Original Post — Direct link
Place: Kenly students association building

Problem 1: impossible to enter room with some audiolog. I am being rubberbanded when trying to get there. Shown on video: https://sendvid.com/486e52gi

Later in the game there is a quest to reset power using cables in correct order. One of the cables (blue) is in this room and this quest is impossible to complete because I (or anyone from any of my groups) cannot enter this room.

Problem 2: problem with enemies spawning behind closed doors is still present despite being in this patch changelog.

Thankfully game ignored these enemies and allowed me to continue playing after I killed 3rd guy in another room.
over 4 years ago - UbiT00n - Direct link
Hey we have raised this on our end, and our teams are looking into this.

For now players have been finding this workaround to work for them : https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthrea...gression-Stuck