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A clanmate and I were running the Summit's top floors yesterday with a couple of PUGs to get the Ridgeway project started on some of our toons before the update today... when we came across the elusive MAJ "Clyde" Orangutani in the high 90's. OK, so that wasn't his real name, but when you see the pics below (and yes, the ID marker in the first image was photoshopped by yours truly), you'll understand the moniker. The NPC was so badly glitched out, 'he' even had the simian walk/run mimicked perfectly. I was hunched over in my seat, laughing SO hard, I couldn't even fire my rifle. Nevertheless, I was able to get these screencaps for your enjoyment.

Here's "Clyde" alongside Clint Eastwood in 1978 (Every Which Way But Loose), before he started shaving and practicing proper hygiene.

over 4 years ago - UbiT00n - Direct link
That GIF is a perfect representation of this bug which happens :')
Thanks for all the screenshots, it appears this one is very random once facing off with the White Tusks.
I'll add this to our ongoing report.