Original Post — Direct link
Are we really expected to wait until patch 3.1 or even 4 for these fixes by then you will have no players left to fix the game for.

VoIP still does not work

Constant delta 3 errors

NPCs that are like the FLASH

Weapons disappearing

Doing no damage to both NPCs and Players in the DZ.

Speaking Of DZ explain to me Ubisoft how is it that I can have 287k armor and 213k health with a P416 with a weapon base damage of 25.7k and players with less armor, health, and weapon damage, shread me and take everything i throw at them while they charge at me but then when i change two gear items to have less armor and health and the same base damage on my gun i can tank more incoming damage it makes no sense.

Constant lagging in servers not sure where the hell I am being connected with but the connection symbol shows I have a solid connection yet its constant lag (and no its not my internet connection).

Sound cuts off making me feel like I have gone deaf.

Loading screen it flickers and flashes its gonna give people with epilepsy a fit.

Something else that does not make sense is in the ODZ with a weapon base damage of 25.7k I hit NPCs in the body for 32k and in the head for 67k but on players, I hit in the body for 16k and in the head, for 22k I thought it was only normalized that neutered my damage.

All in All this game is becoming so frustrating and making me so Pissed that I really do not want to play it anymore whatever it is your doing clearly is not working

Almost forgot loot is still terrible still can't get certain items to drop and some items I've never even seen 0.00.045% Chance to get what it is your looking for is not enough

You could spend years in this game and still never get the item you are looking for.

The Raid is fun and all but tell me why would I want to keep playing it for a minute chance to get the new exotic AR which I could maybe never see.

Issues like some I mentioned should no be in a AAA game at this point and us as Players should not be expected to stick around and keep playing while they exist.
almost 6 years ago - UbiSc0ttie - Direct link
Hey there, thanks for providing this list for us. I'll make a list of what I can and pass it along.

- Scottie