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The answer is not level 50. The answer is CONTENT

I speak for at least myself and a good part of this player base, that we DO NOT want to re-grind 50+ builds for all 4 characters. I don't want to regrind all the exotics. I don't want to play the game basically all over again to get to the same place with a different f*cking number next to my gear. I don't care if you set it in Seattle, Chicago, Paris, or Zimbabwe.

There are a TONE of people with multiple characters, and high SHD levels. Does SHD become useless after 50? Does it just go back to your normal SHD? Do you get all your SHD resource points back once you get to 50? Is there a way to convert your lvl 40 gear to 50? None of these make sense at this point of the game's life cycle.

IMO, the game will lose SO MANY high level players with a level 50 increase. It will turn all of our loot obsolete. All of our characters, kaput. All of our builds... useless. No thanks.

If you want to incorporate another paid expansion... Fine. Go for it. Just make it worth it. Give us something tangible... something real. There are COUNTLESS ways to go about it. Just go through this sub. There is no shortage of absolutely fantastic ideas. You don't HAVE to add a new level cap.

Please. No level 50.

Context: SHD 3200 now. 4 Characters. Nearly perfectly optimized builds on all of them. All legendary, raids, exotics, all of it... done. New content needed.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Ubi-Johan - Direct link

Just jumping in to say that we have no current plans to increase the level cap in the upcoming content.

More information on what lies ahead will be coming soon.