involved process; one of the biggest challenges is ensuring that the material textures, colours and infills all work well together. This week, the manufacturer sent us this picture of the game’s inventory dice, used to track your resources. During the KS, these were upgraded via stretch goals from plain to marbled plastic, and then from standard to customised dice, allowing us to incorporate the Andy font and include the Terraria tree on the ‘0’ face.

The game’s custom inventory dice. Don’t they look delicious? Don’t eat them.​

Creating custom dice also allows us to play with the positioning of the faces. On a normal 6-sided die, the values of opposite faces add up to 7. This is fine if you’re rolling the dice, but if you’re using them to track something, it can be fiddly to ‘count up’ or ‘count down’ as the faces for sequential numbers aren’t necessarily next to each other. We’ve positioned the faces in such a way that ‘counting up’ and ‘counting down’ should be significantly easier.

These samples are currently on their way to us and we’re looking forward to getting our hands on them. The polyhedral character and enemy dice are also on their way.

Chinese New Year has now started; during this national holiday factories close down completely. We worked closely with the manufacturer to get as many samples sent as possible before the holiday began, so we’ll have plenty to work on while they’re away.


From the outset, we knew that this game would benefit from a custom box insert. Not just to help with organisation, but also to streamline setup, gameplay and put-away. It has taken lots of time, spreadsheets, prototypes and alterations to achieve this goal, but we’re really, really close! Last week, we ordered high-quality 3D prints of the latest tray designs and I spent 2 days going through them all, checking that every component has a place, that each of the slots was the correct size and that all of the trays fitted together as expected inside the box. There are some changes to be made by Gametrayz after this review, but we’re almost there.

Deep into the review of the Gametrayz inserts!

These prototype trays are 3D printed in a grey material, but the final plastic trays will be coloured. The stackable trays (the setup, crafting/resource and enemy trays) will have transparent lids, as will the 6 boss trays. The biome tile and card boxes will be made of thick, full-art, double-walled cardboard and will have lids. The dice you see in the setup tray are just placeholders of the correct size that we’re using while we wait for the actual dice samples. Similarly, ‘white sample’ (i.e. unprinted) cardboard components are being used to check each component’s dimensions. Not pictured here is the enemy tray; see below.

The enemy tray. Icons will be printed/embossed onto the tray; quick paper mock-ups used here so we can get a feel for readable size. A new area for wound tokens has been added top left; as these are only ever used with enemies, it’s more sensible to have them stored here than in another tray.

Like the other stable trays, this will have a transparent lid.



As part of the ongoing review process, we recently revisited the game’s ‘Ally’ tokens (the enemies spawned by Bosses during boss battles). We weren’t happy with the bee Ally; compared to our other Allies and boss miniatures it felt flat and of lower quality. In light of this, it has been remodelled; we’re much happier with the new ally!

New bee Ally with hand for scale. It might look cute, but when Queen Bee is sending them after you, you might change your mind!



Here are some of the game’s features we’ve been focusing on this month:

  • A major rulebook overhaul, taking into account feedback from the community and incorporating the latest rule modifications. Thank you to everybody who took the time to read the previous versions and share their feedback with us! This updated version of the rulebook is currently with external editors and will be improved further based on their comments. We’re aiming to publish the latest version online for backers to peruse within the next couple of months.
  • ‘Blind’ playtesting; the game is currently with playtesting groups who will play the game based solely on the rulebook.
  • Detailed review of the Gametrayz organiser system as detailed above.
  • Review of manufacturer’s component samples, including wooden pieces and ‘high-friction’ biome tile/ token coating.
  • Various small UI/ graphic design improvements across the game’s components.

I recently found one of my earliest prototypes in Tabletop Simulator. In this version, the world was built from square cards (rather than rectangular tiles), which threw up all sorts of problems with mis-orientation and cards sliding under one another. It’s certainly different, but recognisable as an early version of today’s game and a great reminder of how far we’ve come!


When we returned to the office earlier this month, we were very excited to discover that Tom Vasel from the Dice Tower has voted Terraria as one of his top 10 most anticipated games of 2025. We’re honoured to be on the list among such fantastic company!


Back in February!
I'll be back next month with more art, development news, and factory samples to show you! It’s really lovely to see everything come together; thank you all so much for your support.

Remember; if you missed the campaign but would still like to get your hands on the game, late pledges are now available via the link below:

TERRARIA: THE BOARD GAME CAMPAIGN LATE PLEDGES​[terraria-board-game.backerkit.com]

Until next time!

TERRARIA MEDIA SPOTLIGHT The Terraria community is filled with incredible fan media. We love to browse Terraria associated social pages and check out the creative minds sharing wonderful creations. We wanted to spotlight some of the trending media that caught our attention this month. Please let us know if any of the shared media has a different original creator.


by rappenem

by Enumex

by StarsAndStuff

by Linty

by Cyborus

by Suinumi

by Giantmechahamham

by MiserableGrip

by cookiehau

by Downtown-Term-1969

by BENII21

by Shadou

by DexNumber392

by Saimon101

by bukojui

by SnookyZun

by Daeodude

by posalla

TERRARIA SKRIBBL.IO EVENT WINNERS! Congratulations to the winners of the Terraria Skribbl.io event! Thank you to all who participated! With that said, let's congratulate our top 3 placers!

MasTroneP with 13,895 Points ~ 50,000 Prize Points and the Event Winner role!
Halcyon with 13,285 Points ~ 40,000 Prize Points!
Montraria with 13,225 Points ~ 30,000 Prize Points!

All 8 people who reached the finals will also receive 1,000 Prize Points!

Thanks again to everyone for participating! And special thanks to our team of Event Coordinators and Event Helpers!

If helping out with events in the Terraria community interests you, feel free to ask about applying for the Event Helper position by DMing Mod Mail in the Terraria Discord server. If you have an idea for a server event, you can send it to Event Mail to be considered. Event Coordinator applications open every so often, so keep an eye out in the server and apply!

Until next time, Terrarians - we hope you have an amazing month, and we look forward to bringing you the latest and greatest next time!
about 17 hours ago - Loki - Direct link
Greetings Terrarians!

2025 is here and we are here for it! Things are setting up for this to be quite the year for Terraria and Terrarians everywhere, and we hope that everyone is as excited as we are for what is to come. From the long-awaited update to (hopefully!) the release of crossplay to the release of Terraria: the Board Game and more - there will be lots to do and enjoy. Team Terraria is - as always - beyond appreciative of each of you that choose to continue...

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