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My biggest frustration with the concept of bullet sponge enemies (really just talking elites) is how many of them are unable to be suppressed. And I'm not even talking about the big tank dudes or guys with shields. But just any elite. They'll will walk up on you all the while face-tanking an LMG with not a care in the world, LOL. And because they hit so hard, reloading, deploying a skill, or just running from one cover to another is enough time for them to drop you in a few seconds

I mean, I'm not suggesting they shouldn't advance and I like the challenge, but after 50 rounds from and LMG directly to the head, perhaps they should stagger, run for cover or just something that doesn't make out to be an unwavering Terminator closing in on a helpless Sarah Conor from T1.

(that said, I'm also up for suggestions)
over 5 years ago - UbiSc0ttie - Direct link
Originally Posted by SaintHedgehog
Hey there, moving this post for better visibility.

- Scottie