Original Post — Direct link
Guys all of you needs a break from this game The Division 2. It makes no sense playing it, totally unstable from day 1 launch date.

There's a bunch of new games out there you can play on.
almost 4 years ago - UbiT00n - Direct link
This thread is classed as Trolling.

This is a forum for those who are playing The Division 2 to give their thoughts and feedback, I don't feel that telling community members to stop playing the game is a useful topic.

Trolling consists of the following:

"This includes
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums, chatrooms or gamelobbies
Causing disturbances in forum threads, chatrooms or gamelobbies, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making posts designed to or likely to get inappropriate responses."

Please respect the forum rules: https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthrea...1#post10142074

I shall be closing this thread.