The first target of the new Manhunt has just been located, Agents. Take down Rogue Agent Termite and make the first step towards locating Hornet.
While you're at it, enjoy a week of Double XP as we sink our teeth into Season 2.
Agents, check out what's coming and when throughout Season 2 - Keener's Legacy. Whether you're hot on the heels of Season 1 or just jumping back into D.C. - you'll want to be in the know.
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This week, Season Two: Keener’s Legacy, of The Division 2: Warlords of New York begins.
Take down these all new targets, participate in new Leagues, Global Events, and more. And of course, earn all-new gear, weapons, and a new skill variant.
The Street Activation Apparel Event has been postponed to ensure top quality.
The event will be released later this season and we will announce a new event timetable at a later date. TU 15.3 is still bound for release on July 5th to fix the damage glitch as well as other issues.