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Tested this extensively with my clan tonight and we are positive the assault drone is crashing group members. Without fail when we were using the skill it would get called out and 9/10 times everyone but the person who summoned it would crash at the exact same time.

We were getting so frustrated but started to see the cause and then tested. Once we got everyone to stop using drones no one crashed for the rest of the night (We have people on DX11/DX12 and many system setups. PC)

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about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Hey OP. Sorry to hear you're having crashing issues. Since you seem to be able to reliably reproduce those, would it be possible to ask you to record this happening?

Thanks a lot for this report, by the way!

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by jtmf

/u/TotalyMoo I am also having multiple BSOD and complete system crashes (PC shutsdown) after playing for about 1 hour. No overheating or hardware related problems. What should I do to further investigate this? :/ I am using DX12.

Are you running on 419.35 drivers? They work a lot better with DX12, but for some it's still a problem. Please try disabling DX12 if you still get crashes when running the latest drivers.

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by Deadshot5

I can vouch for him. I spent two and a half hours trying every crash fix posted here and completely reinstalled the nVidia drivers to no avail. I don't know if this is causing my personal crashes but I had the other three people in my group disconnect multiple times yesterday, and I was using the assault drone most of the time.

Thanks for the information, could you let me know if these stop happening if you use other skills than the Assault Drone?

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by corectlyspelled

Do you not have a computer?

I do :D But a lot of these problems/crashes can often be different based on hardware etc, so getting local repros from people experiencing these helps a lot.

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by EvenLynx

As requested by the op as well, here are two footages:

  1. https://youtu.be/G1Eixd28MJE?t=90 I used the fixer drone and immediately teammates disconnected. No idea if they crashed or not, since it was a random matchmaking.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5X6n6nz478 Teammate was using assault drone and it has been hammering a heavy for a while, then suddenly I crashed to desktop. After I connected back in, I could see another teammate also disconnected.

Thank you so much! Did you submit crash reports when this happened? Sharing this repro with the team.

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by EvenLynx

Sorry I didn't. With the crashes I had already turned off what I could, crash reporting on uplay was one of the things I didn't get to turn on again. :(

Crap, OK. Please turn that back on and, if it happens again, submit the crash report. (here's to hoping it doesn't happen again)

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by MadIfrit

Thanks for the quick response. I'm throwing my anecdotal experience in: when playing missions with other agents, I've specifically crashed while using the drone skill and have seen others crash while using the drone. This was in the air and space museum about 7 times in a row. Everything was fine if solo.

Appreciate it, even if anecdotal it allows us to see patterns and reproduce, so it's super helpful.

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by corectlyspelled

Thanks for the reply. It probably sounded snarky but in the back of my head I always wondered why y'all don't just hop on whatever system the bug is happening on and see lol. Also was playing off the do you not have a phone fiasco. Great game btw.

No worries, but thanks for clarifying. I actually chuckled when I read your original comment, but that's just me loving snark.

To elaborate on your question, there are SO many factors that can cause a unique bug/crash to happen, for example but not limited to:

  • 3rd party software installed on / running on PC
  • ISP / network hardware / other units on the network
  • Unique hardware configurations
  • Unique matchmaking configurations (some people have the weirdest home networks)
  • Faulty installations of either game or 3rd party software
  • Driver incompatibility / not updated / corrupted
  • Admin/OS issues or broken privileges

This does not take into account the fact that a crash/bug can look identical from a user's (or our) perspective, but have completely different root causes in reality.

We QC on a ridiculously wide set of devices, consoles and configurations - but this still only covers a fraction of the possible edge cases. This is why we often work together with people experiencing issues to find a repro together and solve it quicker, rather than guess in the dark.

Hope that shed some light on the topic! :)

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

Speaking of DX12....

i ran beautifully on DX 11 for 14 hours with no stuttering. I decided to test. dx12 with the new driver and changes since beta. Within 10 minutes got stuttering.

Here's the kicker. Ever since, i get the stuttering on DX11 now.. Multiple game restarts, PC restarts and verified game file integrity. Nothing helped.

Seems very weird that something would persist after disabling DX12. It probably sounds like "user seeing patterns where there are none" situation, but I am firm on this before/after/persistence stuttering experience.

Are you on fullscreen or borderless windowed?

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

Borderless window

Alright, have you tried going back to DX12, then down to 11 again? This is an entirely new problem from my perspective, so gotta dig a bit :)

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

I haven't tried switching back to DX12 then down to DX11 again. It'll be about 11 hours before I'm home from work, unfortunately.

I'm not sure if it is universal to those experiencing stutters, but any input (changing direction, opening menu, etc) is non-responsive during the stutter.

Since input issues coincided, i toggled 'reduce input latency' to off, with no change noticed. This was in DX11 after having switched back from DX12.

Also, according to my system monitor, I wasn't pegged on RAM usage, so i don't suspect a memory leak. About 90%/100% CPU/GPU usage typically. Haven't seen any CPU spikes, but i didn't have a trend of that data either.

Please do let me know when you have the chance, thanks!

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by absolutkaos

Hi /u/TotalyMoo - FWIW, this happened to me & a friend last night as well. I submitted an error report via PSN (w/ video attached both times).

I was in his party, he was underleveled to me, so his power level was up converted from like level 3 to level 14 (roughly).

He was using the drone w/ fixer attachment.

Both times, the game hard crashed to the PSN error reporting screen, and for about 30 seconds the whole PS4 was bricked at 0% status on the error reporting screen.

Then it went to the error report submission screen where i attached the video, etc.

After reporting it brought me back to the PS4 home screen and i had to relaunch the game.

Thanks for submitting those crash reports. Please try running without any drone, and get back to me if the issue persists.

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by Galbzilla

I’m a software engineer as well. We had a guy who was demoing some test software a few years ago and he had an unhandled exception that crashed his program. My team lead told him to get the information and fix the bug and he said that it was “a one time thing.” We still laugh about it today. If it happened once, it will and can happen again.

It's amazing how turning something off and then back on again can solve most issues in tech. :D

about 5 years ago - /u/TotalyMoo - Direct link

Originally posted by TheMightyMush

Hey, I really need your help. I literally cannot get through the first main mission without crashing. I've submitted bug reports every time, but I would really like to be able to talk to a developer about this issue... More than willing to help work on the problem but at this point, the game is unplayable on my machine with a 1080 TI and R7 1700x.

Hi, have you reached out to customer support? I'd love to help you but believe they will be much more efficient in helping you troubleshoot this particular issue as I've never seen it before - so I'll most likely just try normal troubleshooting steps like updating drivers and reinstalling :)

Sorry for your troubles, and hope they get solved!