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6 slots
32 talents (i know there are restrictions so this is lower per slot)
16 sets

Lets say you want a specific slot and maker with the right talent , lets assume only 10 talents are available on that item , then the expectation is roughly one drop in one thousand will fill those criteria.

Now lets say you need to pick if it has 1 ,2 ,3 or 4 attributes, if you care what colour they are (and lets be honest as this is how builds wprl your going to.) lets assume you only want two slots of the right colour. 1/4 X 1/3X 1/3

Now the odds are up to one in 36.000 The maths here is jank and wrong im illustrating a oint only.

now lets say you want to actually pick what attribures you have , not just the colour, maybe you want rolls in the upper half? a decent armour roll or god forbid a decent GS.

well now its pretty easy to have better odds of winning the national lottery than getting the drop you want.

sure we hunt all 6 slots at once and recal lets us fix one attribute but i still feel the tick rate of "good vs bad" drops is way out of whack.

To be clear im not asking for gearing up to perfection to be easy, cheap, fast or even Possible.

But we do need to be able to make progress towards it. why is crafting pointless, why cant it be used in recal ?
Why now that we have recalibration budgets are we still restricted to only altering one attribute?

If im alone in this fair enough but i have found my activity in the division 2 has boiled down to farm up a full inventory , go through it piece by piece , sell everything because i cant use any of it and im full on resources because outside of the daily they have no use, repeat a few times until i log out. then next day i find it a little harder to launch the game in the first place.

put a total budget on recal , allow us to freely swap attributes even across colours. let us use anything with the right attribute as an addititive system rather than a stat replacement , make it cost more and more as we get higher up the budget.

just let us actually make progress! we dont even have to be able to reach the goal but we do have to be able to move twards it.
almost 6 years ago - UbiSc0ttie - Direct link
Based on what I'm reading in this thread, my question would be this: What loot are you currently grinding for? Based on your own current builds, what are you looking for in the loot pool that will give you that "the grind is worth it" feeling?

- Scottie