Original Post — Direct link
Like the beta That was happening with the weapons Audio cutting out came back along with The NPCs Issues .This game with each patch has a wash rinse repeat effect A patch comes out creating the same issues over a Over unbelievable.Either its Some new bug or Same bugs claimed to be fixed before arises .Oh Distract Union Not able to progress after you kill bosses in garage .The Rushing Of The NPCs Are Worse then ever Playing GrandWashingTon Hotel Hyenas Worse then ever on top of the Rusher she seems to have a extra boost of speed all the NPCs a There Speed is insane Causing more frustration I Had to turn the game off is this what we want the players to do .All this creating A Terrible Experience
almost 6 years ago - UbiSc0ttie - Direct link
Yikes. Is this happening for Xbox players as well? Let me know, so I can make note of this properly.

- Scottie