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Hey guys ,
quick question about the storage issue I'm kinda facing . There's new gear and exotics coming out all the time in the Division 2 which obviously is awesome , problem is where tf I put all the new stuff ? What's the problem with extending the stash to 500 items ? Playing for years now 300 items is just bs and I'm sure it's not just me . Can we do something please .

over 2 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by HatfieldCW

Is it related to the game automatically populating the permitted item list with food and beverage items that correspond to residents' diet? I ran into that with animal enclosures, homes, prisons and my somnic pools.

If it's enabled, then any time an entity moves into a building, the building's storage preferences seem to be updated to include everything that the entity is permitted to eat, which led to my pasture becoming the default storage location for all my carrots, instead of my kitchen.

Annoying, but you can edit the properties of the building to prevent it.

This was my first guess too. Though, when you try to edit those items, there's supposed to be a popup telling you the list is populated by the diets.

about 2 years ago - UbiChrisMANG - Direct link

@Noway1868 Hello, how's it going? This ended up in the wrong Discussion so I will move it for you to The Division 2 🙂

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