Original Post — Direct link
over 4 years ago - /u/Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

Hey AKAMA, I saw a post earlier showing this happening in The Summit... but the backdrop here doesn't look like that.

Do you recall where/what activity you got that purple named drop and what difficulty you were playing on?

over 4 years ago - /u/Ubi-RealDude - Direct link

Originally posted by AKAMA199

Me and my friends were about to do a heroic run in Lincoln memorial and got it in the manhunt bounty last I remember, when my friend pulled me aside and told he found a named purple item. the global settings were set to heroic and fog of war directive

Just to circle back on this, we should see a correction to the Superior (Purple) quality named items after the December 15 maintenance. Please let me know if this continues happening after the servers come back up tomorrow!