Original Post — Direct link
Is it a group of a dozen in-house testers?

I've been on these forums for a while and I've never seen anyone saying:

"Lower the ammo count for extended clips"
"Make skill builds completely useless"
"Add in set gear that nobody will enjoy using"
"Make the darkzone less fun"

And yet they've done all of that.
about 5 years ago - UbiSc0ttie - Direct link
Originally Posted by Sensible-Jack
The problem was People ASSUMED the negatives would be removed and just the 60 round mag with no downsides would be left. That was never ever going to happen, you can't have a 60 round crutch with no negatives.

Anyway the negatives were hardly noticeable and didn't really affect weapons in the first place yet this place went bat sht crazy over literally nothing, end result we got the nerfs that (if people were honest they knew were coming)

I currently do everything upto and including challenging with a Classic FAL (it has a 21 round mag) and it does perfectly fine, and an 1886 (5 round mag)
Interesting you shared this viewpoint with us!
Normally, I see this type of statement on Reddit, but I have not someone say this on the official forums.

- Scottie