Original Post — Direct link

Hi guys,
I think there could be a problem with the Summit rng. I've farmed gear for the last couple of days with 'backpack targeted loot' option enabled, and that's a list of exotics that I've collected:
5 acosta bags
2 lullaby
1 mantis
1 memento
1 ninja kneepads

I mean, FIVE Acosta and no Ninja bags? A 'bad loot day', maybe, but, you know, it' s somehow bizarre.
Is it just me? Does it happen only in the Summit?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Nova - Direct link

Thanks for providing your experience @LtWaterboy with @Hastur-01 query.

@Hastur-01, if you would like to provide any feedback, regarding the RNG in the Summit, we can pass that on for you.

If there's anything else we can assist with, please let us know.