I'm not sure why you think I'm just here to do damage control.
Because that is your job. Community Manager in this industry basically just means that you are part of the PR & marketing effort around this game. Compared to the first game it's quite obvious that your employer wanted to invest into someone who's likeable, which you definitely are, and who can spread some feelgood vibes around reddit to calm down the negativity. It's fairly obvious what your job is, apart from translating from and to the devs.
We receive a lot of feedback but, mostly due to the nature of how we as humans communicate with each other on Social Media, most feedback is pretty thin on details and doesn't really give us anything to act upon.
Act upon? You guys keep throwing around all these theories and explanations but the truth of the matter is that this has been an issue with the first game from day one, and it most likely will stay an issue for as long as this game stays online. Of course you can't admit to that, probably not even internally, so we all have to take part in this dance, pretending that we don't realize that the music is simply too quiet (or the servers too shaky).
Your constant negative attitude towards our communication doesn't really help us either. I understand there are frustrations with us, the game and other things but I'm also curious what drives you to reply like you do. As you say, it's fascinating to me and I'd love to learn more.
It's hardly negative as it's more realistic I'd say. This industry, your employer included, just can't be honest for the life of them. What exactly is "negative" about asking about drop chances for something that your players are investing thousands of hours into?
It's a very simple question but you simply can't and won't answer it because for your employer it's more important to manipulate players in a crass disrespect of their time and effort, than just being transparent for once.
What exactly is "negative" about holding your employer accountable for the promises that were made and broken?
This game has turned out to be an unfinished mess, again, and like so many other studios in this industry, you simply refuse to learn from players out of sheer arrogance. With how many drastic changes the LIVE game has seen already, I think it's safe to say that we are playing yet another Beta version of a game - one we were charged for unfortunately.
This industry has almost lost all the customer goodwill and respect there is because time and time again you decided for screwing players over, lying to them, or just ignore them when it's convenient.
And this is not only the opinion of an "entitled and toxic" gamer, even developers themselves start waking up to this.
Here, a statement from the Everspace devs about their sequel: "Finally, we have noticed that since our last Kickstarter, things have changed quite a bit. Due to broken promises from indie devs all the way to AAA publishers, it is probably no exaggeration to say that trust in developers is at an all-time low, especially in regards to Epic Games Store exclusives of titles that were originally (co)funded on Kickstarter."*
That speaks volumes, and the EGS part also partially applies to Ubisoft games.
Or let's look on your newest abomination, Ghost Recon:Breakpoint. I get it, you're already typing "Unfortunately I can't comment on what other teams are making" blabla, but in terms of greed and incompetence this game easily puts EA to shame. And you wonder why gamers are becoming more critical & skeptical?
It's because you guys know no shame anymore, and your public reputation is slowly settling somewhere between big pharma and big tobacco.
And you, Mr. Gansler, you're part of this machinery, with all your defenses, excuses, justifications, explanations, or just your "understanding".
I personally don't know how people like you sleep at night but I'm sure you have your internal justifications for what you do and who you're working for.
And now hit me with your feelgood lies about all the passion, inspiration, creativity, and customer focus you're experiencing at your employer.